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Optimization: Website clicks or conversion campaigns

Optimizing your Website clicks or conversions campaign will maximize users visiting and taking an action on your website — like reading an article, downloading a whitepaper, or making a purchase.

Top Tips:

  • Utilize our specialized Website Card ad formats
  • Place website tags on your website to best track conversions
  • Target website visitors and lookalikes of website converters

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  • Gear your Tweets toward conversions
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    When setting up your Website clicks or conversions campaign, you’ll notice that we offer two options for your ad creatives. One option we call image+link. Catch the user’s eye with an in-Tweet image, and prompt them to click a URL in the Tweet copy. The other option is our Website Card. Use our purpose-built layout to show a compact image with a call-to-action button.

    • Test both image+link and Website Card creatives. Among the thousands of advertisers we’ve worked with, some find the eye-catching imagery of image+link performs best for them, while others find that the Website Card’s clear call to action is most effective for them. Discover which camp you fall in — test both creative types. If you are testing out different image sizes and curious of the spec requirements for specific cards, refer to this article.
    • Include a link and explain. Send users to a destination where they can take action. Avoid mis-clicks by managing a user’s expectations: will the link lead to where they can browse products? Read an article? Shop your sale?
    • Convey a sense of urgency. Why do people need to visit your site right now? Is your offer available for a limited time? Is the supply limited? Consider the real-time nature of the Twitter platform and give people a reason to take immediate action.
    • Test different calls to action (CTAs). Test more aggressive calls to action (e.g. ‘Get a Quote,’ ‘Book Tickets,’ or ‘Shop our Sale’) against softer CTAs (e.g. ‘Learn More’)
    • Keep your promoted tweets current. Develop a cadence of refreshing with new Tweets to keep users interests. For your always-on campaigns, consider using a calendar with regular reminders to introduce fresh Tweet copy. 
  • Set up conversion tracking pixels on your website
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    Conversion tracking for websites lets you measure the number of users who convert on your website after viewing or engaging with your Promoted Tweets within your specified time window. To enable conversion tracking, generate one or more website tags in your Twitter Ads account, then place the tags on the respective landing pages. You can set custom attribution windows, view the revenue your campaigns are driving, and see which Tweets or targeting parameters are driving the most conversions.

    Without implementing conversion tracking to provide you a clear picture of your campaign performance, you’re optimizing in the dark. For more information on conversion tracking including set up guides, visit this page.

  • Remarket to past website visitors
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    Create audiences of Twitter users who have visited and converted on your website within your Twitter Ads account via the Tools < Audience Manager tab. After you've placed website tags on pages of your website, allow a few days for tailored audiences of website visitors and converters to be created. As you’re building a new campaign and selecting your targeting, you can choose to target and expand its reach to target similar users. For your audience of website converters, you can choose to exclude that same tailored audience, after having expanded it. That way, you’ll target only users similar to your website converters, without re-messaging your website converters.

    To get started with remarketing, please refer to this article

Website clicks optimization FAQ's

  • How can I drive more users to my website?
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    Our Website clicks or conversions campaign objective is specially designed to promote your website and get more traffic. These campaigns allow you to feature your website content with Website Cards — a powerful ad format that allows users to preview an image, related context, and a clear call-to-action in their timeline.

    Follow our above tips to ensure your campaign is fully optimized to deliver the best results. 

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  • How do I set up my website conversions campaign?
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    Find our detailed Website clicks or conversions campaign set up guide here

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  • In the Twitter Ads Manager, we are reporting on the number of times a Twitter user clicks on a link or the advertisers' Website Card. This is logged as soon as the click action happens.

    In 3rd party analytics platforms, you will receive reporting on the number of times that unique users landed on your webpage and stayed long enough for the page to load completely (triggering their analytics tracking code.)

    This is what drives the difference between the two numbers you are seeing. This can vary based on:

    • Load Time - for example, on slow cell networks, it may take longer for the link to request and page to load, so users may exit out before loading the website.
    • Intent - users may click on an image but exit out when they realize a website is loading.

    To improve these numbers, we recommend testing different creative formats, including:

    • Picture + Link in Tweet Copy - try adding an image + a link in the tweet copy, instead of the Website Card. This has increased link click intent in certain cases.
    • Only a link in Tweet Copy - try using just a link in a tweet copy. This too has resulted in more intentional link clicking behavior from users.

    Also, when using the Website Card, we suggest using the “Optimize for website conversions” campaign optimization preference. This will ensure your campaign drives more link clicks by users with high likelihood to convert on their website.

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