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Start your Awareness campaign

Create an Awareness campaign

Awareness campaigns increase brand awareness by getting as many people to see your Tweet as possible. Tweet impressions are the only thing you pay for, but people are also likely to follow, Retweet you, or visit your website after discovering your Tweets.

Setting up your Awareness campaign

To begin, create and login to your Twitter Ads account. 

  1. Click "Create campaign" in the top right corner of your Ads manager
  2. Choose "Awareness" from the list of campaign objectives
  3. You'll be brought to the "Details" tab the campaign setup form. Here you will name your campaignchoose your funding source, and set campaign dates and budget
  4. Next, you'll setup your first ad group. You can set ad group start and end times if you wish
  5. Select the bid type you'd like to use in your campaign: 
    • Automatic bid: here your bid will auto-optimize to get the best results at the lowest price (within your budget). Automatic bid is the easiest way to quickly get your campaigns live and serving impressions on the platform
    • Target cost: here you can name the bid you’d like to pay per 1,000 Tweet impressions. Your campaign will then auto-optimize your bids to achieve a daily average cost that meets or beats your target. You will pay the actual average cost for 1,000 impressions during the day. If you change your bid over the course of a day, it will average to the highest target cost you set
  6. Choose between two optimization options for your campaign:
    • Maximum reach: this option will maximize the unique reach of your campaign. Choose this option if you're looking to reach the widest audience possible (within your targeting parameters)
    • Reach with engagement: this option will seek to maximize the reach of your campaign while still maintaining engagements
  7. Select the audience you'd like your ads to serve to in the "Targeting" tab of campaign setup. Learn more about our targeting options
  8. Choose the Tweets you'd like in your campaign. You can also customize the Twitter locations you'd like your Tweets to serve on this step
  9. Review your final campaign setup on the "Review & Complete" tab. If you'd like to add additional ad groups to your campaign, you can do so on this screen
  10. Launch your Awareness campaign!

Serving your Awareness campaign

Tweets in Awareness campaigns are served in a number of locations:
  • Users' timelines. Awareness campaigns may be visible within a user’s timeline if an advertiser has promoted a Tweet that is relevant to that user.
  • Profiles and Tweet detail pages. When a user you've targeted visits a Twitter profile or tweet detail pages, they may be eligible to be served your impression.
  • At the top of relevant search results pages on (optional). Awareness campaigns from our advertising partners are called out at the top of some search results pages on and through select ecosystem partners, like Hootsuite.

The first two options are required serving locations for Awareness campaigns, however you can customize whether you want your tweets to appear in search results. 

Viewing your results

In your Ads Manager you'll be able to see the results of your Awareness campaigns. Filter the date range in the top right corner to see key metrics such as total spendresults (1,000 impressions), cost per result (cost per 1,000 impressions), and result rate.

An impression is any time your ad is shown to users on

Learn more about how to use Ads manager to view and download metrics. 

Awareness FAQs

  • Why and when should I use an awareness campaign?
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    The Awareness campaign objecitve is designed to maximize the unique reach of your Tweets. Choosing this campaign is the perfect way to drive overall awarness for your brand among a wide audience, while still being able to control the cost per impression. You'll have the option to choose between optimizing purely for unique reach, or reach with engagements. This objective also offers no targeting or creative restrictions. 


    Tweet impressions are the only thing you pay for. But because the Awareness objective puts your Twitter presence in the spotlight, you could acquire followers, website visits, likes, and Retweets as well. Because of this, we recommend the awareness objective as your "always-on" Twitter solution or the starter campaign for when your goals are more general. Choose this objective if you're looking to drive general brand awareness.

    If your main measure of success is Tweet engagement or video views, we recommend you run campaigns under those objectives.

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  • What type of Tweets can I use in my awareness campaign?
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    There are no technical limitations on the tweet types you can use in the Awareness objective. However, if you are running video creative you may achieve lower video view rates than with a Video Views campaign. Check out our Advertiser card specifications page to see all available tweet types. 

    Remember, no matter what type of tweet you use, you'll always be charged for every 1,000 Tweet impressions in this campaign objective.

    All advertisers and their promoted tweet content must comply with our Twitter Ads policies

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  • How much does an awareness campaign cost?
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    Twitter’s cost-per-action pricing ensures you only pay for the specific actions you are looking to drive. 

    When you run an Awareness campaign, you will only be charged for every 1,000 Tweet impressions you acquire from that campaign. Any Tweet engagements that occur as a result of these impressions are free.

    The cost you pay per 1,000 Tweet impressions in your Awareness campaign will depend on the budget and bid you set for your campaign, as well as the targeting you select. You'll receive real time bid guiddance based on your targeting in your campaign setup. More on Twitter Ads pricing.


    When setting up your Awareness campaign you can select between automatic or target cost as your bid type. We suggest selecting the target bid option since this will give you the flexibility to successfully bid on 1,000 impressions from users who fit your targeting criteria, while staying near or below your target costs per 1,000 impressions. When you setup your campaign and input your bid, think of your target bid as how much you're willing to pay for every 1,000 impressions.

    It's important to think carefully about the value every 1,000 Tweet impresssions brings to your business and brand awareness. The recommended bid is a good indicator of the amount you will need to bid for your campaign to reach its goal. You will never be charged more than your bid and advertisers are often charged less.  However, if your bid is not competitive relative to other advertisers, your campaign may not serve.

    In addition to controlling the amount you pay per action, you also have complete control over the amount you spend overall. After setting your bid, you are prompted to enter a total budget for the campaign and, optionally, a daily budget as well. When your overall budget is reached, you campaign will stop serving until you increase the budget. When your daily budget is reached, your campaign will stop serving until the next day. 


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More questions? 

Check out these pages: Campaigns 101 | Intro to campaign optimization | Twitter Ads pricing | Campaign targeting

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