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Advertiser creative specifications


  • Plain text Tweet
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    Tweet copy: 280 characters (note: each link used reduces character count by 24 characters, leaving 256 characters for Tweet copy.)

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  • Image Website card
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    Website Card 191
    Website Card 11

    Tweet copy: 280 characters

    Website title length: 70 characters. Please note — depending on device and app settings this description may truncate. Although not guaranteed, limiting the description to 50 characters should ensure that truncation won’t occur across most devices.

    Image size: 800 x 418 pixels for 1.91:1 aspect ratio, 800 x 800 pixels for 1:1 aspect ratio (max 3mb)

    Aspect Ratio: 1:91:1 or 1:1. (Please note the 1x1 aspect ratio is not available to self serve advertisers at this time.)

    File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files.

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  • Image app card
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    Tweet copy: 280 characters

    Image size: 800 x 800 pixels (max 3mb) for 1:1 aspect ratio. 800 x 418 pixels (max 3mb) for 1.91:1 aspect ratio

    File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files. Note that GIFs uploaded will render as a static image.

    Title/price: Pulled from app store.

    Call to action options: Install (default if app is not installed), Open (default if app is installed), Play, Shop, Book, Connect, and Order.

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  • Tweet copy: Media Studio and Ads Manager allow the full 280 characters when tweeting.

    Title (under video): 70 characters.

    Description (under video): 200 characters.

    File type: MP4 or MOV.

    File size: 1GB Max

    Max time: 2 minutes and 20 seconds (Select advertisers are eligible to request an increase up to 10 minutes. Please contact your Twitter Account Manager for more information.)


    Video Codec: H264 High Profile
    Frame Rate: 30 FPS (Note that if the available video has a lower frame rate don't try to "upsample" it.)
    Video Resolution: 720x1280 (portrait), 1280x720 (landscape), 720x720 (square)
    Minimum Video Bitrate: 5,000kbps
    Audio Codec: AAC LC
    Aspect Ratio: 16:9 or 1:1 (square)



    Supported file types: PNG or JPEG.

    Recommended aspect ratio: 16:9 or 1:1

    Minimum size: 640 pixels by 360 pixels.

    Max size: 5mb

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  • Single Image Tweets & GIFs
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    Note: When using the same image across desktop and mobile, we recommend sticking to the mobile specs — which will work across both. Selecting desktop specifications may result in cropping on mobile.


    Tweet copy: 280 characters are available when composing Tweets using and our native applications. In, 280 characters are available in the creatives dropdown and via the blue compose button in the upper right hand corner of your ads dashboard.

    Image width/height: Minimum 600 X 335 pixels, although larger images (for example 1200 X 675) will be better optimized for when users click to expand images.

    Aspect ratio: 16:9.

    Image file size: Max 15mb on and 3mb on

    File types: PNG, JPEG, or GIF are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files.


    Tweet copy: 280 characters are available when composing Tweets using and our native applications. In, 280 characters are available in the creatives dropdown and via the blue compose button in the upper right hand corner of your ads dashboard.

    Image width/height: We recommend a minimum width of 600 pixels, although larger images (for example 1200 pixel images) will be better optimized for when users click to expand images. Any height is acceptable, although if the height exceeds the width, we will crop to 1:1 (see aspect ratio details).

    Aspect ratio: Any aspect between 2:1 and 1:1 is acceptable. For example, 1200 X 600 (2:1), 1200 X 800 (3:2) or 1200 X 1200 (1:1). After 1:1 aspect ratio (for example, 1200 X 1400) we’ll crop to a 1:1 aspect ratio.

    Image file size: Max 15mb on & 3mb on

    File types: PNG, JPEG, or GIF are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files.

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  • Multi-image Tweets
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    Tweet copy: 280 characters are available when composing Tweets using and our native applications. In, 280 characters are available in the creatives dropdown and via the blue compose button in the upper right hand corner of your ads dashboard.

    Image width/height: Minimum 600 X 335 pixels, although larger images (for example 1200 X 675) will be better optimized for when users click to expand images.

    Aspect ratio: For two images, the images will be side by side, both at 7:8 aspect ratios. For three images, there will be one 7:8 aspect ratio image on the left, with two 4:7 aspect ratio images running up the right side of the image. For four images, there will be four 2:1 aspect ratio images in a grid.

    Image file size: Max 3mb on max 1048kb on

    File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files.


    Tweet copy: 280 characters are available when composing Tweets using and our native applications. In, 280 characters are available in the creatives dropdown and via the blue compose button in the upper right hand corner of your ads dashboard.

    Image width/height: We recommend a minimum of 600PX X 600PX images, although larger images (for example 1200 X 1200 pixel images) will be better optimized for when users click to expand images.

    Aspect ratio: Multi image Tweets will always be cropped to a square (1:1 aspect ratio). For two images, the images will be side by side horizontally. For three images, there will be one large square image on the left, with two square images running up the right side of the image. For four images, there will be one large square image on the left and three smaller square images along the side.

    Image file size: Max 3mb on max 1048kb on

    File types: PNG and JPEG are recommended. We do not accept BMP or TIFF files.

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  • Video app card
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    Tweet copy: 280 characters

    Video ratio: 16x9 and 1x1.

    Title: Truncated at 70 characters.

    Description: Truncated at 200 characters.

    File size: 1GB Max

    File types: MP4 or MOV. 

    Max time: 2 minutes and 20 seconds. (Select advertisers are eligible to request an increase up to 10 minutes. Please contact your Twitter Account Manager for more information.)

    Video codec recommendation: H264, Baseline, Main, or High profile with a 4:2:0 color space.

    Frame rate recommendation: 29.97FPS or 30FPS. Higher is acceptable. If the available video has a lower frame rate don’t try to “upsample” it.

    Video bitrate recommendation: 6,000 - 10,000k (recommended 6,000k) for 1080p. 5,000k - 8,000k (recommended 5,000k) for 720p).

    Audio codec recommendation: AAC LC (low complexity).

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  • Video Website card
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    Tweet copy: 280 characters

    Headline (under video): 70 characters (< 50 recommended)

    File type: MP4 or MOV

    Aspect Ratio: 16x9 or 1x1

    URL: Must begin with http:// or https://

    File size: 1GB Max. Please note that GIFs are not supported in this card type. 

    Video Codec: H264, baseline, 4:2:0 color space

    Frame rate: 29.97FPS or 30FPS

    Video bitrate recommendation:

    6,000K - 10,000K for 1080P

    5,000K - 8,000K for 720P

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  • Conversational Ads
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    Tweet copy: 280 characters

    Hashtag: 21 characters.

    Pre-populated user Tweet: 256 characters.

    Headline: 23 characters.

    Thank you text: 23 characters.

    Thank you URL (optional): 23 characters.

    Video (if used): Same specifications mentioned in the “Promoted video” section - required to be in 16:9 aspect ratio.

    Image Specs (if used): File size: 3 MB, Aspect ratio: 1.91:1, Image width / height: 800 X 320PX, File formats: JPEG, PNG, non-animated GIFs.


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  • Direct Message card
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    Tweet copy: 256 characters are available (24 characters are used for the card).

    Button (call-to-action) text: 24 characters. Emoji are supported.

    Image specs (if used):
    File size: 3 MB, Aspect ratio: 1.91:1.
    Minimum image width: 800 pixels.
    File formats: JPEG, PNG, non-animated GIFs. Animated GIFs are not supported by the image Direct Message Card.

    Video specs (if used):
    Same specifications mentioned in the “Promoted video” section – required 16:9 aspect ratio.

    For more information on how to create a Direct Message card, please see this page. Also please note this card type is not currently available for our self serve advertisers. 


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Having trouble creating a promoted tweet?  Check out our Promoted Tweet FAQ page here

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