Creative roundup: Examples of brands using emojis in their Twitter strategy

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

August 22, 2018
Fashionable male with dark skin and bristle sitting outdoors checking his news feed or messaging via social networks using cell phone using free wi-fi. Happy hipster receiving pleasant news on mobile

Brands include emojis in their Tweets to add visual appeal, bring a splash of humor, and convey emotion. Tweets containing both a brand name and an emoji have increased 49% since 2015, according to The Drum. It’s easy to understand why: internal research reveals that 80% of Twitter’s users enjoy discovering and using new emojis.

Ready to explore using emojis with your own brand? Here’s a roundup of some of our favorite recent emoji Tweet examples from brands.

@MontereyAq makes a splash with emoji-driven images

Monterey Bay Aquarium combined the 280-character limit with ocean-based emojis to evoke an oceanic image in celebration of #WorldEmojiDay. Getting creative with emojis lets you take your Twitter visuals to the next level. Get creative and delight your audience.

@Trello underscores their messages with emojis

Trello used an “email” emoji to underscore a link to content about their customer service response process. Integrate emojis that relate to your message. The visual cues not only help draw readers’ eyes to the page, but give an idea to busy people scanning their feed on why they want to pay attention.

@Shopify adds emotion using emojis

Shopify integrates emojis to good effect in this Tweet, which links to original content. Emojis are an easy way to convey a range of emotions. When you’re forging connections with followers and fans, building an emotional connection can help your audience feel more connected.

@Usborne tells a story with cleverly used emojis

UK publisher Usborne used a series of emojis to help bring a short STEM-related story or fun fact to life. Does your content strategy include more brand storytelling? A well-thought-out series of emojis is the perfect complement to an interesting Tweet.

@IHOP  connects emojis to their products

IHOP had fun with emojis while letting customers know about an upcoming discount. Product-oriented Tweets are an important part of your strategy. Find ways to connect emojis to promotions, deals, and product launches.

Know a brand doing exciting things on Twitter? Share them with us at @TwitterBusiness.

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