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Ted Lieu 18h
Thank you to the many state partners who are assisting California. Disasters are nonpartisan and can strike anywhere. They affect Republicans and Democrats, the rich and the poor, adults and children. We are all in the same boat. We are all Americans.
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Cyrus McQueen 9h
Seriously, what parent is gonna feel comfortable putting that Trumpy Bear in the bed with their daughter??
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Grant Stern 15h
Michael Cohen is in DC telling all to Mueller's investigators. Donald Trump is Client #1 Elliot Broidy is Client #2 Sean Hannity is Client #3 and has gone silent on Twitter. and deleted everything on Twitter. and Wikileaks is silent. Hmmm
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Adam Grant 11h
If you're constantly firing people, it's a sign that you're: (a) Bad at hiring (b) Bad at matching people to jobs (c) Bad at managing people (d) Bad at tolerating dissent (e) Some or all of the above There are no positive explanations for constant churn.
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Cyrus McQueen 17h
What a difference a week makes... I tell ya, that migrant caravan disappeared faster than a French fry on Air Force 1...
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Fantasy Premier League 13h
Fantasy comes with its frustrations... What's been your worst memory of the season so far?
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Tom Hall ☘ 17h
"Kindness is the Language which the Deaf can Hear and the Blind can See." Mark Twain 🌎
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Acho 15h
Never stop being a kind person because of unkind people.
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ΛᄂIПΛ 13h
: State Senator Nikema Williams has been arrested during a rally asking that every vote should be counted.
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Jerry Acuff 16h
Once you realize that no one else can block your DREAMS, but you—you become limitless.
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David Kelso 10h
... We're thinking we really like this RestoMod!! 👇
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Gordana Biernat 10h
Stop doing things that are not in alignment with who you are. If it doesn't evolve you or make you happy, be courageous and walk away!
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Jimmy Folino 9h
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Tom Hall ☘ 8h
Happy Hour! Happy Hour!! Happy Hour!!! We All Love Happy Hour! 🥃 🍷 🥂 🍸 🍺 🍾 🍹
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🌹InJesusName 🌹 14h
Galatians 6:2-3 KJV Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
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Rondi Lambeth 14h
Investing in yourself is the BEST thing you can do for others. The better you become—the more help you can give.
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Mental Health America 18h
There is no one else exactly like you in this world, and that makes you incredibly special. Embrace who you are, and remember to love who you are.
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Zee 18h
Being a cat is a pretty good gig.
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♻️🇺🇸 Christopher Zullo 18h
Donald Trump is inept. We should be embracing the European Union wanting to establish its own military force. Let them do it. This might stabilize the European economies and would allow us to eventually close some needless military bases across western Europe
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Linda ❇️ 16h
Those who teach the most about humanity aren't always human ❇️ ~ Donald L Hicks ✳️
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