Letting services company drives blog sign-ups with Twitter Ads

Goodlord (@sogoodlord) provides an online platform that streamlines the lettings process for agents, landlords, and tenants. The London-based startup digitises the entire pre-tenancy process to streamline the process and  eliminate complications, paperwork, and inefficiencies.

Campaign Objective

Campaign Objective

The team at Goodlord wanted to increase the number of people who signed up to receive notifications of new blog posts. They used a website clicks or conversions campaign to get more people to read their blog. Once they’d directed new readers to their blog Goodlord made it easy for these readers to sign up to receive blog notifications.


Goodlord used follower targeting to reach those involved in the UK property rental market, with a particular focus on letting agencies.



increase in blog sign-ups

Keys to success

Know the intended audience

Preparation and defining a specific audience can make a huge difference to any advertising campaign. The Goodlord team knew that almost every letting agency in the UK has a Twitter account, so they used this to their advantage. They used follower targeting of letting agencies to reach the movers and shakers in their industry.

Provide relevant content

Provide relevant content

Preparation and defining a specific audience can make a huge difference to any advertising campaign. The Goodlord team knew that almost every letting agency in the UK has a Twitter account, so they used this to their advantage. They used follower targeting of letting agencies to reach the movers and shakers in their industry.

Build a community

Build a community

Goodlord have been able to use Twitter to tell the story of their brand and become an integral part of an online community. Mutual following and the creation of touchpoints have helped them to build bridges within their market sector and to the causes that are important to the values of their business.

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