Sports management software business makes its mark with Twitter Ads

Global Rugby Network (@globalrugbynet) provides an all-in-one software solution to help streamline the management structures of sports clubs and associations. The GRN platform integrates video analysis software with their Leticx One sports GPS tracker. Their aim is to support coaches in creating stronger, healthier, and more successful teams.

Campaign objective

Campaign objective

Global Rugby Network's (GRN's) goal was to increase brand awareness and drive more visitors to their website. A Website Clicks or Conversions campaign enabled them to achieve this while encouraging discussion and maintaining high-quality engagement.


Targeting sports coaches, team managers, players, and associations. They used a combination of location, interest, and keyword targeting to reach their target audience.




increase in web traffic in the first week



average cost-per-click

“Twitter was noticeably strong for raising brand awareness, reaching almost 10 times the number of people and generating almost 20 times the number of clicks as other platforms.” 

— Robbie Orr, Marketing Manager, Global Rugby Network

Keys to success

Embrace creativity

Embrace creativity

GRN started off by just including images of their product interface in their ads. However they soon discovered that the more diverse their content, the better the response. It became obvious that their audience were particularly eager to engage in discussion. GRN used this insight and adapted the copy in their Twitter Ads to pose questions relevant to coaches, players, and managers.

Monitor campaign performance regularly

GRN used the Twitter Ads dashboard to see a breakdown of how the individual campaigns were performing. This helped them understand how their content and targeting was performing. They monitored their campaign performance regularly and reviewed it at the end of each week. They looked at campaign details such as impressions and click-through rates, and focused on promoting what people were engaging with most.

"We chose Twitter Advertising because it provides a big international reach while maintaining a focused audience at a relatively low cost."

— Robbie Orr, Marketing Manager, Global Rugby Network
Be specific with ad targeting

Be specific with ad targeting

The GRN team were keen to create a diverse content strategy within each country they targeted. They used location targeting to focus their campaigns to specific countries. By including language targeting they were able to show the right language content to the right audience. They then added sports focused keywords like 'sports video analysis', and included each sport in their audience interests: footbal, hockey and rugby. 

This campaign structure enabled the GRN team to see which content was most popular in each region and tailor their campaigns accordingly.

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