Online education provider captures new audiences with video on Twitter

Karl Taylor Education (@karltaylorphoto) is an online platform for photographers of all levels of ability and experience. Members have access to a comprehensive selection of resources to help them hone their skills.

Campaign objective

Campaign objective

The company wanted to raise global awareness of the Karl Taylor Education brand and attract more visitors to their website. Promoted video presented the ideal way to achieve both of these goals, as they could produce compelling content to inspire viewers and drive action.



Using a combination of interest and keyword targeting, they aimed to reach people from all around the world who are interested in photography.



higher view rate than industry benchmark

Keys to success

The advantage of video

The advantage of video

Videos can have a huge influence on an audience, and have been integral to Karl Taylor Education’s success. Whether shot from a ‘fly on the wall’ perspective, or carefully crafted to promote key services or events, the company has used videos to cost-effectively present content to a large global audience.


“Videos feature regularly on our feed as we find these are a great way to tell a story. We then turn these videos into promoted campaigns to increase our reach and grow our following.”

— Tim Gaudion, Director, Karl Taylor Education

Optimise spend

Twitter offers several ways to customise and control budgets. Karl Taylor Education have a truly global reach, but wanted to increase their audience in particular countries. They achieved this by targeting their ads and setting specific budgets for each market. At any time, they could increase the budgets for adverts that were performing well and pause any that weren’t.


Reach farther with the Twitter Audience Platform

Karl Taylor Education found that the Twitter Audience Platform helped them to reach even more people. Their videos were not only displayed on Twitter user timelines, but also integrated into thousands of other mobile apps and websites. They could still target specific groups and monitor video metrics, but their ads had a much wider sphere of influence.

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