Magazine attracts new readers

Chemistry World (@ChemistryWorld) is a magazine published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Available in web, app, and print formats, it provides a vibrant mix of chemistry news, features, commentary, and analysis. Previously only available to members, in 2016 it introduced a ‘freemium’ business model making selected content accessible to all, as well as all content accessible to subscribers.

Campaign Objective

Campaign Objective

The team at the Royal Society of Chemistry wanted to increase awareness of their Chemistry World magazine and to drive traffic to the website, they used a website clicks or conversions campaign to achieve this.


The campaign used a combination of keyword, interest, and follower targeting to reach a global audience of people with an interest in chemistry.



higher click-through rate than industry benchmark

Keys to success

Promote content that works well organically

Promote content that works well organically

As Chemistry World produce a lot of content the Royal Society of Chemistry team had to prioritise which pieces they should invest their advertising spend into. They found that investing in the content which performed well as organic Tweets was a really useful way to determine what is likely to work best for advertising.  

It also meant that the image and article were already on the website so it made it simple to create the ad and write suitable copy.


"Generating new readers and customers can be costly but we found that Twitter was a great platform to reach our target audiences on a large scale."

— Sherie Chivers, Senior Digital Communications Executive, Royal Society of Chemistry

Observe and adapt

The Royal Society of Chemistry used Twitter’s Ad Manager to keep a close eye on the performance of their ads. Comparing the effectiveness of different types of content enabled them to see what was working well and to adapt their strategy accordingly. Checking in daily, they quickly and easily learnt which content encouraged the most visits to their website.

Have a long-term strategy

The Royal Society of Chemistry ran Twitter advertising campaigns over the course of 12 months. They refreshed content every month and developed a testing plan for content and targeting. Based on their initial campaigns, they could establish performance benchmarks and self-audit.

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