Biscuit manufacturer encourages audience participation

Border Biscuits (@BorderBiscuits) are a Scottish biscuit manufacturer. They Produce over 30 varieties of biscuits – from all butter cookies to the award-winning chocolate gingers – focusing on classic recipes, beautifully made.

They partnered with Lane Media Agency (@thelaneagency), a digital agency, and Talking Canvas(@canvas_talking), a PR agency, to create their campaign.

Campaign objective

Border Biscuits’ campaign was focused on increasing engagement. They wanted to get people talking about and interacting with their brand.


Their target audience is women in the UK. They reached this audience through a combination of location, keyword, and follower targeting.  



higher peak engagement rate than industry benchmark

"Tapping into trending hashtags is a really powerful way to engage with a wider audience"

— Ria Dunlop, Digital Media Planner, Lane Media Agency

Keys to success

Encourage engagement with polls

Encourage engagement with polls

Border Biscuits found that polls are a great way to create engagement with a wide audience. People can vote with a quick click, but polls also lead to Retweets and often result in wider discussion. A poll about a favourite type of biscuit, for example, led to a wide range of opinions and expanded conversations, which the Border Biscuits team also engaged in.

Stay current

Stay current

Border Biscuits ran specially designed posts for events such as Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and Mother’s Day. This helped the brand to join in on relevant, timely conversations and spread further awareness of their business.

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