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The rise and fall of Patrice Lumumba

Cartoon History
Congo, Democratic Republic of
Patrice Lumumba was the first Prime Minister of an independent Congo. But the former colonial masters Belgium, along with the CIA, conspired to have him overthrown and killed. This comic by ILYA  (with Yohann Koshy) tells the tragic story of Lumumba’s rise and fall.
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Patrice Lumumba was the first Prime Minister of an independent Congo. But the former colonial masters Belgium, along with the CIA, conspired to have him overthrown and killed. This comic by ILYA  (with Yohann Koshy) tells the tragic story of Lumumba’s rise and fall.
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Patrice Lumumba was the first Prime Minister of an independent Congo. But the former colonial masters Belgium, along with the CIA, conspired to have him overthrown and killed. This comic by ILYA  (with Yohann Koshy) tells the tragic story of Lumumba’s rise and fall.
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Patrice Lumumba was the first Prime Minister of an independent Congo. But the former colonial masters Belgium, along with the CIA, conspired to have him overthrown and killed. This comic by ILYA  (with Yohann Koshy) tells the tragic story of Lumumba’s rise and fall.
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