Antifa International
Kommt am 24.11. nach Marburg um gemeinsam den Faschisten den Tag zu vermiesenAufruf:
Für die Gesellschaft der Vielen – Völkischen Verbindungen entschieden entgegentreten!
Am 24.11.2018 findet unter dem Titel “Junges Europa” eine Nazi-Veranstaltung...

Kommt am 24.11. nach Marburg um gemeinsam den Faschisten den Tag zu vermiesen

Für die Gesellschaft der Vielen – Völkischen Verbindungen entschieden entgegentreten!

Am 24.11.2018 findet unter dem Titel “Junges Europa” eine Nazi-Veranstaltung der Germania Marburg statt. Die Germania Marburg gehört mit den lokalen Burschenschaften der Rheinfranken und Normannia-Leipzig der “Deutschen Burschenschaft” (kurz “DB”) an. Die DB geriet schon mehrere Male aufgrund ihrer menschenverachtenden Ideologie in die Schlagzeilen (siehe “Ariernachweis-Debatte"1).

Die Germania ist dabei nicht nur "irgendeine” Burschenschaft, sondern nahm in den letzten Jahre über eine wichtiger Vorreiterrolle innerhalb der “Neurechten Bewegung” ein. Ihre Vernetzungen in die “Identitäre Bewegung”, “AfD & Junge Alternative”, dem rechten Think-Tank “Institut für Staatspolitik”, “Antaios Verlag” und weiteren reaktionären Organisationen wurde durch zahlreiche antifaschistische Recherchen belegt2. Mitglieder der Germania Marburg agieren dabei als wichtige Führungspersonen des Rechtsrucks und sind zuständig für ihre interne Vernetzung3. Dabei schrecken die Burschenschafter auch nicht davor zurück Journalist*innen4 oder lokale linke Strukturen wie das Havanna8 anzugreifen.
Kurz: Die Germania Marburg hat kein Nazi-Problem, sondern ist ein Nazi-Problem.

Um dies weiter voranzutreiben haben sie Alain de Benoist, Benedikt Kaiser und Philip Stein eingeladen.
Insbesondere ist hier Alain de Benoist (Referent zu “Was ist Populismus?”) wichtig. Er gilt als Gründervater der “Nouvelle Droit” (“Neuen Rechten”). Seine Schriften werden innerhalb der “Neuen-Rechten” rezipiert und sind Standartwerke ihrer Ideologie.

Es ist bei diesen bekannten Namen davon anzunehmen, dass viele rechte Aktivist*innen (besonders aus dem Spektrum der Burschenschaften und der Identitären Bewegung) deutschlandweit nach Marburg kommen werden um sich im Haus der Germania Marburg die Vorträge anhören zu können.

Genau dies gilt es aktiv zu verhindern!

Deswegen laden wir alle Antifaschist*innen dazu ein nach Marburg zu kommen um ihre Veranstaltung zu einem Desaster zu machen!

Unser Motto: Willkommen im Roten Marburg – Nazi sein heißt hier Probleme kriegen!

January 25 - Black Flags Over Brooklyn 2019  Black Flags Over Brooklyn 2019 is a new two-day anti-fascist extreme metal festival coming to NYC on January 25-26.
A Friday night show will be followed by an all-day Saturday event that will include an...

January 25 - Black Flags Over Brooklyn 2019

Black Flags Over Brooklyn 2019 is a new two-day anti-fascist extreme metal festival coming to NYC on January 25-26.

A Friday night show will be followed by an all-day Saturday event that will include an all-day vendor market of band merch, label distros, radical publishers, activist organizations, local artisans, and more, and it’s all going down at Brooklyn Bazaar in Greenpoint.

This event is for those of us who reject and push back against that poison—who adhere by the mantra that “metal is for everyone (except Nazis),” and who are committed to cleaning up our own backyard. The artists on the lineup all have different identities and come from different backgrounds, but are all united under the same ethos: FUCK NSBM.

As we all know, metal is an incredibly vibrant, diverse subculture with sounds, fans, and artists who span the globe; as we also know, there’s a small but unfortunately vocal contingent in our midst who care more about gatekeeping and upholding toxic ideologies like white supremacy, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and bigotry in general than in seeing the genre thrive. The worldwide rise of violent white supremacy and fascism has put every one of us—but especially those in marginalized communities—at risk, and metal should not be allowed to remain a breeding ground for right-wing extremism. Metal is too good for Nazis.

It’s time to raise the black flag, throw the horns, and take our scene back!








December 16, Amsterdam - From the Sahara to the Sea: Militarizing European Border Zones  Since 1993, more than 27,000 people have drowned in the mediterranean sea trying to reach Europe. 6000 more died in detention centers, at the hands of...

December 16, Amsterdam - From the Sahara to the Sea: Militarizing European Border Zones

Since 1993, more than 27,000 people have drowned in the mediterranean sea trying to reach Europe. 6000 more died in detention centers, at the hands of militarised police forces and from deportations. These are staggering figures, yet they only represent those whose deaths have been documented. Even more refugees, by some estimates twice as much as the drownings, have perished in the Saharan desert. A lesser known development in Europe’s efforts to curtail migration, European countries have partnered with 35 external countries to stop migrants in exchange from funds, weapons and other aid. Many of these regimes have been convicted of war-crimes and crimes against humanity, and now use their repressive powers to stop migrants from reaching Europe. Algeria, for example, deported over 14,000 refugees to the Saharan desert in 2017/2018 alone, leaving them to die anonymously in the sands.

The EU security industrial complex has become a multi-billion dollar business benefitting major corporations such as Thales and Airbus. While refugees were fleeing the Middle-East and North-Africa during the Arab spring, European arms manufacturers exported over 10 billion euros in material to the region, a process that has been expanding to this day. Clearly, European foreign policy has been at the heart of the migrant crisis. Therefore, Studio/K has invited researchers, journalists, refugees and activists to shed light on this pressing topic. What role does the European arms industry play in fuelling the very conflicts that refugees flee from? And what do these refugees face on the migrant trail? How can we stop the migrant-security-industrial complex? These are just some of the questions we’ll address this evening in Studio/K.

After the panel we will have a film screening in our cinema of Revenir, an award-winning documentary film made by David Fedele and Kumut Imesh, about the hardships faced on the migrant trail from West-Africa to Europe. The film is told through the eyes of a West-African refugee, Kumut Imesh. For more information and the trailer please visit their website:

❂ Speakers:
- Christian Jakob, editor of the German newspaper Taz, co-ordinator at taz.MigrationControl and co-author of Dictators as bouncers of Europe: How the EU transfers its borders to Africa.
- Kumut Imesh, co-director and protagonist of the documentary film Revenir, founder and director of ACSORE (Actions of Solidarity for Refugees)
- David Fedele, award-winning director of the documentary films Revenir and The Land Between.
- Mark Akkerman, researcher for Stop Wapenhandel, author of ‘Expanding the Fortress’.
- Khalid Jone, former spokesperson of the self-organised refugee collective Wij Zijn Hier.
- Jean-Pierre, co-organizer at Stop the War on Migrants.

❂ Moderator:
Jaël in ‘t Veld, migration journalist at and board member of Amsterdam BIJ1.

❂ Timetable:
14:30 - 15:00 Doors open
15:00 - 16:30 Panel discussion
16:30 - 17:00 Break
17:00 - 18:45 Screening Revenir + Q&A directors
Dinner from 18:45

❂ Tickets:
Panel only: €5
Film only*: €8,50 - €9,50
Combi-ticket: €10
Combi-ticket + dinner: €17

November 25 - Shock Against Racism, Brighton  SHOCK AGAINST RACISM, a group of horror writers opposed to fascism, presents an evening of dark fiction in memory of socialist author and poet Joel Lane (1963-2013).
Featuring readings from Rosanne...

November 25 - Shock Against Racism, Brighton

SHOCK AGAINST RACISM, a group of horror writers opposed to fascism, presents an evening of dark fiction in memory of socialist author and poet Joel Lane (1963-2013).

Featuring readings from Rosanne Rabinowitz, V.H. Leslie and Tom Johnstone.

£3 entry on the door, proceeds to Brighton Anti-Fascists.
7.30pm, Sunday 25th November, Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton

December 15, Vienna - Linksradikaler-Block auf der Großdemo gegen Schwarz-Blau  UNTERSTÜTZT DIE GROSSDEMO GEGEN SCHWARZ-BLAU! Aufruf der Plattform Radikale Linke zum ‘Werden wir unregierbar - Become ungovernable!’-Block
Im Dezember 2018 ist die...

December 15, Vienna - Linksradikaler-Block auf der Großdemo gegen Schwarz-Blau

UNTERSTÜTZT DIE GROSSDEMO GEGEN SCHWARZ-BLAU! Aufruf der Plattform Radikale Linke zum ‘Werden wir unregierbar - Become ungovernable!’-Block

Im Dezember 2018 ist die Neuauflage der schwarz-blauen Regierung ein Jahr alt. Unsere Freund*innen vom Bündnis Heißer Herbst ( nehmen dieses Jubiläum der Widerlichkeit zum Anlass, zu einer Großdemonstration aufzurufen.

Für eine befreite Gesellschaft jenseits der Zwänge von Staat und Kapital!
Gegen diese Regierung und alle die folgen mögen!


Großdemonstration gegen Schwarz-Blau

December 11, Brighton - Antifascism and Gaming: Pwning the Nazis  We’re very excited to have Game Workers Unite down to talk about Antifascism and gaming!
// Cowley Club
// 11th December
// 8pm
Gaming is now the biggest global section of the...

December 11, Brighton - Antifascism and Gaming: Pwning the Nazis

We’re very excited to have Game Workers Unite down to talk about Antifascism and gaming!

// Cowley Club
// 11th December
// 8pm

Gaming is now the biggest global section of the entertainment industry. It is the definition of mass culture. But the gaming world is also currently a recruiting ground for fascism. The Alt-Right was born online and continues to grow by broadcasting their ideas through games-related channels like YouTube, Twitch and Discord. By running targeted harassment campaigns against feminists and anti-racists in the industry, they’re trying to take control of a global cultural phenomena.

Fascist recruitment in gaming can’t be ignored any longer. Brighton antifascists have invited Game Workers Unite and Marijam Didžgalvytė to speak on how initiatives like theirs are building worker power in the cultural industry the Alt-Right calls home, and how anti-fascists can support a fightback to pwn the Nazis and build a culture where gaming is for all.

// Game Workers Unite is an organising initiative for workers in the game industry.

// Marijam Didžgalvytė is a games journalist, trade unionist, antifascist, and creator of ‘Left Left Up’ - a show about left-wing politics and gaming.

Members and guests welcome.

November 24 - Kaiserslautern stellt sich quer!  Wir stellen uns gemeinsam gegen den angekündigten Naziaufmarsch des Nationalen Widerstandes Zweibrücken, welcher mit Unterstützung der Kameradschaft Rheinhessen und der Partei „DIE RECHTE“ erneut gegen...

November 24 - Kaiserslautern stellt sich quer!

Wir stellen uns gemeinsam gegen den angekündigten Naziaufmarsch des Nationalen Widerstandes Zweibrücken, welcher mit Unterstützung der Kameradschaft Rheinhessen und der Partei „DIE RECHTE“ erneut gegen vermeintliche Überfremdung und Ausländerkriminalität in Kaiserslautern demonstrieren will.

Unter dem Motto: “Heute Chemnitz und Köthen, morgen Kaiserslautern” rief der Nationale Widerstand Zweibrücken schon am 27.10.2018 zu einer Demonstration durch Kaiserslauterns Innenstadt auf. Etwa 20 Neonazis, darunter auch Anhänger der Kameradschaft Rheinhessen, sowie der Partei DIE RECHTE, folgten diesem Aufruf um gegen vermeintliche Überfremdung und Ausländerkriminalität zu protestieren.

Zahlreiche Personen stellten sich an diesem Samstag den Neonazis entgegen um ein klares Zeichen gegen rechte Hetze zu setzen.

Lasst uns auch am 24.11.2018 gemeinsam für eine offene, tolerante und vor allem solidarische Gesellschaft eintreten und ganz klar Position gegen diese Stimmungsmache beziehen.

December 1- Demo gegen PKK-Verbot, Polizeigesetze und Nationalismus - Berlin
December 15, Copenhagen - Christmas Blood V Muay thai / K1  After four years of doing Muay Thai tournaments together with Ungdomshuset, we are now ready to continue the tradition of bringing different people together through Muay Thai, art and...

December 15, Copenhagen -  Christmas Blood V Muay thai / K1

After four years of doing Muay Thai tournaments together with Ungdomshuset, we are now ready to continue the tradition of bringing different people together through Muay Thai, art and music.

This year we present our fifth outstanding show opportunity for your fighters and new starz to be a part of.

Our intention is to create an event where different gyms come together to fight racism. Doing so by creating a space open for everyone, no matter where people come from. We expect everyone who participates to help create this space.

Gyms from Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, England, Russia, Morocco and greece, who have the same intention to prevent racism, are invited. Rules will be according to IFMA muay thai rules. As a special feature there will be DJ’s during the show and a party in the house after the show.

December 14, Copenhagen - We Are Many - Support Sjælsmark  Your favorite collective needs you to come through!
Since the launch of Marronage # 3, we have worked to stand by our allies, those we have and those to come.
While we were working on...

December 14, Copenhagen - We Are Many - Support Sjælsmark

Your favorite collective needs you to come through!

Since the launch of Marronage # 3, we have worked to stand by our allies, those we have and those to come.

While we were working on Marronage # 4, a movement grew in Sjælsmark deportation camp.
In the camp, the racist Danish state forces hundreds of people to live as prisoners without any prospect of freedom or any provisions of basic human rights.

In November and December, we have called for your support for protests in Copenhagen in opposition to the living conditions of the children in Sjælsmark.

We have chosen to postpone the launch of #4 to next year and focus our energy on raising support funds for the movement in Sjælsmark.

It can be hard to spot the horizon when everything gets darker around us.

Let’s spend the evening together in solidarity and remind each other that we are still here - and out there!

Together we are strong. Together we are angry.

Entrance fee 40 kr.

Antiracist groups and community friends serve drinks in the support bar;
squad goals and melanin behind dominating in the DJ booth.

Come and partake in cute beats and femme fierceness until we close at 01.00, in respect to our neighbors.