Case Study

KITKAT uses In-Stream Video Sponsorship to own the NFL conversation

Key results

The opportunity

KITKAT (), one of the major sponsors of the NFL in Canada, wanted to find new ways to engage football fans during the postseason. KITKAT’s goal was to strengthen its association with the NFL, and it knew that an innovative, targeted campaign would be crucial to making an impression. Rather than blasting its message to the widest possible audience, KITKAT delivered engaging and relevant video at the precise moment when NFL fans were in the game-time mindset.

The strategy

This year, Twitter saw over 13.8M daily impressions in Canada centered around the NFL postseason, making Twitter fertile ground for reaching football fans and increasing KITKAT’s association with the NFL. KITKAT became an In-Stream Video Sponsor of NFL Canada content, pre-rolling KITKAT ads on in-game highlights — including the biggest plays, touchdowns, and moments — as they were Tweeted in real time. To reach the right audience at the right moment, it layered on demographic, keyword, handle, interest, and TV targeting to reach the most engaged fans at peak times. KITKAT also increased its click-per-view bids during moments of high engagement and lowered them when engagement tapered off, ensuring a strong brand presence without overpaying for it.

Connect with premium content.

Twitter’s In-Stream Video Sponsorship let KITKAT associate itself with premium NFL content to reach engaged football fans.

Jump on the biggest moments.

By pre-rolling the moment won it for the Vikings, KITKAT reached an enormous audience when they were most engaged and receptive.

Work those hashtags.   

Ample use of relevant hashtags reaches a wider — yet highly targeted — audience.

The success

was one of the first brands that Nestle Canada promoted with Twitter’s In-Stream Video format. By kicking off premium NFL content, it engaged football fans when it mattered most and achieved over 3 million views during the postseason.

Twitter’s In-Stream Sponsorship allowed KITKAT to capture receptive users by pre-rolling timely, premium, brand-safe content. Twitter’s targeting tools were a huge boost too: On average, Twitter provides accurate demographic targeting 76% of the time, beating the 59% for standard Nielsen Digital Ad benchmarks.

With this campaign, KITKAT proved that when the creative, the content partner, and the targeting come together in perfect alignment, the results can be sweet indeed.

We always strive to find innovative ways to engage consumers in authentically and contextually relevant ways. Twitter’s In-Stream Videos allowed KITKAT to deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time.

Robert Carducci, Sr. Marketing Manager, KITKAT

Solutions used

Optimize at scale

Twitter makes multitasking easy with streamlined ways to scale, edit, customize, and manage campaigns.

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Audience targeting

You want your message to be heard by the right person. Twitter's targeting capabilities ensure it will be.

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