Curate a collection of Tweets

Response Structures

The Collections API responds with data structures that often depart from the objects you traditionally encounter in the Twitter API.

In the Collections API, all identifiers (IDs, cursors, collection positions) are presented as strings. These strings are safe to consume and utilize in all programming languages, including those that do not support 64-bit integers.

While representations of Tweets and Users generally match other Twitter API representations, watch for minor differences in the object structure, especially around data related to counts.

While the API typically returns objects-embedded-within-objects (such as the author of a Tweet being embedded within the Tweet itself), these API methods provide decomposed responses where each object type is grouped together and each object is represented only once. Instead of containing associated child objects, the objects contain simple ID references to the association.

Here are some of the response structures you will encounter in the Collections API.

Object collections

API methods that return multiple objects of the same type are segmented such that one component of the response contains the objects and any associated objects while another component simply lists references to those same objects and contextual information (such as cursors) needed to navigate the boundaries of the collection in subsequent requests.

You will see responses like this in GET collections / list.


  • response (object)
    • results (array of objects)
      • each object typically contains one key/value pair housing an object’s ID
    • cursors (object)
      • next_cursor (string)
      • previous_cursor (string)
  • objects (object)
    • users (object, ID as key)
    • tweets (object, ID as key)
    • timelines (object, ID as key)

Single objects

Even methods that return a single “primary object” respond with a decomposed structure, similar to a collection.

Methods that can return only one core object:

You will see responses like this in: GET collections / show


response (object)

  • a key/value pair indicating the object’s type and identifier (e.g. "timeline_id":"custom-393773270547177472")

objects (object)

  • users (object, ID as key)
  • tweets (object, ID as key)
  • timelines (object, ID as key)