Australian prime minister dismisses renewed calls to defend Julian Assange
8 November 2018
Morrison’s remarks are the first direct statement by the government of its support for the drive by the US government to get its hands on the WikiLeaks publisher.
Government declares child refugees will not remain in Australia
8 November 2018
The government’s promise to evacuate detained children from Nauru is a ploy to placate the public outcry over their barbaric treatment.
Papua New Guinea: Thousands strike over extravagant APEC spending
7 November 2018
Workers in the impoverished Pacific island country held a one-day protest against the government’s purchase of 43 luxury cars for the APEC summit.
Judge rejects push by Daily Telegraph to amend its defence in Geoffrey Rush defamation suit
6 November 2018
Justice Wigney sharply warned that the presence of a previously unheard of witness would “egregiously prejudice Mr Rush.”

Eighty Years of the Fourth International: The Lessons of History and the Struggle for Socialism Today

On October 7, David North, International Editorial Board chairman of the World Socialist Web Site, delivered the following lecture to a well-attended public meeting in Colombo, organised by the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka). The meeting, the second of two held in Sri Lanka, was called to celebrate the 80thanniversary of the Fourth International and the 50th anniversary of the SEP in Sri Lanka. Click here to read the lecture

Australian union officials use Newcastle rally to whitewash their betrayals
6 November 2018
Speakers presented a series of sell-outs and regressive enterprise agreements as “victories.”
Australian workers at union rally oppose attacks on conditions, criticise Labor Party
6 November 2018
Workers at the October 30 Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) “Change the Rules” rally in Newcastle spoke to Socialist Equality Party (SEP) members about the destruction of working condition
Australia: Morrison-Turnbull clash points to sharp foreign policy tensions
5 November 2018
The eruption of open conflict underscores the pressures and rifts behind Turnbull’s ouster as prime minister on August 24.
New Zealand: Bus union ends Wellington strike
3 November 2018
The transport unions have sought to divide and demoralise workers and subordinate them to the Labour Party-led government.