Crew 38, Where Are You?

Nazis eh?

One People’s Project (US) has added another member of the master race to their shit-list: Pete Gaughenbaugh. According to OPP, Pete’s:

• a Hammerskin from Florida;
• the webmaster of the Hammerskin site Crew38;
• a registered sex offender.

Actually, that last bit is (also) according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Registration & Compliance Unit.

Hardly the first nazi to be convicted of such crimes.

The Hammerskins last hit the news in August when Hammerskin Wade Michael Page committed mass murder in Wisconsin before emulating his hero and committing suicide. Dieter Samoy, the vocalist for Belgian nazi band Kill Baby Kill!, also opted to kill himself, after he was convicted of assault and toured Australia for the local franchise of the Hammerskins — but before he went to jail.

The last word goes to OPP:

The Hammerskin Nation is in the news lately because one of their number, Wade Page, went to a Sikh temple in Wisconsin and shot and killed six people before turning the gun on himself. These particular boneheads think that after that they can go through life like business as usual, which is why Gaughenbaugh is promoting this year’s Hammerfest in Boise, Idaho as if nothing has changed. The last Hammerfest, which was held in its usual spot in Florida, featured two of the bands … Page played in, Definite Hate and 13 Knots. This year, another one of the bands Page was in, Max Resist, will be in Boise, and Gaughenbaugh is on hand to promote it. But you can’t be too surprised the Hammerskins don’t care about how bad this looks. If they don’t have a problem with a drug addict child sex offender running their website, what is it to them if you don’t like them working with the bands of a murderer?

PS. If the person who contacted me earlier this month wants to get in touch again, please do so.

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