The appeal of neo-fascism in times of crisis. The experience of CasaPound Italia

Note: ‘CasaPound’ was the online handle adopted by Luke Connors, the former leader of the short-lived Patriotik Yoof Laegue — an attempt by the Australia First Party to develop a yoof cadre. I had an exchange with Luke on my blog back in 2008. See : Scrutinising the religious and political right (Alan Matheson), November 8, 2008.

The appeal of neo-fascism in times of crisis. The experience of CasaPound Italia
Pietro Castelli Gattinaraa, Caterina Froiob & Matteo Albanesec
Fascism, Vol.2, No.2, 2013

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2018 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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