Tag Archives: Chrysi Avyi

The Australia First Party. LOLWUT.

The Australia First Party (AF), a White nationalist/neo-fascist party, has been mentioned a few times in the media recently, chiefly on account of its organisation of a rally in Brisbane on May 2 in solidarity with the Greek neo-Nazi party … Continue reading

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So who were these nazis anyway? Australia First & Golden Dawn in Brisbane

Approximately 14 nazis attended the failed Australia First/Golden Dawn rally in Brisbane on Friday. Below are photos of those who attended. Three other nazis — sporting nazi t-shirts — also attended, and apparently tried to attach themselves to a union … Continue reading

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Australia First / Golden Dawn defeated 1-0 by Antifa

The Brisbane branch of the Australia First Party (AF) tried to hold a rally, march and picket today in support of their comrades in the Greek Golden Dawn (GD) party. Sadly, despite calling upon every other nazi and White supremacist … Continue reading

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Australian Defence League, racism, violence … [new matilda]

I wrote an article for New Matilda. You can read it here. If you’re in Brisbane and would like to oppose Golden Dawn and neo-Nazism, the nazis are organising a rally and march on Friday, May 2 — counter-action is … Continue reading

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From Athens to Brisbane: No to Golden Dawn! #antifa

In brief: On Sunday evening (April 13) 60 Minutes broadcast ‘Greek Tragedy: The rise of Europe’s neo-Nazis’ on the sudden popularity of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn organisation in Greece. In cooperation with local fascists in the Australia First Party, GD … Continue reading

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Against Golden Dawn & Australia First : counter-protest in Brisbane, Friday, May 2

Above : Cover of Χρυσή Αυγή (Golden Dawn) magazine, 2007. On Friday, May 2 members of the Brisbane branch of the Australia First Party (AF) have organised a march and rally with local supporters of the Greek neo-Nazi organisation Golden … Continue reading

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Golden Dawn Down Under [overland]

I wrote an article for overland on Golden Dawn in Australia. You can read it here. Note that Golden Dawn have recently taken to meeting at Degani cafe in Northcote:

Posted in Anti-fascism, Broken Windows, Death, History, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Pavlos Fyssas (Killah P) : Antifascist murdered by Golden Dawn in Athens

[Update : Account in English on Athens Indymedia here; The Greek Neo-Nazis of Golden Dawn – No Pasaran?, Interview with Dimitris Psarras, the author of the Greek “Black Book of Chrysi Avghi (Golden Dawn)”.] Last night 34 year-old Pavlos Fyssas … Continue reading

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antifa notes (september 15, 2013) : Australia First, Blood & Honour/Southern Cross Hammerskins, Golden Dawn, Right Wing Resistance NZ (RWRNZ) …

The neo-fascist Australia First Party (which the Wikleaks Party preferred to the Greens in the NSW Senate race) took part in the federal election last Saturday. Results for the party were negligible, with some small segment of its votes presumably … Continue reading

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Golden Gaytime not Golden Dawn!

RIGHT: WROGN: After what may have proven to be a false dawn back in early 2012, members of the Greek fascist party Χρυσή Αυγή/Chrysi Avyi/Chrysi Avgi or ‘Golden Dawn’ (GD) have again announced their intention to open an office in … Continue reading

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