Richard Wolstencroft & MUFF ~versus~ Those Degenerate Gays

[UPDATE (November 21, 2017) : While it’s true that a majority of folks seem a bit pissed at Richard’s stoopid, for the defence, Ian Nicholson of Sydney Short Film School has come out all guns blazing. Go Ian!

UPDATE (November 20, 2017) : Today Richard issued a garbled apology, announced his resignation from the role of Director, and appointed Frank Howson in his stead.]

Local filmmaker, self-described ‘transcendental fascist’ and, more recently, Trump fanboy and partisan of the AltRight,* Richard Wolstencroft, established the Melbourne Underground Film Festival (MUFF) in 2000 after the Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF) declined screening his 1999 film Pearls Before Swine; as one critic wrote of the film: I’ve kind of always distrusted Richard Wolstencroft, filmmaker, Melbourne Underground Film Festival director, and tedious bore, partly because of his avowed fascist tendencies. Now that I’ve paid money for and sat through his fucking film, I just want to beat the cunt senseless.

MUFF — for which Richard is Director-For-Life — is no stranger to controversy. In 2003, he attempted to arrange a screening of The Search for the Truth in History, a 1993 propaganda film by Holocaust denialist David Irving. The screening was eventually cancelled, as several hundred people protested outside the venue, including the Australian Jewish Democratic Society’s Sol Salbe [who] said: “I’m here because my entire family was wiped out in the Holocaust.” Previously, in April 2000, a High Court judge branded Irving a racist, an anti-Semite, a Holocaust denier and a falsifier of history; the legal saga was recently dramatised in the film Denial (2016).

Still, that storm in a teacup took place 14 years ago — and what’s a few million dead Jews to Melbourne’s film community?

Fast-forward to nao, and it seems that Richard’s big mouth has gotten him and his film festival/vanity project into trouble once again. On this occasion, his commentary** on the results of the Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey is what done it:

Things only got worse for Richard’s MUFF from this point, with the disgust at his homophobic stoopid leading to several sponsors (both knowing — howler bar — and unknowing — JOY 94.9) withdrawing their support, and one actor — Lachy Hulme — even deciding ‘to officially rescind my MUFF Best Actor award for “Four Jacks” (2001) and terminate any association with his film festival.’

See : Festival director’s “Yes” vote spray ignites backlash, Anders Furze, The Citizen, November 17, 2017 >>> Melbourne Underground Film Fest Director Faces Backlash For Homophobic Post, Maxim Boon,, November 17, 2017 >>> Melbourne’s Underground Film Festival Director Under Fire Over A Homophobic Facebook Rant, Tom Clift, Junkee, November 18, 2017 >>> Same-sex marriage rant on Facebook lands festival director in trouble, Ben Graham,, November 18, 2017.

Still, when all’s said and done, both Richard’s MUFF and the shit that regularly pours from his mouth and keyboard has come into criticism before, to little effect, and while it remains useful to him as a self-promotional tool, it seems likely MUFF will be back again next year, with new(er) sponsors and another crop of yuppie scum to entertain.


* Wolstencroft began contributing to the ‘Alternative Right’ blog in November 2014; its chief editor is Colin Liddell.
** On ‘decadence’, see : ‘Decadence’ by Alex Trotter (Drunken Boat, No.2, 1994).

Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair 2017 : Saturday, August 12

Just a quick note to let folks know that the seventh annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair is on again in three weeks.

WHEN : 10am–6pm, Saturday, August 12
WHERE : Brunswick Town Hall (233 Sydney Road, Brunswick)
COST : Free

The Bookfair sees thousands of people every year enjoying 40+ vendors sharing, selling and giving away zines, pamphlets, books, clothing, badges and all kinds of knowledge and information, and to partake in more than a dozen workshops and plenaries on anarchism, indigenous sovereignty, land rights and colonialism, sexism and gender, feminism, justice, sexual assault, workplace struggles, community spaces, environmental action and much more. Every year build on the ideas and networking, and welcome a broader audience and participation.

For more details, please see the MABF website, Facebook event page and Twitter account (#MABF2017). See also : Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair 2016 : Sunday, August 14 @ Brunswick Town Hall.

Blogs are dead. Long live blogs!

Having previously surveyed Journals & Zines and so on and so on, I’m now updating my blog links …

dead and/or resting:

a-films (–2014)
After The Greek Riots / Occupied London [see : libcom]
angry news from around the world (–2012)
Angry White Kid [see : Falling Into Incandescence]
Amor Y Resistencia (–2010)
“Black Flame: the revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism” (–2015) [see also : anarchist notes (april 25, 2017) : IWA-AIT, Michael Schmidt +++]
CrimethInc Far East Blog
Cruz Negra Anarquista de Venezuela (–2009) [see also : Cruz Negra Anaquista en Contra Info]
Fires Never Extinguished (–2012; A journal of the Phoenix Class War Council)
Mike Boda
Molly’s Blog (–2015)
Orthodox Anarchist [see : daniel sieradski]
Our War
RAG/revolutionary anarchafeminist group (–2014)
riot porn (–2007)
run amok (–2011)
The Boulevardier
the disillusioned kid (–2015)
this is our job
Truth, Reason & Liberty (–2012)

still kicking:

Anarchist Writers
אנרכיסטים נגד הגדר Anarchists Against The Wall [Facebook]
Anarchy Alive! [Facebook]
Aragorn! blog
Avtonom [ENG]
Bombs & Shields (?) [see also : In Our Hearts]
FIRE To The Prisons (–2011) >>> Fire to the Prisons
John Kinsella >>> Mutually Said: Poets Vegan Anarchist Pacifist [A blog shared between poets John Kinsella and Tracy Ryan]
Mickey Z
Mujeres Creando
Old Punks Never Die! [2014: Currently Under Reconstruction]
Rad Geek People’s Daily
Revolution By The Book [see also : AK Press]
Robert Graham’s Anarchism Weblog
rob’s revolting
sketchy thoughts [see also : Kersplebedeb]
three way fight
void network


DISACCORDS — ‘An anarchist news blotter following events in Oceania & South East Asia.’
everyone can do something — ‘Resources, provocations and practical things for action, ‘cos the world doesn’t just get better / stop getting worse on its own.’
Insurrection News — ‘news, counter-information & incitement from the global front lines of anti-capitalist insurrection & social war.’
It’s Going Down — ‘a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements.’
Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group — ‘Statements and opinions from the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group.’

Prepare & Repair : taking action & keeping safe at rallies, protests & direct actions

Prepare & Repair is a new zine published by a local gang of ne’er-do-wells, intended to help YOU take collective action. You can download a copy for online reading /// for printing and distribution as an A5 zine below …

From the Introduction:

The first question you probably have is who the fuck are we to be saying any of this? That’s a fair question. The simple answer is, nobody in particular. We are ordinary, unremarkable people in the sense that most of our lives are consumed with the same tedium as yours, or most other’s. Work, study, fight centrelink, struggle to pay bills, laugh at the absurdity, rage at the brutality, cry, feel crushed under the unbearable sadness of it all, wish for better days.

What unites our disparate life experiences enough to have slapped together this flying-by-the-seat-of-our-collective-pants project is the simple fact we have ‘picked a side’.

What do we mean by this? At the risk of writing a laundry list, here are a few examples: It seems self-evident to us that the political entity ‘Australia’ is an inherently violent, despotic settler state that will continue to act, with total impunity, in a genocidal fashion against its First Nations people. That is, until it is dragged kicking & screaming towards a process of reparations, treaty, decolonisation & the abolition of its British Imperial institutions, starting with its prisons.

Everything around us is the product of theft, it’s that simple. Theft of lives, of histories, of wisdom & traditions, of lands, of resources, of wages. We know almost nothing of the actual history of the country we live on, even though this continent is home to the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. Where once there were songlines, we have open-cut coalmines, clearcut rainforests & highways clogged forever with commuter traffic.

In less than 300 years on this continent, white fellas have almost completely fucked this place up beyond repair & yet all the government or well-paid media hot-takers can do is blame Aboriginal people for their disadvantage. That’s not just disgusting & wrong, it’s a threat to justice for all sorts of other kinds of people as well including, ultimately, most of the rest of us.

Where other people may see ‘pride’ or ‘patriotism’, we see systems of exclusion, dehumanisation & attempts to hide uncountable abuses of the most fundamental universal human rights. We refuse to be drawn into ‘discourse’ with those who would assault, incarcerate, deport or exterminate our fellow human beings. If they want to try any of these things, they’ll have to go through us.

We similarly reject the idea that there is anything defensible or positive about the incarceration of migrants & refugees: onshore, offshore, wherever, & remind the Labor Party that even a ‘nice’ concentration camp guard is still a concentration camp guard. Where others see people crossing borders, we see borders crossing people.

We think that anyone sleeping rough or hungry amidst so much obvious wealth horded by so few is an act of violence &, frankly, we don’t give a single fuck about what the business community has to say in trying to justify this situation. Our leaders acknowledge through their choice of priorities what the lives of humans, whether here or abroad, are actually worth to them & we think they’re depraved. Every missile that is fired as part of our forever wars in the Middle East not only steals civilian life so callously, it represents thousands upon thousands of poor people denied healthcare, housing & a decent life at home …

An Introduction
Beyond The Toothless Demand: Taking Action Like The Future Matters
Prep, Pack, Wear
Buddying, Affinity Groups & RIVAL
Picket Lines: A Way To Be Strong, Together
Security & Privacy For Actions
ZOMG It’s An Emergency! And Here’s How You Can Help
What To Do If You’re Having A Shitty Time At An Action
Legal Stuff
Don’t Let Pepper Spray Ruin Your Day!
Pepper Spray After-Care
Radical Self Care

Useful Contacts & Further Reading
Can’t Stand By ManualCan’t Stand By VideoBlack Cross ResilienceMelbourne Activist Legal Service (MALS) • Accomplices Not Allies – Abolishing The Ally Industrial Complex: An Indigenous Perspective (PDF) • This Is Not A Dialogue (CrimethInc) • Love Trumps Hate? Liberalism’s False Opposition to Trump (It’s Going Down).

DIGITAL READER A4 – Prepare and repair version 1 (online version)
A5 BOOKLET – Prepare and repair version 1 (printable version — set printer to ‘flip on short edge’ /// ‘bind on short edge’)

antifascism on film

Fighting Talk [1993]

*On Anti-Fascist Action, see libcom’s archive of the group’s journal Fighting Talk, published between September 1991 and April 1999, in PDF format.

Antifascist Attitude [2008]

ANTIFA : Chasseurs De Skins [2008]

161 > 88 [2012]

The Moscow Mutiny [2012]

The Rise Of Sweden’s Far-Left Militants [VICE, 2014]

Burning From The Inside [2015]


BBC Our World : Crushing Dissent [2016]

The Antifascists [2017]

See also : Antifa Worldwide: A Brief History of International Antifascism, Alexander Reid Ross, It’s Going Down, February 14, 2017 | Read the Introduction to Militant Anti-Fascism!, revolution by the book (AK Press), April 21, 2015.