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Monthly Review

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Nice appreciation of News from Nowhere by Willam Morris' from @Culturesmatter. As EP Thompson famously commented: "Morris was a Marxist & a Utopian, but we must not allow either a hyphen or a sense of contradiction to enter between the two terms."
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Journalists who claim the US military can deescalate conflict are either delusional or dishonest: "It is the most heavily armed, most violent organization in the world," and wherever it engages, conflict will persist. From @FAIRmediawatch.
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Intriguing article from @ISS_blog on financialization: "deep US trade deficits…arguably represent a new form of advanced capitalist imperialism, the emergence of a system of tributes whereby states around the world…subsidise US-centred capitalism."
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João Pedro Stédile of the National Coordination of Brazil’s Landless Workers’ Movement #MST, is urging on demonstrations this Friday in response to Lula's imprisonment over the weekend. From @Brasil_de_Fato.
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To the extent that there is a "recycling crisis," it is a crisis "of privatised waste management and recycling systems…. If you’re prepared to break with the 'logic' of the market," the problem could easily be resolved. From @RedFlag_news.
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@ajitbirsingh provides an excellent summary of the geopolitical struggle between China & the US "As animosity increases, US rhetoric towards China calls to mind the virulent anti-communism of the Cold War & racist “yellow peril” phantoms of decades past"
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An anonymous analysis about collusion between the State Dept. & Bolivian mass media to defeat the 2016 referendum on term limits. Tactics mirror those used by #darkmoney PACs in the US, and were most likely pioneered in Latin America to begin with. From Mint Press News.
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An article from @CADTM_int by MR author Éric Toussaint about the seventh annual South Asia regional workshop, "International Financial Institutions, Debt and Microcredit," which was held this past weekend in Sri Lanka.
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A short video interview of Aijaz Ahmad, commenting on war in the Middle East. From @newsclickin.
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After a recent trip to Israel, "none of the 11 Democrats on the trip has spoken out against Israel’s actions." The groveling of U.S. politicians on Israel is truly revolting. From @Mondoweiss.
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