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Sonny Melencio

Philippines: A critique of Duterte’s ‘Cha-cha’ and federalism



By Sonny Melencio


September 9, 2018 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal — The draft charter, also called the “Bayanihan Constitution,” presented by the Constitutional Committee headed by former Supreme Court Justice Reynato Puno to President Rodrigo Duterte, is neither imbued with Bayanihan spirit in its drafting or its implementation of federalism.


Bayanihan spirit means the entire community in action supporting the interests of all its members. The Bayanihan Constitution is not at all like this. It is not the result of consultation among the people, or the various sectors and communities that encompass the nation. It is the creation of a 22-person committee, all appointed by President Duterte himself. There has not been a single consultation where people have been asked about their views and proposals for a Charter change (Cha-cha).


Filipinas: renace la resistencia contra la dictadura



Walden Bello (centro) y Sonny Melencio (derecha)


12 de agosto de 2017
Sin Permiso traducido por Enrique García — El pasado 20 de julio tuvo lugar en el Benitez Hall, Universidad de Filipinas en Diliman, la Conferencia Nacional contra la Dictadura (NCAD), que pretende articular un frente de izquierdas contra la evidente evolución del régimen del presidente Duterte hacia la dictadura mediante la extención del Estado de Guerra impuesto en Mindanao. Recogemos las intervenciones de dos viejos amigos y colaboradores de Sin Permiso (en cuyos archivos se pueden consultar varios de sus artículos), Sonny Melencio y Walden Bello (en la foto), dos veteranos luchadores contra la dictadura de Marcos y los sucesivos regímenes EDSA. SP


Sonny Melencio: A dangerous situation in the Philippines



Talk presented by Sonny Melencio (right) at the opening session of the National Conference Against Dictatorship (NCAD), Benitez Hall, UP Diliman, July 20, 2017.


July 25, 2017 
— Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Ang Masa Para sa Sosyalismo - Online — This is an initiative appropriate to the times. President Duterte has just confirmed that he’s raring to establish a dictatorship. He wants to extend martial law in Mindanao until December this year. And his chuwariwariwap boys in Congress had agreed to this. And now even Vice Leni said don’t be suspicious of his intentions, because he’s out to do good. Seems like he’s out to no good for me.


100 days of the Duterte presidency: the present tactical period and our tasks



By Sonny Melencio


October 3, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Partido Lakas ng Masa -- This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.


Philippines: The contradictions of the Rodrigo Duterte regime



By Sonny Melencio


July 24, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Partido Lakas ng Masa with permission – The following text is based on a talk delivered at All Leaders Meeting of Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (Solidarity of Filipino Workers, BMP)-Sanlakas-Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Labouring Masses, PLM) at Claret Parish Church on July 13, 2016.]


* * * * *


1. The Rodrigo Duterte government is right now the most popular government since the Cory Aquino administration [1986-1992]. (It cannot be compared though to the euphoria that greeted Cory Aquino’s installation to power through the Edsa 1 uprising, which occurred in a different historical context and circumstance.) According to the Pulse Asia survey, President Duterte enjoys a 91% trust rating. This means 9 out 10 Filipinos trust him; and practically no one (0.2%) rejects him, as the remaining 8% are the undecided.


Filipinas: la epifanía presidencial de Rodrigo Duterte y la tormenta que se avecina



[Original articles published in English on Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal]


May 9, 2016 -- Traduido para Sin Permiso por Enrique García -- El aumento espectacular de las expectativas de Rodrigo Duterte (foto), alcalde de la sureña ciudad de Davao, que ahora lidera las encuestas cara a las elecciones presidenciales del 9 de mayo en Filipinas, ha sacudido el panorama político del país. Su campaña desde fuera del sistema, al hablar de la necesidad de una "revolución Duterte" contra el fraude electoral, que se prepara para evitar su elección, ha galvanizado gran parte del descontento existente con la clase política.


Philippines socialists on the phenomenal rise of presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte



The phenomenal rise of Rodrigo Duterte (pictured), the mayor of the southern city of Davao who is now leading in the polls ahead of the May 9 Philippines presidential elections, has shaken up the country's political landscape. His outsider campaign, with talk of the need for a "Duterte revolution" against expected electoral fraud to prevent his election, has galvanized much of the existing discontent towards the political class.


Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal have republished two pieces, one by Sonny Melencio from the Party of the Labouring Masses, and the other by left Senate candidate Walden Bello, looking at what the Duterte phenomenon means for the Philippines and the left.


Filipinas: 30 aniversario de la Revolución EDSA y la memoria histórica


[Original articles in English here.]


¿Qué conmemoraremos de la revolución de EDSA 1?


Por Sonny Melencio


25 de Febrero, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal traducido por Enrique García para Sin Permiso -- En una ocasión tuve la oportunidad de ser invitado por el Rembrandt Kapihan junto con un candidato a senador del KBL (Movimiento de la Nueva Sociedad) en las elecciones de mayo de 2016. El malhablado candidato del KBL se lanzó a fustigar a una audiencia imaginaria que había convertido a Ninoy Aquino (el asesinado padre del actual presidente Benigno Aquino, también conocido como PNoy) en un héroe de la primera "revolución EDSA". Esta extraña reacción al parecer quería ser una respuesta a mi afirmación de que íbamos a celebrar EDSA 1 el 25 de febrero con las concentraciones de protesta habituales.


El candidato del KBL arrojó una andanada de maldiciones contra el levantamiento popular que derrocó al dictador Ferdinand Marcos. Después de que Marcos abandonase el país en 1986, todo había ido cuesta abajo para Las Filipinas y su pueblo, según el candidato del KBL.


UPDATED: Sonny Melencio and Walden Bello on the 30th anniversary of the Edsa Uprising


Sonny Melencio (pictured) will be one of the keynote speakers at Socialism for the 21st century: Moving beyond capitalism, learning from global struggles being held in Sydney on May 13-15.


What is there to celebrate on the 30th anniversary of the Edsa Revolution?

By Sonny Melencio


February 25, 2016 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- I once had a chance to be a guest at the Rembrandt Kapihan together with a KBL (New Society Movement) senatorial candidate for the May 2016 election. The foul-mouthed KBL candidate went on a cursing spree to lambast an imaginary audience that had made Ninoy Aquino (the murdered father of current President Benigno Aquino, also known as PNoy) a hero of the first "Edsa Revolution". This seemed to be a response to my statement that we were going to celebrate Edsa 1 on February 25 with the usual protest rallies.


The KBL candidate spewed a barrage of crisp curses against the people’s uprising that brought down the dictator Ferdinand Marcos. After Marcos fled the country in 1986, everything went downhill for the country and the people, according to the KBL candidate.


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