Turn your idea into a great website

Pick a theme, customize it, and go live
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Get ready for business

Build your online presence with a domain, custom website, and business email, all in one place.
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Everything your business needs to get online
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More Details
  • Free yahoosites.com domain
  • 3 GB storage
  • 150+ templates to choose from
  • Mobile-optimized website
  • Unlimited site pages
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Built-in SEO
  • 24/7 phone, chat and online support
  • Live Insights activity monitoring
  • 30-day satisfaction guarantee
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • Includes all features in Lite
  • Free domain
  • 5 GB of storage
  • 1 email mailbox + multiple email aliases
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Create a website in minutes

Choose from over 150 ready-to-use themes and then personalize one that’s right for you — no coding required.
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Look great on any device, any time

These themes are specifically built to create beautiful and high-functioning websites. Enhance your site with multimedia features and more.
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Select. Customize. Publish.

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Publish your website

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Websites?
Is Websites free?
Can I add a blog to my website?
Does Websites include hosting?
Can I track analytics with Websites?
Is Websites the right tool for me?
What is the difference between Yahoo Small Business Websites and Web Hosting?
Is a domain included with Websites?
Can I connect a new website to my existing domain?
Once I’ve created my website, how can I drive traffic to it?