Data+Foot Hackathon


Hi everyone!

Use this discussion thread if you are participating in the Data+Foot Hackathon in Paris and have questions about the Twitter Platform.

The Developers Relations team will be listening and answering during the weekend. Discussion participates will be randomly selected to receive Twitter branded swag!

Some useful links to get started with the Twitter APIs:

  • Streaming API:
  • Create Apps:
  • Open Source Libs:

Questions or ideas? Chat here or ask us at @TwitterDevFR! Share this page:


Hello there!

Thanks everyone for the great face-to-face conversations so far. :slight_smile: Based on the ideas and questions I’ve had from the teams, I’m adding some links below in case they can be helpful to more participants!

  • Tracking the conversation in real-time — Use the [node:10389] endpoint with the track parameter to receive in real-time all Tweets based on a football match or the hashtag of your app.
  • Digging in the past Tweets — Navigate inside the previous Tweets using the [node:10287] endpoint and paginate through the results matching your query.
  • Posting photos on Twitter — Use the [node:9708] endpoint to post pictures on Twitter. Don’t forget to include a hashtag as well if you want to track them easily in real-time!
  • Building an Android app with Crashlytics and Twitter4J — Become a better developer by embedding Crashlytics inside your app and have great crash reporting insights: Use Twitter4J to simplify the integration of Twitter data in your Android app:
  • Embedding Tweets and Timelines — [node:10248] are very convenient to build your prototypes over the weekend! In particular, Custom Timelines are a great way to embed a selection of Tweets on a Web page:
  • Sharing easily on Twitter — If you want to add a very simple way to share an information to Twitter, you should check [node:183].

Good luck, everyone! :slight_smile:
