Hidden Twitter tricks from a social media manager: The media library

Sandra Vega

By Sandra Vega

March 02, 2017

Social media managers sure do love a good visual. And we do know that adding media to a Tweet not only increases engagements but also helps Tweets stand out. Between images, GIFs, and videos — there's a lot to choose from, which means there's a lot of assets to manage. 

Very few people may realize that behind a visually enticing Tweet there's a social media manager's desktop that has turned into a forest of screenshots, video files, GIFs, and saved images.

Fellow social media managers, behold — a better way to upload, save, and manage your media.

The media library

The media library will automatically save any image, GIF, or video that you attach to a Tweet. Gone are the days of deleting images from your desktop only to find out that you need to Tweet it again. 

If you need to share the same asset again, simply find it in the media library and compose your Tweet right from there. You can even schedule Tweets from the media library. I know, amazing, right? 

For even better organization, the files are organized by type so you can easily find that cute cat GIF that took you forever to decide on. And because it's an absolute must to plan ahead as much as possible — you can upload media directly to the library to use when you're ready to Tweet it out. 

Ready to start organizing your media? To access the media library you'll need to log into ads.twitter.com and click under the "Creatives" tab. 

Your desktop will thank you.

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