4 ways to use video during product launches on Twitter

Liz alton

By Liz alton

November 05, 2018
Unrecognizable fashion designer holding professional camera and looking at pictures of outfit on it

Launching a new product can mean big things for your brand: press coverage, new customers, and a healthy boost to the bottom line. A smart product launch strategy is the key to making a splash with your latest products and services.

One important element of your campaign is video. According to internal Twitter research, videos on Twitter drive the highest recall and emotional connection on any digital platform. Need inspiration? Here are four creative ways to use video in your product launches.

Show customers how products work with fun how-to videos

Customers are more likely to be delighted by your products when they know how to use them, so think about what questions people have about your products. A how-to video can be a buzzy, helpful way to respond.

Natural cosmetics company @tartecosmetics used video effectively in a series of Tweets announcing their new vegan and latex-free mega fluffy tarteist™ PRO cruelty-free lashes. Then, for customers who had questions about the application process, they followed up with an easy to follow video on how to apply lashes from their line.

Use video to play up the benefits

Video can let you quickly communicate the most important takeaways the market should know about your product.

Another beauty brand, @RodanFieldsHQ, recently announced the launch of a new addition to their skincare line. Today’s skincare routines can get complex. To excite customers and put their new Radiant Defense Perfecting Liquid into context, Rodan + Fields put together a helpful video to help viewers quickly learn where the new product fits into their routine, along with its most important benefits.

Build excitement with teaser videos

Video can be a great format to offer teasers and generate buzz for a new product before it hits the market. Graphics, music and other touches can help bring your brand to life.

@Pokemon created a fun, old-style video to announce the return of Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver on its virtual console. Your marketing team can tap into similar levels of excitement by offering an advance look at your forthcoming products.

Feature your fans with user-generated videos

Today’s audiences love the chance to connect with your brand and a product launch is a perfect time to do it. Partnering with customers to highlight user-generated videos is a great way to build on early excitement around your product.

In a series of recent Tweets, the team at @EAMaddenNFL has been engaging fans and providing them with inside looks at the recently released video game Madden NFL 19. In addition, they're encouraging further engagement with their audience by inviting them to share their own videos to showcase during future Plays of the Week segments.

Are you launching a new product? Start your Twitter video ad campaign today.

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