3 reasons videos capture Twitter's mobile audience

Liz Alton

By Liz Alton

July 05, 2017
Young men and women sitting at cafe table and laughing with mobile phone.

Videos can be a powerful addition to the way you share your brand story on Twitter, and help increase how memorable and effective your campaigns are. With 93% of Twitter’s video views taking place on mobile devices*, brands are learning to capture the benefits of mobile viewership, and exciting research suggests that incorporating video into your campaigns can positively impact a range of different consumer behaviors.

Here’s a closer look at three key reasons why video should be part of your next campaign.

Increase brand awareness

Is your brand top of mind when customers think about your products or services? Research shows that people who view videos on Twitter are 50% more likely to be aware of an advertiser’s brand, and that videos on Twitter are 2x as memorable as those on other premium platforms**. Video provides a great way to introduce new products, reach prospective customers, or bring your brand experience to a new audience segment on their mobile device.

@MLBStatoftheDay uses their “Stat of the Day” campaign to connect with fans and pair quick bits of information with short, fun videos.

Improve brand sentiment

Customers don’t have to just know about your brand. They have to love it. People who view videos on Twitter feel 14% more favorable about the brand**. By improving brand sentiment, you're increasing the positive association customers have with aspects of your brand. For example, a video might allow you to show:

  • Why your products or services are the best
  • How your offerings help customers
  • The positive social and environmental impact your brand has
  • Happy associations with your broader brand or products

Invest in increasing purchase intent

Videos on Twitter increase the average lift in intent by 34%**. Whether you’re launching a new product or building interest in a product or service among a new segment, increasing purchase intent is all about driving conversions. Consumers aren’t just watching your ads or talking about your products — they’re getting out there and voting with their dollars. Ultimately, increasing sales and improving the bottom line is a core focus for marketing and advertising, and videos on Twitter provide an effective channel to do so.

@Reebok tells a story and helps introduce shoe fans to their latest products.

As mobile becomes the dominant channel for marketers, it’s increasingly important to find ways to rise above the noise. Videos capture audience’s attention, and (more importantly) move them to action.

Ready to increase brand visibility, improve sentiment, and drive up purchases? Start integrating video into your content strategy today, or check out our latest research on Twitter Video

* Twitter internal data
** Nielsen Brand Effect Norms, Media and Entertainment, US, July 2015 - November 2016 

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