Twitter Developer Changelog

July 24th, 2018

June 21st, 2018


June 12th, 2018

  • Today, we started requiring that you whitelist the callback URLs that you use with the Sign in with Twitter process. You can read more about this update here.
  • We also announced the addition of the tweet_delete_events activity to the Account Activity API. This new activity will be sent for those corresponding deleted events to enable developers to more easily provide a compliant experience for their customers and application users. You can read more about this new activity in our forum post or on our documentation.

May 25th, 2018

May 23rd, 2018

  • Today, the timezone values in Twitter user objects became private fields. From here on out, all* time_zone and utc_offset data objects will return as null. Please read our forum post for more details.
    * They will continue to be available on the account/settings endpoint, for authenticated users only.

May 14th, 2018

  • Today, we are changing all instances of profile_background_image_url and profile_background_image_url_https to their default values. Please read our forum post for more details.
  • In addition to the above change, we are adding a new field to the Account Activity API payloads to reference which subscription the activity was delivered for. This JSON object is called for_user_id and will include the subscribed user's ID who produced that activity as its value. You can see some examples of this new JSON object in our account activity objects page.


May 10th, 2018

  • Today, we are announcing a change to the way that URLs will be rendered in the Quote Tweet payload.
  • We’re adding a new entity called the "quoted_status_permalink" entity to ensure the quoted Tweet can be referenced and we will be removing the link from the quoted Tweet "text" field.
  • With the new format, the link is no longer appended to the "text" field of the quoted Tweet in the "quoted_status" object.
  • Further, we will no longer put the quoted Tweet url, expanded_url, and display_url in the ‘urls’ entity. Instead, these will be added to a new "quoted_status_permalink" object with "url", "expanded", and "display" URL attributes. This means that the "quoted_status_permalink" object will be reserved for the link back to the quoted Tweet, whereas the "entities.urls" array can be used to identify any links shared within the original Tweet or Quote Tweet.
  • Please read our forum post and updated documentation for more details.


April 30th, 2018

  • The announcement of Twitter Kit deprecation, after October 31, 2018 Twitter Kit will no longer be actively maintained.  Please read our blog post for more details.


April 24th, 2018

  • Today we announced several updates to the platform related to GDPR. Please read our forum post for more details.


February 1st, 2018


December 19th, 2017

  • Launched both (All Activities) and (Direct Messages) Standard beta Account Activity APIs, read more about this launch on our blog.  Announced User streams & Site streams deprecation and sunset date of Tuesday June 19, 2018.


December 15th, 2017

  • Version 2.0 of twitter-text is now available on GitHub. This update addresses the change in our character limit that was rolled out on November 7th, 2017. To learn more about this update, please visit our forum.


November 14th, 2017

  • Launched the Premium APIs.
  • These new APIs build on the quality and stability of our enterprise data platform, and make it available more widely via a tiered pricing model. For the first time, you can start to search across 30 days of Tweets (instead of the limited 7 days of data on the standard endpoint), and optionally, you can also access our premium enrichments for profile geo, URL expansion, and poll data. Here’s a taste of some of the new features:
    • More Tweets per request (Sandbox + Premium)
    • A far more rich query language enabling more complex queries (Sandbox + Premium)
    • A counts endpoint that returns time-series counts of Tweets (Premium)
    • Metadata enrichments, such as expanded URLs and Profile Geo (Premium)
  • Read more about this launch on our blog.


November 7th, 2017

  • Official launch of 280 character limit expansion in languages where cramming was an issue. Added ability to send tweets with 280 characters using the POST statuses/update endpoint. Read more about this update on our forum.


November 1st, 2017

  • The ability to send Direct Messages via the statuses/update API endpoint has been completely removed, and the enable_dm_commands and fail_dm_commands parameters will no longer have any effect. Read more about this update on our forum.


October 11th, 2017

  • A change was made to Twitter’s backend OAuth API endpoints which altered the behaviour of the /oauth/authenticate endpoint to match that of the /oauth/authorize endpoint. Read more about this update on our forum.


October 10th, 2017

  • The Engagement API was updated to use the same metrics aggregation methodology in use by the Twitter analytics dashboard. Read more about this update on our forum.


October 1st, 2017

  • The default value of the fail_dm_commands parameter within the DM statuses/update endpoint has been switched to true. All status updates intended as Direct Messages will start to return errors (unless enable_dm_commands is false, in which case the Tweet will be posted). Read more about this update on our forum.


September 26th, 2017

  • The raw payload for 280 character tweets will be treated the same way as long tweets. Read more about this update on our forum.


September 11th, 2017

  • Adding new data to the Tweet payload (additional_media_info object) and also restricting some video details (video_info) for promoted Tweets where advertisers have requested we limit video playback to Twitter owned clients. You can find additional information about this change at the following link: Extended Entities Objects > Tweet with native video


June 2nd, 2017

  • The xAuth authentication mechanism has been removed from all Twitter APIs  Read more about this update on our forum.


May 8th, 2017

  • All HTTP headers have been forced into lowercase (content-typex-rate-limit-remainingx-access-level etc). Read more about this update on our forum.


May 5th, 2017

  • The optional enable_dm_commands parameter to statuses/update will enable applications to remove DM command support early, before the transition period ends. The default value is true (i.e. current legacy behavior), but this may be set to false to get the new, post-November 1 behavior. The optional fail_dm_commands parameter to statuses/update will make DM commands return HTTP 403 (error code 151) from the API when set to true. The default value is false. Read more about this update on our forum.


April 6th, 2017

  • Access to several new Direct Message APIs are now more widely available. Read more about this update on our blog.


March 9th, 2017

  • MPEG-DASH URLs (.mpd) has been removed from the payload of a Tweet that contains video. Read more about this update on our forum.