GET user (deprecated, sunset August 16th 2018)

Streams messages for a single user.

Notice: We plan to sunset this API on Thursday August 16th, 2018. The Account Activity API will replace User Streams and Site Streams APIs. If you would like to migrate from the User Streams API to the Account Activity API, you should read through our migration guide.

Resource URL

Resource Information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes (user context only)
Rate limited? Yes


See streaming messge types here for more detail

Name Required Description Default Value Example
delimited optional Specifies whether messages should be length-delimited.    
stall_warnings optional Specifies whether stall warnings should be delivered.    
with optional Specifies whether to return information for just the authenticating user, or include messages from accounts the user follows.    
replies optional Specifies whether to return additional @replies.    
track optional Includes additional Tweets matching the specified keywords. Phrases of keywords are specified by a comma-separated list.    
locations optional Includes additional Tweets falling within the specified bounding boxes.    
stringify_friend_ids optional Specifies whether to send the friend list preamble as an array of integers or an array of strings. See