Tutorials / One-time Historical PowerTrack jobs

One-time Historical PowerTrack jobs


Historical PowerTrack (HPT) is built to deliver Tweets at scale using a batch, Job-based design. If you are purchasing a one-time job, you will have to follow a simple process of developing a date range and set of filtering rules, and then downloading the job using one of our recommended processes. Twitter also offers a subscription-based option for those individuals who might want to access more than a single job.

Depending on the length of the request time period, Jobs can take hours or days to generate. A data file is generated for each 10-minute period that contains at least one Tweet. Therefore, a 30-day datasets will commonly consists of approximately 4,300 files regardless of the number of matched Tweets.

To learn more about the Historical PowerTrack product, please read the Overview documentation.

Note: Please keep in mind that one-time jobs do not require any work with the Historical PowerTrack API endpoints. Your account manager will do much of this work for you.

Rules and filtering

The first step you will need to take to get your one-time job set up will be to develop a set of rules and date frame for the job. Up to 1000 filtering rules, each containing 2048 characters or less, can be added to the job. This will make sure that you just receive those tweets that are relevant to the project that you are working on.

To learn more about how to build a set of rules, please read through the following documentation:

Historical PowerTrack rules and filtering

Job submission

Once you’ve developed your ruleset, please submit the following form to get in contact with our team. We will then review the job and develop an estimation for you.

Request a job

Downloading your job

Considering that your HPT job might contain thousands of files that need to be downloaded, unzipped, and combined, you will likely want to use an automated process. We have listed some example strategies on the following page to help you get going with your data!

Download your job

Data Format

All Twitter APIs that return Tweets provide that data encoded using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is based on key-value pairs, with named attributes and associated values. In addition to the text content itself, a Tweet can have over 140 attributes associated with it.

To learn more about these attributes and the organization of the Tweet payload, please read through our Data Dictionary documentation.

Each tweet delivered by the Historical PowerTrack product will also include our matching rule enhancement. If you are using more than one rule, the matching rule ID can be used to identify which rule each individual tweet matched within your job. You can learn more about this enhancement on our PowerTrack Data Format page.

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