Partner Inbounds

We ask that only partners contact Twitter directly. Advertisers or non-partner contacts are never allowed to use these direct channels.

When reporting a bug or issue to Partner Engineering

  • Include the API call being made (when possible, include the headers sent using twurl -t)
  • Include the Twitter response (when possible, include the headers returned)
  • Explain what you received
  • Explain what you expected to receive
  • Handle associated with the OAuth user token used for this call
  • Ads account operating on
  • If relevant, campaign ID, line item ID, Tweet ID, etc.
  • If relevant, the full URL and screen shot of the page using for comparison in the UI
  • Impact: How is this impacting the you/your implementation? Is there revenue impact? Is this impacting a single advertiser? Multiple? All? Is this a new feature being implemented or something in production that has changed in some form?
  • Only 1 topic/issue per email thread, as each thread is a separate ticket tracked in our systems
  • Also CC the primary technical contact for your Twitter integration on any communication with us

Who to contact

The below table lists possible subject areas that partner teams may need to reach a Twitter team member on. It explains, based on who on your team is reaching out, what team at Twitter they should reach out to.

Subject Group at Partner Twitter Contact
Technical questions on the API, a feature or product Product or Engineering Partner Engineering
Non-Technical questions on the API, a feature or product Anyone Account Management/Partner Management
Bug reports Product or Engineering Partner Engineering
Bug reports Sales, Account Management, Marketing, Business Contacts Account Management/Partner Management
New Feature Requests Product or Engineering Partner Engineering
New Feature Requests Sales, Account Management, Marketing, Business Contacts Account Management/Partner Management
Account Feature Whitelisting or Advertiser Accounts Marked as Ineligible Anyone Account Management/Partner Management
Application Whitelisting Product or Engineering Partner Engineering
Report that the API is down or there is an outage of some sort Engineering Partner Engineering

Sample Bug Report

As of 2016-10-03T12:00:00 UTC, we began receiving the following error response when attempting to create new line items.

Example Request / Steps to Reproduce

twurl -H "/2/accounts/abc1/line_items?campaign_id=def2&bid_amount_local_micro=10000&placements=TWITTER_SEARCH&product_type=PROMOTED_TWEETS&paused=true&total_budget_amount_local_micro=100000&objective=FOOBAR"

Actual Result

      "message":"FOOBAR is not a valid objective",

Expected Result

We have been using the FOOBAR objective without issue for the past month and are now getting a validation error that it is invalid. We expect to be able to set this as an objective for TWITTER_SEARCH placement types. Has something changed in the Ads API validations regarding this objective?

Account ID: abc1, Campaign ID: def2, OAuth Token User: @AdsAPI

Impact and Severity

This is preventing our advertisers (approx 5) from setting up new campaigns, of which we have $XXX of planned spend pending setup now, and scheduled to start on CCYY-MM-DD UTC.