What are Promoted-only Tweets?

Promoted-only Tweets are only shown to users targeted in your ads campaigns. Unless specifically targeted, they do not show on your followers' timelines and are also not visible in search results. However, because Promoted-only Tweets are live, they are viewable by our data partners who have access to all live Tweets for analysis purposes.

Promoted-only Tweets are made within your Ads Account. When seen by a targeted user, they act like normal Tweets and can receive replies, be shared, Retweeted, liked, etc. 

How to create

Promoted-only Tweets, like all Promoted Tweets, can be created from your Twitter Ads account, either from the main Tweet composer in the Creatives < Tweets tab or during campaign creation. Any Twitter Ads user with the ability to compose Tweets can create Promoted-only Tweets.

If you are the Account owner, you have the choice to select or deselect “Promoted only” under the delivery options. If the "Promoted only" box is unticked, the Tweet will be tweeted to your followers as a normal organic Tweet.


Promoted-only Tweets are shown to the people you target in your campaigns. They are not shown to your followers, unless you specifically target them in your campaign. If you choose to schedule the Tweet, it will not be published until the date and time you specify.

Note: While Promoted-only Tweets are effectively hidden, they are still “live” Tweets. This means if you mention a Twitter user in your Tweet (e.g. “Hi @Twitter”) that user will receive a notification that they were mentioned with a link to the Tweet. In addition, because promoted-only Tweets are live, they are also viewable by our data partners who have access to all live Tweets for analysis purposes.

FAQs on Promoted-only Tweets

  • Why can't I create a Promoted-only Tweet?
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    If you're accessing an Ads Account through Multi-User login the Account Owner must grant "Can compose promotable Tweets" permissions next to your @handle. 

    This can be done by the Account Owner in their "Edit access to account" tab.

    For answers to other commons questions on creating Ads Tweets click here

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  • Why can't I unselect "Promoted-only" when tweeting?
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    Only the Account Owner can unselect the Promoted-only box to create Organic tweets from the Ads Account.

    If you're accessing the Ads Account through Multi-User login as an Account Administrator, Ad Manager, Campaign Analyst, or Organic Analyst, you will only be able to create Promoted-only tweets, and only if you have been granted "Can compose promotable tweets" permissions. 

    For answers to other commons questions on creating Ads Tweets click here

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  • Will Promoted-only Tweets show to my followers?
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    No, Promoted-only Tweets will not show to your followers unless you target them in your campaigns. If you navigate to your Twitter @handle page, Promoted-only Tweets will not show. You can create, manage, and promote your Promoted-only Tweets in your Twitter Ads Account on ads.twitter.com.

    Note: While Promoted-only Tweets are effectively hidden, they are still “live” Tweets. This means if you mention a Twitter user in your Tweet (e.g. “Hi @Twitter”) that user will receive a notification that they were mentioned with a link to the Tweet. In addition, because promoted-only Tweets are live, they are also viewable by our data partners who have access to all live Tweets for analysis purposes.

  • How do I delete a Promoted-only Tweet?
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    Only the Account Owner can delete Promoted-only Tweets. To delete a Promoted-only Tweet, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to the Twitter account
    2. Go to ads.twitter.com
    3. Select "Tweets" from the "Creatives" drop-down menu
    4. Click on the date of the specific Promoted-only Tweet to open the Tweet at twitter.com
    5. Delete the Tweet (instructions here).

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