A B2B company increased ticket sales with Website Cards

SiriusDecisions (@siriusdecisions) is a global research and advisory firm that delivers expert guidance to help executives elevate their sales, marketing and product performance. Each year they host the SiriusDecisions’ Summit, a premier B2B conference.

Campaign objective

SiriusDecisions wanted to drive ticket sales for their 10th annual conference. To connect with industry decision makers, they turned to Twitter Ads and created a website conversions campaign. The campaign was launched with a goal of quadrupling their return on investment (ROI).


Targeting B2B industry decision makers and C-suite executives. 



ROI from Twitter

"Twitter is all about real-time, value-added news sharing in order to attract, engage, and eventually convert audiences."


Keys to success

Implement a remarketing pixel

SiriusDecisions posted a Twitter remarketing pixel on their “Thank you” page and set an attribution window of 30 days post engagement and 7 days post view. Because it allowed them to track when users who saw their ad registered for the event, this pixel gave them insight on the full user journey. The attribution window of 30 days worked well for them since the decision to buy a ticket and attend the event required significant consideration. 

Use follower targeting to reach industry decision makers

SiriusDecisions used follower targeting to serve campaigns to the followers, and people like the followers, of targeted account lists, similar companies, B2B news publications and industry influencers. By doing this, they were able to reach high-level decision makers and B2B industry influencers who have the power to approve conference budgets. 

"Choosing Twitter’s targeting by followers with a focus on mobile, allowed us to strategically retarget users on-the-go. So when ready, they completed event registration later via their desktop computers."


Use all of the Website Card

Website Cards have several different elements designed to prompt Twitter users to click through to your site. To make the most out of this powerful tool, SiriusDecisions created ads that maximized each element of the Card.

The image: To build emotional intrigue an active photo was used with relevant text on the image.

• The headline:  The headline was used to call out the specifics of their offer: the location, dates and the number of attendees.

The Tweet copy: To keep users’ clicks focused on the call-to-action button, the Tweet copy did not include any @usernames and #hashtags. To boost curiosity, the Tweet copy started with a question.

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