By Peter Brimelow on 2018-11-12 00:11:00 -0500
After Herb London lost his 1994 race for New York State Comptroller, the end of a brave political career in which hard work and intelligence came agonizingly close to defeating money and mediocrity, I wrote him a commiserating letter, drawing on my contemporaneous binge reading about the Civil War while writing Alien Nation, arguing that his role had been like that of Lee’s heroic infantry at Getty...
By Gilbert Cavanaugh on 2018-11-11 20:50:00 -0500

The great free market economist Milton Friedman once encountered a Swedish economist who bluntly told him: “In Scandinavia, we have no poverty.” Not one to be stumped, Friedman replied, “That’s interesting, because in America, among Scandinavians, we have no poverty, either.” In both countries, however, Scandinavians are committing cultural suicide.

Though rarely noticed, Americans of Scandinavian ancestry—particularly Swedish—are considerably wealthier (on average) than your average American. Their rates of poverty are much lower as well. [If Sweden’s Big Welfare State Is Superior to America’s Medium Welfare State, then Why Do Swedes in America Earn Far More than Swedes in Sweden?, by Daniel J. Mitchell, Cato, September 13, 2012] And just like in their ancestral nations, Scandinavians build large governmental social safety nets and well-funded public schools wherever they go. (James Fulford has commented that the excellent results achieved in public schools in Finland are duplicated by public schools in Michigan—not in Detroit, but in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, populated almost entirely by Finns.)

But as well as prosperity and welfare states, Scandinavians on both sides of the Atlantic also have a penchant for bringing Muslims into their society, and developing the kind of suicidal public policies that come in hand in hand with mass alien immigration. I was reminded of this last Tuesday night when Minnesota elected a Muslim African-American Attorney General, Keith Ellison, and a Muslim Somali congresswoman, Ilhan Omar.

The latter filled the seat vacated by the former, it should be noted. That congressional district, the fifth, is not exactly the stereotype of Minnesota most of you have in your head. It encompasses several different suburbs of Minneapolis, and those areas are very white, very liberal, and very typically Minnesotan. The part of Minneapolis proper that it covers, however, is a melting pot of Third World peoples: Somalis, American Indians, blacks, Mexicans, Central Americans, and a handful of Hmong. One neighborhood in the district, Midtown, is the second most dangerous part of the city (the first is the all black ghetto known simply as “north Minneapolis”), and both grocery stores and public libraries feature private security guards throughout it. It is also home to the Schooner Tavern, a Mos Eisley cantina famous for its racial brawls, and South High School, also known for its racial brawls. [The fight at South High was more than a food fight, by Jamal Abdulahi,, March 1, 2013]

The district’s Pioneer Cemetery, mostly made up of 19th-century graves of Scandinavians—including quite a few combat veterans of the Spanish-American War—is now decidedly out of place, surrounded as it is by Third Worlders, ghetto-marts hawking t-shirts glamorizing criminals and junkies, and government ads asking them to behave.

By Clayton Bishop on 2018-11-11 19:02:00 -0500
New York is a perfect example of the political transformation caused by a browning electorate. Long Island, which might be the part of the state that has been most impacted by the Democrats' demographic replacement policies was what enabled state Democrats to take over complete political control of the state government this past Tuesday. Republicans not only lost, but they were blasted out of the ...
By James Fulford on 2018-11-11 17:53:00 -0500
According to The College Fix, Professor Amy Wax is threatening to sue her university for defamation over a controversy in which she remarked on the low graduation standings  of blacks at her law school. They say While Wax’s dean pulled her from teaching mandatory first-year classes in retaliation for her comments on black students, “I am not going to be fired” even though some colleagues think she...
By Hubert Collins on 2018-11-11 15:11:00 -0500
In 2008, Georgia’s sixth congressional district was 85 percent white. Today, it is 60 percent white. In 2008, Virginia’s seventh congressional district was 79 percent white. Today, it is 65 percent white. In 2008, Virginia’s tenth congressional district was 80 percent white. Today, it is 65 percent white. What do all three have in common besides a shockingly similar demographic change in the last d...
By Steve Sailer on 2018-11-11 13:19:00 -0500
You don’t hear much about the 1982 Illinois gubernatorial election vote count, both because it was hilariously crooked (which is something you are not supposed to think about) and it was extremely confusing. I think I’ve finally got a coherent story straight in my head, thanks to: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago April 16, 2008 37 min read, by Hans von Spakovsk...
By Steve Sailer on 2018-11-11 10:50:00 -0500
Historian Sean McMeekin offers a different perspective on Armistice Day in an L.A. Times op-ed: It was never quiet on the Eastern Front. Still isn’tBy SEAN MCMEEKINNOV 11, 2018 | 3:05 AM … Something has always been missing from our popular understanding of World War I, however. The armistice signed at Compiègne, France, on Nov. 11, 1918, may have put an end to hostilities between the Great Powers...
By Steve Sailer on 2018-11-11 10:48:00 -0500
From the New York Times: Reimagining Norman Rockwell’s America By Laura M. HolsonNov. 8, 2018 The idea is to recast Norman Rockwell paintings with Diversity. It’s a pathetically lame idea, but who cares about artistic taste anymore? What matters now is Representation. We need more pictures of the Good People and fewer pictures of the Bad People. For example, Rockwell’s Freedom of Speech is too p...
By Steve Sailer on 2018-11-10 23:47:00 -0500
It’s just the normal vote-counting process. Very boring. There is no need for citizens to keep an eye on what government officials are up to. Only conspiracy theorists care. If there’s any news, we will let you know. Check back in with us after Thanksgiving to find out who won. After all, who ever heard of the public being interested in vote counting in Florida? [Comment at]  ...
By Steve Sailer on 2018-11-10 23:43:00 -0500
Since 2009, I’ve gotten a lot of mileage out of Sailer’s Law of Female Journalism: “The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.” But female journalists continue to strive tirelessly to make my snark look like a Law of Nature. For example, here’s a ...


By Gilbert Cavanaugh on 2018-11-11 20:50:00 -0500

The great free market economist Milton Friedman once encountered a Swedish economist who bluntly told him: “In Scandinavia, we have no poverty.” Not one to be stumped, Friedman replied, “That’s interesting, because in America, among Scandinavians, we have no poverty, either.” In both countries, however, Scandinavians are committing cultural suicide.

Though rarely noticed, Americans of Scandinavian ancestry—particularly Swedish—are considerably wealthier (on average) than your average American. Their rates of poverty are much lower as well. [If Sweden’s Big Welfare State Is Superior to America’s Medium Welfare State, then Why Do Swedes in America Earn Far More than Swedes in Sweden?, by Daniel J. Mitchell, Cato, September 13, 2012] And just like in their ancestral nations, Scandinavians build large governmental social safety nets and well-funded public schools wherever they go. (James Fulford has commented that the excellent results achieved in public schools in Finland are duplicated by public schools in Michigan—not in Detroit, but in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, populated almost entirely by Finns.)

But as well as prosperity and welfare states, Scandinavians on both sides of the Atlantic also have a penchant for bringing Muslims into their society, and developing the kind of suicidal public policies that come in hand in hand with mass alien immigration. I was reminded of this last Tuesday night when Minnesota elected a Muslim African-American Attorney General, Keith Ellison, and a Muslim Somali congresswoman, Ilhan Omar.

The latter filled the seat vacated by the former, it should be noted. That congressional district, the fifth, is not exactly the stereotype of Minnesota most of you have in your head. It encompasses several different suburbs of Minneapolis, and those areas are very white, very liberal, and very typically Minnesotan. The part of Minneapolis proper that it covers, however, is a melting pot of Third World peoples: Somalis, American Indians, blacks, Mexicans, Central Americans, and a handful of Hmong. One neighborhood in the district, Midtown, is the second most dangerous part of the city (the first is the all black ghetto known simply as “north Minneapolis”), and both grocery stores and public libraries feature private security guards throughout it. It is also home to the Schooner Tavern, a Mos Eisley cantina famous for its racial brawls, and South High School, also known for its racial brawls. [The fight at South High was more than a food fight, by Jamal Abdulahi,, March 1, 2013]

The district’s Pioneer Cemetery, mostly made up of 19th-century graves of Scandinavians—including quite a few combat veterans of the Spanish-American War—is now decidedly out of place, surrounded as it is by Third Worlders, ghetto-marts hawking t-shirts glamorizing criminals and junkies, and government ads asking them to behave.

By Lance Welton on 2018-11-10 23:03:00 -0500

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See, earlier: Brazil’s Bolsonaro—Among Other Things, A Pentecostalist Triumph?

 We constantly hear the Dem/ Main Stream Media Complex gloating that the US will be a majority non-white country by the 2040s. This prediction makes white Democrats hopeful as they naively envision a rainbow future of equality, love and electoral hegemony. It makes white Republicans despondent, as they see it as a harbinger of permanent Leftist rule and the destruction of the America they knew and cherished [Study: overhyped media narratives about America’s fading white majority fuel anxiety, By Matthew Yglesias, Vox, May 2, 2018]. But the election of Jair Bolsonaro as president of Brazil shows that even when whites are a minority—in Brazil they constitute just 47% of the population—people who value the future of the country can still win.

There is little question that becoming “majority-minority” will be bad for the US. The more ethnically diverse a society is the more conflict there is (see Ethnic Conflicts, by Tatu Vanhanen) and the less white (or Northeast Asian) it is, the less intelligent it is, meaning chaos, corruption, and out-of-control crime (see Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences, by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen).

But Bolsonaro’s election seems to show that the political consequences of this might be paradoxical. Decades of Leftist and minority rule—riven by corruption, Politically Correct hypocrisy, incompetence, the over-promotion of low IQ minority workers, the mollycoddling of criminals (especially minorities), the belief that money grows on trees, and the suppression of people of industry and originality—seems to have led to such utter bedlam that people simply had no choice but to vote for a conservative and even a “far right” (read: “genuinely conservative”) government.

By Paul Kersey on 2018-11-09 20:14:00 -0500

See also by Paul Kersey about Georgia: The Atlanta School Scandal After A Year and  The “Great Tree” Of Atlanta…And The Not-Coincidental War Against White America

Brian Kemp has declared himself the next governor of Georgia and resigned as The Peach State’s secretary of state. ["Brian Kemp Resigns as Georgia Secretary of State, With Governor’s Race Still Disputed," by Alan Blinder, New York Times, November 8, 2018.] But he might not want to discard the classified job ads just yet.  Neither can the GOP/GAP relax: this election shows indisputably that demography is destiny and current immigration policy, unless checked, is right on the edge of Electing A New People.

Radical black leftist Stacey Abrams, Kemp’s Democratic opponent, still hasn’t conceded. All the votes haven’t been counted. And the anti-white Ruling Class in this country is heavily invested in inaugurating the first black woman governor in history.

The count right now is Kemp with 1,973,877 votes, or 50.3 percent, to Abrams’ 1,910,725, or 48.7 percent. [Georgia Election Results, NYT, November 9, 2018] He leads by a little more than 63,000 votes. If he drops below 50 percent as uncounted votes come in, he faces a runoff in December. Of course, he might not be in this fix if yet another pie-in-the-sky Libertarian hadn’t siphoned off 37,094 votes, many of which would have been Kemp’s.

(On that note, an aside: When will right-leaning libertarians get it through their thick skulls that normal Americans are not preoccupied with legalizing dope and prostitution and repealing occupational licensing laws? Voting for oddball candidates wasn’t a problem in 1980. Back then, the country was overwhelmingly white and Republicans could still win handily. But it’s 2018. We can no longer afford to make dogmatic ideological statements in the voting booth that sink imperfect but basically good candidates).

Anyway, the radical Abrams and her Leftist supports won’t give up easily:

“Brian Kemp is 25,622 votes above the threshold for a runoff election. Twenty-five thousand votes of nearly 4 million cast are at issue in this race,” Abrams campaign manager Lauren Groh-Wargo said on Thursday. “By (Kemp’s) own admission, there are at least 25,000 outstanding votes, and hundreds if not thousands of more that we are learning about and discovering every day.”

[Georgia Governor’s Race Is Still Undecided As Votes Continue To Be Counted, by Gregory Krieg, Kaylee Hartung and Devon M. Sayers,, November 8, 2018]

But it wasn’t just a candidate for the party of legal dope and prostitutes that hurt Kemp. It was demographics.

Demography, the George governor’s race shows us, is destiny.

By Washington Watcher on 2018-11-08 19:05:00 -0500


See also Ann Coulter On The Midterms: Pussy (Hats) Whipped!

The midterms are finally over and the “Blue Wave” didn’t wipe away the Republicans. While the GOP lost the House, the party looks to gain three seats in the Senate and it won two critical gubernatorial races in Florida and Georgia, although Stacey Abrams has refused to concede and there are reports of attempted vote fraud in Broward County. More significantly, Trump should be happy that the party is more like him than ever now.

Many of Trump’s “moderate” critics—such as Carlos Curbelo—lost their seats. Several newcomers heading to Washington are on board the America First agenda. Paul Ryan is gone, and the next leader of the Republican House caucus will certainly be more loyal to the President. Best of all, immigration patriot Steve King was the only Republican congressman to keep his seat in Iowa, doing much better than his squishy colleagues. [Loss of centrist Republicans cements GOP as party of Trump, by Josh Siegel, Washington Examiner, November 7, 2018]

The Watcher has closely followed the development of Establishment favorites embracing Trumpism, and Tuesday night showed the strength of this trend. In fact, Establishment Trumpists did much better than anti-Establishment Trumpists, as best illustrated by the respective fates of Corey Stewart in Virginia and Josh Hawley in Missouri.

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 2018-11-08 17:14:00 -0500


The war in Washington will not end until the presidency of Donald Trump ends. Everyone seems to sense that now.

This is a fight to the finish.

A postelection truce that began with Trump congratulating House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi—"I give her a great deal of credit for what she's done and what she's accomplished"—was ancient history by nightfall.

With the forced resignation of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his replacement by his chief of staff, Matthew Whitaker, the long-anticipated confrontation with Robert Mueller appears at hand.

Sessions had recused himself from the oversight role of the special counsel's investigation into Russiagate. Whitaker has definitely not.

Before joining Justice, he said that the Mueller probe was overreaching, going places it had no authority to go, and that it could be leashed by a new attorney general and starved of funds until it passes away.

Whitaker was not chosen to be merely a place holder until a new AG is confirmed. He was picked so he can get the job done.

And about time.