Saxony-Anhalt, Germany: Graffiti for Disappeared Anarchist Comrade Santiago Maldonado

Received on 24.09.17:

Where Is Santiago Maldonado?

Santiago Maldonado was last seen one month ago when border police evicted a group of Mapuche activists from land in Patagonia.

Today some activists in Saxony-Anhalt territory of Germany have written ‘Where Is Santiago Maldonado?’ on walls in German, English and Turkish.

Benetton – Hands Off The Mapuche Resistance!



Posted in Argentina, Germany, Graffiti, International Solidarity, Mapuche Struggle, Patagonia, Sachsen-Anhal, Saxony-Anhalt

Grèce : Déclaration de Nikos et Pola (Lutte Révolutionnaire) pour Kostas B., antifa tabassé par la police


Nikos Maziotis et Pola Roupa, membres emprisonnés de Lutte Révolutionnaire ont publié une déclaration au sujet de Kostas B., un jeune antifasciste de 16 ans lourdement tabassé par la police grecque lors de la manifestation antifa qui a eu lieu en mémoire de Pavlos Fyssas il y a une dizaine de jours. Kostas est toujours hospitalisé en soins intensifs à l’heure actuelle.

Télécharger le PDF.

(via Secours Rouge)

Posted in Alexis Grigoropoulos, Antifascism, Greece, Kostas B., Nikos Maziotis, Pavlos Fyssas, PDF, Pola Roupa, Revolutionary Struggle

Kiev, Ukraine: Anarchist Action at the Belarusian Embassy in Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners in Belarus

On September 23, a group of Kiev anarchists held a picket outside the Belarusian embassy in solidarity with the anarchist prisoners. Activists unfurled a banner that said “DEATH TO THE DICTATOR!” and hung an effigy of Lukashenko on the fence of the embassy. At the moment, the Belarusian regime is holding anarchist comrades Dimitry Polienko and Kirill Alekseev in their dungeons.

We demand the release of all Belarusian political prisoners and express solidarity with their struggle for freedom against the dictatorial regime of Lukashenko. The death of the dictator is the only thing that will give the Belarusian people the opportunity to breathe freely.

Recently we have learned that the diplomats have already protested in connection with our last action. Anarchists will continue to carry out solidarity actions at the Belarusian embassy and violate the tranquility of the diplomatic corps, as long as there are political prisoners in the prisons of Belarus.

(via Redvia, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Belarus, Dimitry Polienko, Fuck Lukashenko, International Solidarity, Kiev, Kirill Alekseev, Ukraine

Hamburg, Germany: Arson Attack Against A DITIB Vehicle by Revenge Commando Ali Cicek


We, the Revenge Commando Ali Cicek hereby claim responsibility for the arson attack against a DITIB vehicle in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg on the night of Friday the 22nd of September. The silver VW Golf was located on the grounds of the Muradiye Mosque in the Wilhembsburg district of Hamburg. Neither the mosque nor the surrounding buildings were damaged in the attack.

The DITIB (Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs) is not a simple mosque association. The DITIB is openly known as the mouthpiece of the fascist AKP regime in Germany. The organization is attached to the Turkish religious authority Diyanet and receives from there all orders and instructions. The contents of the sermons are produced in Ankara and the preachers themselves trained in Turkey. Under the cover of religious freedom, DITIB rages against the democratic opposition in Turkey, ethnic and religious minorities such as Kurds, Armenians, Jews, Assyrians and many more and spreads a reactionary understanding of Islam. In the last year, the Turkish intelligence agency MIT are also organizing the structures of the DITIB and many imams have worked for the MIT to spy on and intimidate other people. It was recently revealed that Erdogan’s minions would not be afraid to assassinate Kurdish politicians in Europe. In the mosques of DITIB, not only is the nationalist-Islamic propaganda of the Erdogan regime spread, but also open calls for jihad against the unbelievers. Many people travelled from DITIB areas, especially in Hamburg  to the so-called ‘Islamic State’ and can still be found there. Despite this, the Federal Government continues to work closely with DITIB on ‘integration issues’. The cooperation of the German state with the fascist Erdogan regime is still very close, despite the criticism of Turkey’s situation, whether it is working with DITIB, the supply of weapons or the refugee issue.

Institutions like DITIB, UETD (Union of European Turkish Democrats), ATF (German Turkish Federation) and others are the direct offshoots of the regime in Turkey and therefore we will call them to account for the crimes of the AKP/MHP fascism in Kurdistan and the Middle East. Currently, the Turkish government and its allies are working on further occupation plans for Northern Syria and Southern Kurdistan. Their goal is none other than the destruction of the Kurdish Freedom Movement. The AKP/MHP regime in Turkey is the strongest bulwark of counter-revolution in the entire region and needs to be eliminated.

We will continue our actions against the enemies of the liberation struggle in Kurdistan and the revolution in the Middle East.

Death to Fascism!
Victory to the Revolutionary People’s War in Kurdistan!

Revenge Commando Ali Cicek
Hamburg 23.09.17

(via Chronik, translated by Insurrection News)

Posted in Arson Attack, Fuck AKP, Fuck Erdogan, Germany, Hamburg, Kurdish Struggle, Kurdistan, Revenge Commando Ali Cicek, Rojava, Syria, Turkey

Brazil: Updates About the Case of Rafael Braga (Eng/Port/Esp)


Received on 24.09.17:

UPDATE – On March 13, the Superior Court of Justice granted a preliminary injunction to have him sentenced to house arrest, in response to a request for habeas corpus from Rafael’s defense, represented by the Human Rights Defenders Institute, based on the fact
that the youth is severely debilitated by the disease and that the prison system, which is experiencing a tuberculosis epidemic, can not offer adequate conditions for treatment.

Rafael Braga left, at 16:30 on 15/09, the Penal Sanatorium, near the Penitentiary Alfredo Tranjan (Bangu II), in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, where he served his sentence. With tuberculosis, he can be treated at his family’s home in the Vila Cruzeiro favela in Penha, in the North Zone.

We demand complete and unrestricted Freedom for Rafael Braga!

The Campaign for the Freedom of Rafael Braga launches the collective financing that aims to buy a home worthy for Rafael and his family.

The idea is to leave a legacy for this cause and for this family, who is already tired of suffering with the numerous injustices that fall on Rafael, it is time to improve these conditions a little, so that Rafael has a good home at the moment when he has his freedom decreed, since at the moment he is still under house arrest, but only to treat his
tuberculosis, that is, RAFAEL BRAGA IS STILL NOT A FREE MAN!

We need your help to give Rafael and his family a home, and you can be a part of it, because together we are stronger.

Who Is Rafael Braga Vieira?

Rafael Braga Vieira is a black and poor young man, who, until June of 2013, worked collecting material for recycling in downtown streets of Rio de Janeiro. He lived on the streets in order to save money on his way back home – he didn’t return home everyday in Vila Cruzeiro (North zone), where he lived with his parents, brothers and sisters. However, on June 20, Rafael Braga’s routine changed.

On that day, in Rio de Janeiro, was happening the largest of the demonstrations that occurred in 2013 against the increase of bus tickets. During the dispersion of the crowd, in Lavradio Street, Lapa, Rafael Braga, 25 years old, was arrested when he arrived at an abandoned mansion, where he used to sleep. Rafael did not participate in the
demonstration, and carried with him two different cleaning products, both in plastic bottles. At the police station, the policemen who seized him presented both bottles already open, with cloths. He was accused of carrying explosive material – Molotov cocktails.

Rafael spent 5 months in Japeri Penitentiary Complex awaiting trial, being defended by a public defender. On September 23, an application for revocation of Rafael’s preventive custody was made by his lawyer and dismissed by the Judge of the 32nd Criminal Court after 4 days, only.

On December 2, 2013, he was sentenced to a 5 years and 10 months imprisonment and was transferred to Bangu 5 a few days later, even after the Civil Police bomb squad report stated that Rafael was carrying cleaning products that had low chances to function as a molotov cocktail.

Rafael Braga’s condemnation had an impact, even if small, on newspaper articles, and, from then on, activists, militants and collectives became aware that he was still imprisoned. Thus, Rafael’s defense was assumed by the Institute of Human Rights Defenders (Instituto dos Defensores de Direitos Humanos – DDH). At the same time, some groups and activists of social movements began to articulate to help and publicize Rafael’s case in the independent media.

After assuming the case, DDH Office filed an appeal against the sentence. On August 26 2014, the Third Criminal Chamber of the Court of Justice of Rio de Janeiro (TJRJ) decided to keep Rafael in jail, reducing his sentence in only four months. On that day, a “walking
hours” demonstration occurred in front of TJRJ, from the 25th until the time that the decision came out on the 26th.

In October 2014, there was a progression of Rafael’s regime from closed to semi-open, when he could leave the prison to work. After several efforts, DDH got a job for him at a law firm. In November 2014, Rafael was punished after one of his lawyers posted online a photo of him in front of a “pixação” on a wall that read: “You only look from the left
to the right, while the State crushes you from top to bottom”. The lawyer took Rafael’s picture on the way back to the prison after a day’s work. Because of this, he spent about 1 month in SOLITARY. After suffering some penalties and losing the right to the semi-open regime, he gained progression to an open regime on December 1 2015, and left prison, being monitored by an electronic anklet.

So he returned home, to Cascatinha, Vila Cruzeiro, with his family. On January 12 2016, Rafael, by his mother’s, request left by morning to go to the bakery, when some UPP (Peacemaker Police Unity) military police officers (PMs) approached him on his way. The PMs said he was involved with drug trafficking and asked him to give them information and that he admitted he was involved. He was beaten on the way to the police station
and threatened with rape in case he did not take part in the dealing association. The PMs accused Rafael with a fake blatant kit containing 0.6g of marijuana, 9.3g of cocaine and one firework. Since then, Rafael answers for: drug dealing; association with the illegal drug trade; and collaboration with drug traffick.

During April, May and June 2016, occurred a evidentiary and judgement hearing, divided in three days. On those days, the policemen that approached Rafael, defense witnesses, and Rafael himself were heard. During the oral testimony, the police officers repeatedly contradicted each other AND the testimony they had given at the police station at the
time of Rafael’s arrest. The DDH requested, during these hearings, 5 diligences: GPS of the electronic anklet; The name of the engineer and the engineering company whom, according to the policemen, they were escorting in the favela on that day; Images from the vehicle’s internal and external camera; and images from the UPP camera. The responsible judge denied every request and sent the case to the Public Prosecutor’s
Office (Ministério Público – MP), where it was waiting for the final allegations of accusation and of defense.

On April 20th, 2017, after the allegations were published, the judge condemned Rafael to 11 years in prison for trafficking and traffic association. The defense lawyers will appeal the sentence.

The Campaign for The Freedom of Rafael Braga

As mentioned above, after news of Rafael’s conviction at the end of 2013, several collectives, activists and militants began to mobilize around the cause of Rafael Braga. At the beginning of 2014, there are several meetings and calls to social movements, collectives and militants of Rio to build the struggle for freedom of Rafael. After some
initial activities such as panfletches and Ecumenical Worship at the gate of the prison in Bangu, the struggle is established as a fixed, horizontal and open campaign in mid-2014, when an Act of Vigil is organized on 25 and 26 August, decision on the Appeal against his

In November 2014, a National Campaign for the Freedom of Rafael Braga was organized as a result of the articulation of the local Campaign together with the Human Rights Council and the extinct Forum of Confrontation with the Genocide of the Black People. During about 2 months, Rafael’s case was massified nationally, with activities taking
place in more than 10 states in Brazil. In Rio, the Campaign organized a cycle of debates in squares in Olaria, Centro and Largo do Machado, talking about criminal selectivity, racism and genocide of the Black people.

From the outset, Rafael Braga’s Campaign for Freedom was concerned, in addition to fighting for Rafael’s freedom, to bond with his family and help where possible. Dona Adriana, her mother, has always been with the Campaign. In addition to the activities, acts and marches for Rafael’s freedom, we have always mobilized to financially support both the family and Rafael within the prison, through the collection of donations, food
and the sale of advertising materials such as bottons and shirts.

One of the main flags raised by the Campaign is Rafael’s reason for being and still being arrested. Rafael Braga was arrested and sentenced in 2013 even without being a demonstrator. He was arrested for being Black and poor. Since he is not a militant, no mobilization took place at the time of his arrest, and he was quickly tried and convicted. Even after his conviction, mobilizations by Rafael Braga have never received as much attention as the struggles for the release of other prisoners from the 2013 and 2014 demonstrations. Rafael is a symbol of the criminal selectivity and structural racism that permeates Brazilian justice. Rafael’s new impriosnment in 2016 came to reinforce these points. Living in a militarized area, Rafael was accosted and accused of trafficking. The blatant kit forged by the PMs to incriminate Rafael is commonly used in favela and peripheral areas. The black war camouflaged from drug war continues to make new victims daily, exterminating Black people and impelling mass incarceration.


ATUALIZAÇÃO – Dia 13, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça, concedeu liminar para que ele tivesse direito a prisão domiciliar, atendendo a um pedido de habeas corpus da defesa de Rafael, representada pelo DDH (Instituto de Defensores de Direitos Humanos), com base no fato de que o rapaz está bastante debilitado em função da doença e o sistema prisional, que passa por uma epidemia de tuberculose, não pode oferecer condições adequadas para tratamento.

Rafael Braga deixou, às 16h30 de 15/09, o Sanatório Penal, próximo à Penitenciária Alfredo Tranjan (Bangu II), na Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro, onde cumpria pena. Com tuberculose, ele poderá ser tratado na casa de sua família, na favela Vila Cruzeiro, na Penha, na Zona Norte.

Exigimos a completa e irrestrita Liberdade a Rafael Braga!

A Campanha Pela Liberdade de Rafael Braga lança o financiamento coletivo que visa comprar uma casa digna para Rafael e sua família.

A ideia é deixar um legado para esta causa e para esta família, que já está cansada de sofrer com as inúmeras injustiças que recaem sobre Rafael, chegou a hora de melhorar um pouco essas condições de vida, até para que o Rafael tenha um bom lar no momento em que tiver sua liberdade decretada, já que no momento ele segue preso em regime domiciliar, mas apenas para tratar a sua tuberculose, ou seja, RAFAEL BRAGA AINDA NÃO É UM HOMEM LIVRE!

Precisamos da sua ajuda para dar uma casa para o Rafael e seus familiares, e você pode fazer parte disso, pois juntos somos mais fortes.

Quem é Rafael Braga Vieira?

Rafael Braga Vieira é um jovem Negro, pobre, que até junho de 2013 trabalhava catando material para reciclagem nas ruas do Centro do Rio de Janeiro. Vivia em situação de rua e, para não gastar muito dinheiro de passagem, voltava somente às vezes para sua casa, na Vila Cruzeiro, onde morava com seus pais e irmãos e irmãs. Porém, no dia 20 de junho, a rotina de Rafael Braga mudou.

Nesse dia, aconteceu no Rio de Janeiro a maior das manifestações que ocorriam na época contra o aumento das passagens de ônibus. Já durante a dispersão do ato, na Rua do Lavradio, Lapa, Rafael Braga, na época com 25 anos, foi detido quando chegava a um casarão abandonado, onde por vezes dormia. Rafael não participou da manifestação e carregava consigo duas garrafas de plástico, uma de Pinho Sol e outra de desinfetante. Na delegacia, os policiais que o apreenderam apresentaram as garrafas abertas e com panos. Ele foi acusado de portar material explosivo, que seriam coquetéis molotov.

Rafael passou 5 meses no Complexo Penitenciário de Japeri aguardando julgamento, sendo defendido por um defensor público. No dia 23 de setembro, foi realizado um pedido de revogação de prisão preventiva de Rafael pela Defensoria Pública, julgado improcedente pelo Juiz da 32ª Vara Criminal no dia 27 do mesmo mês. No dia 2 de dezembro de 2013, ele foi condenado a 5 anos e 10 meses de reclusão e foi transferido para Bangu 5 alguns dias depois. O laudo do esquadrão antibomba da Polícia
Civil atestou que Rafael carregava produtos de limpeza com ínfima possibilidade de funcionar como coquetel molotov.

A condenação de Rafael Braga teve alguma repercussão em matérias de jornais e, a partir de então, ativistas, militantes e coletivos ficaram cientes de que ele ainda estava preso. Assim, a defesa de Rafael foi assumida pelo Instituto dos Defensores de Direitos Humanos, o DDH. Na mesma época, alguns coletivos e militantes de movimentos sociais
começaram a se articular para ajudar e divulgar o caso do Rafael.

Após assumir o caso, o DDH entrou com uma apelação da sentença. No dia 26 de agosto de 2014, a Terceira Câmara Criminal do Tribunal de Justiça do Rio de Janeiro decidiu manter a prisão do Rafael, diminuindo sua pena em apenas 4 meses. Nesse dia, um grande Ato-vigília foi organizado em frente ao TJ indo do dia 25 até a hora que saiu a decisão no dia 26.

Em outubro de 2014, houve uma progressão do regime do Rafael de fechado para o semiaberto, quando poderia sair do presídio para trabalhar. Após diversos esforços, o DDH conseguiu um trabalho para ele, em um escritório de advocacia. Em novembro de 2014, Rafael sofreu uma punição depois de um dos seus advogados postar uma foto sua em frente a uma pixação que dizia “Você só olha da esquerda p/ direita, o Estado te
esmaga de cima p/ baixo”. O advogado tirou a foto de Rafael no caminho de volta ao presídio depois de um dia de trabalho. Ele passou cerca de 1 mês na solitária. Após sofrer algumas penalidades e perder o direito ao regime semiaberto, ganhou a progressão ao regime aberto em 1° de dezembro de 2015 e saiu da prisão, sendo monitorado por uma

Voltando a morar na Cascatinha, Vila Cruzeiro, com sua família, no dia 12 de janeiro de 2016, Rafael saiu pela manhã para ir à padaria a pedido de sua mãe, Dona Adriana, e no caminho foi abordado por policiais da UPP de lá. Os PMs diziam que ele tinha envolvimento com o tráfico e pediam que ele desse informações e assumisse que era bandido. Ele foi espancado no caminho à delegacia, sendo inclusive ameaçado de estupro caso não assumisse participação no tráfico. Os PMs emputaram ao Rafael um kit
flagrante com 0,6g de maconha, 9,3g de cocaína e um rojão. Assim, desde janeiro Rafael responde por tráfico de drogas, associação para o tráfico e colaboração com o tráfico.

Durante os meses de abril, maio e junho de 2016, ocorreu a Audiência de Instrução, dividida em três dias. Nesses dias foram ouvidos os PMs que abordaram o Rafael, testemunhas de defesa e o próprio Rafael. Durante os depoimentos, por diversas vezes os PMs entraram em contradição entre si e com o depoimento que haviam dado na delegacia no momento da prisão. O DDH pediu durante essas audiências 5 diligências: GPS da tornozeleira; nome do engenheiro e da empresa de engenharia aos quais, segundo os PMs, eles estavam fazendo escolta na favela no dia; imagens da câmera externa da viatura; imagens da câmera interna da viatura; e imagens da câmera da
UPP. O juiz responsável negou todas as diligências e enviou o caso ao Ministério Público, onde o processo se encontrava aguardando as alegações finais de defesa e acusação.

No dia 20 de abril, após as alegações serem publicadas, o juiz condenou o Rafael a 11 anos de prisão por tráfico e associação ao tráfico. Os advogados vão recorrer da sentença.

A Campanha pela Liberdade de Rafael Braga

Como dito acima, após a notícia de condenação do Rafael no final de 2013, diversos coletivos, ativistas e militantes começaram a se mobilizar em torno da causa do Rafael Braga. No início de 2014, há diversas reuniões e chamados aos movimentos sociais, coletivos e militantes do Rio para construir a luta pela liberdade do Rafael. Após algumas atividades iniciais como panfletagens e Culto Ecumênico na porta do presídio em Bangu, a luta se estabelece como uma Campanha fixa, horizontal e aberta em meados de 2014, quando é organizado um Ato-Vigília nos dias 25 e 26 de agosto, dia da decisão sobre a Apelação contra a prisão dele.

Em novembro de 2014, é organizada uma Campanha Nacional pela Liberdade do Rafael Braga fruto de uma articulação da Campanha local junto com o DDH e o extinto Fórum de Enfrentamento ao Genocídio do Povo Negro. Durante cerca de 2 meses, o caso do Rafael foi massificado nacionalmente, ocorrendo atividades em relação ao caso em mais de 10 Estados do Brasil. No Rio, a Campanha organizou um ciclo de debates em praças em Olaria, Centro e Largo do Machado, falando sobre seletividade penal, racismo e genocídio do povo Negro.

Desde o início, a Campanha pela Liberdade de Rafael Braga se preocupou, para além de lutar pela liberdade do Rafael, em criar laços com a família dele e ajudar no que fosse possível. Dona Adriana, sua mãe, sempre esteve junto à Campanha. Além das atividades, atos e marchas pela liberdade do Rafael, sempre nos mobilizamos para ajudar financeiramente tanto a família como o Rafael dentro da prisão, através da arrecadação
de doações, alimentos e venda de materiais de propaganda como bottons e camisas.

Uma das principais bandeiras levantadas pela Campanha é o motivo de Rafael ter sido e ainda estar preso. Rafael Braga foi detido e condenado em 2013 mesmo sem ser manifestante. Ele foi detido por ser Negro e pobre. Como não é militante, nenhuma mobilização ocorreu à época da sua prisão, tendo sido rapidamente julgado e condenado. Mesmo após sua condenação, as mobilizações pelo Rafael Braga nunca obtiveram tanta
atenção como as lutas para libertação de outros presos das manifestações de 2013 e 2014. Rafael é símbolo da seletividade penal e racismo estrutural que permeia a justiça brasileira. A nova prisão de Rafael em 2016 veio para reforçar esses pontos. Vivendo em uma área militarizada, Rafael foi abordado e acusado de tráfico. O kit flagrante forjado pelos PMs para incriminar o Rafael é comumente utilizado em áreas de favela e periféricas. A guerra aos Negros camuflada de guerra às drogas segue fazendo novas vítimas diariamente, exterminando o povo Negro e impulsionando o encarceramento em massa.


ACTUALIZACIÓN – El día 13, el Superior Tribunal de Justicia, concedió el liminar para que él tuviera derecho a arresto domiciliario, atentando a un pedido de habeas corpus de la defensa de Rafael, representada por el DDH (Instituto de Defensores de Derechos Humanos) el hecho de que el chico está bastante debilitado en función de la enfermedad y el sistema penitenciario, que pasa por una epidemia de tuberculosis, no puede ofrecer condiciones adecuadas para el tratamiento.

Rafael Braga dejó, a las 16h30 de 15/09, el Sanatorio Penal, cerca de la Penitenciaría Alfredo Tranjan (Bangu II), en la Zona Oeste de Río de Janeiro, donde cumplía pena. Con tuberculosis, él podrá ser tratado en la casa de su familia, en la favela Vila Cruzeiro, en la Penha, en la Zona Norte.

¡Exigimos la completa e irrestricta Libertad a Rafael Braga!

La Campaña por la Libertad de Rafael Braga lanza el financiamiento colectivo que busca comprar una casa digna para Rafael y su familia.

La idea es dejar un legado para esta causa y para esta familia, que ya está cansada de sufrir con las innumerables injusticias que recaen sobre Rafael, ha llegado la hora de mejorar un poco esas condiciones de vida, hasta que Rafael tenga un buen hogar en el momento en que tenga su libertad decretada, ya que en el momento él sigue preso en régimen domiciliar, pero sólo para tratar su tuberculosis, o sea, RAFAEL BRAGA AÚN NO ES UN HOMBRE LIBRE!

Necesitamos su ayuda para dar una casa a Rafael y sus familiares, y usted puede formar parte de eso, pues juntos somos más fuertes.

¿Quién es Rafael Braga Vieira?

Rafael Vieira Braga es un joven Negro, pobre, que hasta junio del 2013 trabajaba recogiendo material para reciclar, en las calles del centro de Río de Janeiro. Vivía en las calles la mayor parte del tiempo, para ahorrar el dinero del ómnibus, volviendo ocasionalmente a su casa, en Vila Cruzeiro, donde vivía con sus padres, hermanos y hermanas. Sin embargo, su rutina ha cambiado en el 20 de Junio de ese año.

En ese día ocurrió, en Río de Janeiro, la más grande de las manifestaciones populares que se han hecho ese año, en contra del aumento de las tarifas de ómnibus. Durante la dispersión del acto, en la ‘Rua do Lavradio’, barrio Lapa, Rafael – entonces con 25 años, fue detenido por la policía cerca de la casa abandonada en donde, por veces, dormía. Él, quién por su vez no había participado en la manifestación, llevaba dos botellas de plástico, ambas con productos de limpieza. En la comisaría, los policías que lo detuvieron presentan como prueba en su contra las dos botellas abiertas y con trapos metidos adentro. Fue acusado de llevar material explosivo, a saber cócteles molotov, y condenado a cinco años y dos meses de prisión. E el 1er de Diciembre del 2015, progresó al sistema abierto y pudo salir de la cárcel, siendo monitoreado por medio de una pulsera electrónica en el tobillo.

Rafael pasó cinco meses detenido en el Complejo Penitenciario de Japeri, en espera de juicio, siendo defendido por un defensor público. En el 23 de Septiembre, la Defensoría Pública solicitó la revocación de su prisión, pero el pedido fue rechazado por el juez de la 32ª Vara Criminal cuatro días después. En el 2 de Diciembre, Rafael fue condenado a 5 años e diez meses de prisión, siendo trasladado a ‘Bangu 5’ días más tarde. El laudo de la policía antibombas atestó que Rafael cargaba productos de limpieza de casi nula posibilitad de funcionar como cóctel molotov.

La condena de Rafael tuvo algo de espacio en la prensa, de ahí activistas, militantes y colectivos supieron que Rafael todavía seguía encarcelado. Fue entonces que el Instituto de Defensores de los Derechos Humanos (DDH) se hizo cargo de su defensa. A la vez, algunos colectivos y militantes de movimientos sociales empezaron a articularse para ayudar en la divulgación del caso de Rafael.

Después de asumir el caso, el DDH presentó una apelación en contra de la sentencia que he había condenado Rafael a más de cinco años de prisión. Sin embargo, en el 26 de agosto del 2014, la Tercera Sala Penal de la Corte de Río de Janeiro decidió mantener su prisión, reduciendo su condena en tan sólo 4 meses. En ese día, un gran Acto-Vigilia se llevó a cabo frente al Tribunal de Justicia de Río de Janeiro, y la gente permaneció allí desde la víspera del juzgamento de la apelación, el día 25, hasta la decisión final del tribunal, al día siguiente.

En el Octubre del 2014, Rafael progresó al sistema semiabierto, cuándo entonces pudo salir a trabajar, volviendo a la cárcel para dormir. Después de muchos esfuerzos, el DDH logró conseguirle un trabajo, en una oficina de abogados. En Noviembre del mismo año, Rafael sufrió una punición, después de que uno de sus abogados publicó en internet una
foto de él frente a una pared pintada con los diceres: “Usted mira de la izquierda hacia la derecha, pero el Estado te aplasta desde arriba hacia abajo”. El abogado tomó la foto en su camino de vuelta a la prisión, después de un día de trabajo. Rafael pasó entonces cerca de un més en régimen de aislamiento. Sufrió además algunas penalidades y perdió el derecho al régimen semiabierto. En el 1er de Diciembre del 2015, Rafael progresó al sistema abierto y pudo salir de la cárcel, siendo monitoreado por medio de una pulsera electrónica en el tobillo.

De vuelta a su casa con su familia, en Vila Cruzeiro, en el 12 de Enero del 2016, Rafael salió por la mañana para ir a la panadería, a pedido de su madre, Adriana. En el camino fue abordado por policías militares, agentes de la UPP local. Los policías le acusaron de tener vínculos con el tráfico de drogas, y le exigieron que les pasara información y que
asumiera ser un criminoso. Fue golpeado en el camino a la comisaría, además de sufrir amenazas de estupro caso no asumiera su participación en el tráfico. Los policías le “plantaton” un “kit flagrante” con 0,6 g de marihuana, 9,3g de cocaína, además de un petardo. Desde entonces, Rafael fue nuevamente encarcelado y responde por tráfico de drogas, asociación para el tráfico y colaboración con el tráfico.

Durante los meses de Abril, Mayo y Junio del 2016, ha tenido lugar la audiencia de instrucción de Rafael, dividida en tres días, una por més. En las audiencias fueron escuchados los policías que le acusaron y lo detuvieron, los testigos de la defensa y el propio Rafael. Durante los testimonios, los policías entraron en contradicción, tanto entre ellos como respecto al que habían dicho anteriormente, cuándo le detuvieron a
Rafael. El DDH solicitó, durante las audiencias, 5 diligéncias al juez: el GPS de la pulsera electrónica que monitoreba Rafael; el nombre del ingeniero y de la empresa de ingeniería que, según la policía, ellos estabán acompañando en ese día; imágenes de la cámara exterior del vehículo de la policía; imágenes de la cámara interior del vehículo; y
imágenes de la cámara de la UPP, adónde llevaron Rafael. El juez principal ha negado todas las diligéncias, remitiendo el caso para el Ministério Público (MP). El proceso estaba a la espera del dictamen del MP para que se presenten los argumentos finales, por parte de la defensa, pero el juez condenó Rafael a 11 años de prisión.

¡Libertad para Rafael Braga!

La Campaña por la Libertad de Rafael Braga

Como se dijo arriba, tras la noticia de condena de Rafael a finales de 2013, diversos colectivos, activistas y militantes comenzaron a movilizarse en torno a la causa del Rafael Braga. A comienzos de 2014, hay varias reuniones y llamados a los movimientos sociales, colectivos y militantes de Río para construir la lucha por la libertad de Rafael.
Después de algunas actividades iniciales como panfletos y Culto Ecuménico en la puerta del presidio en Bangu, la lucha se establece como una Campaña fija, horizontal y abierta a mediados de 2014, cuando se organiza un Acto-Vigilia en los días 25 y 26 de agosto, día decisión sobre la Apelación contra su arresto.

En noviembre de 2014 se organiza una Campaña Nacional por la Libertad del Rafael Braga, fruto de una articulación de la Campaña local junto con el DDH y el extinto Foro de Enfrentamiento al Genocidio del Pueblo Negro. Durante unos 2 meses, el caso de Rafael fue masificado nacionalmente, ocurriendo actividades en relación al caso en más de 10 Estados de Brasil. En Río, la Campaña organizó un ciclo de debates en plazas en Olaria, Centro y Largo do Machado, hablando sobre selectividad penal, racismo y genocidio del pueblo Negro.

Desde el principio, la Campaña por la Libertad de Rafael Braga se preocupó, además de luchar por la libertad de Rafael, en crear lazos con su familia y ayudar en lo que fuera posible. Doña Adriana, su madre, siempre estuvo junto a la Campaña. Además de las actividades, actos y marchas por la libertad de Rafael, siempre nos movilizamos para ayudar financieramente tanto a la familia como a Rafael dentro de la cárcel, a través de la recaudación de donaciones, alimentos y venta de materiales de propaganda como bottons y camisas.

Una de las principales banderas levantadas por la Campaña es el motivo de Rafael haber sido y aún estar preso. Rafael Braga fue detenido y condenado en 2013 sin ser manifestante. Fue arrestado por ser negro y pobre. Como no es militante, ninguna movilización ocurrió en la época de su arresto, siendo rápidamente juzgado y condenado. La movilización por Rafael Braga nunca obtuvieron tanta atención como las luchas para la liberación de otros presos de las manifestaciones de 2013 y 2014. Rafael es símbolo de la selectividad penal y racismo estructural que impregna la justicia brasileña. La nueva prisión de Rafael en 2016 vino para reforzar esos puntos. Viviendo en un área militarizada, Rafael fue abordado y acusado de tráfico. El kit flagrante forjado por los PMs para incriminar a Rafael es comúnmente utilizado en áreas de favela y periféricas. La guerra a los negros camuflada de guerra a las drogas sigue haciendo nuevas víctimas diariamente, exterminando al pueblo negro e impulsando el encarcelamiento masivo.


Posted in Brazil, Fuck The Police, Fundraiser, Political Prisoners, Rafael Braga, Rafael Braga Vieira, Repression

Greece: Statement for Kostas B. from Pola Roupa & Nikos Maziotis, Imprisoned Members of Revolutionary Struggle


Received on 25.09.17:

At dawn on 17/9, the 16-year-old Kostas B. was brutally beaten by police officers and arrived at the intensive care hospital KAT. The political leadership of the police, the Ministry of Public Order and the SYRIZA-ANEL government covered for the police, presenting the incident as a traffic accident, but a series of facts and testimonies refutes this Besides, if a traffic accident had occurred during an escape attempt of the sixteen-year-old, as is said, why did he not go directly to the hospital with an ambulance, but instead ended up in GADA[police headquarters] in handcuffs and with the police dragging him as he could not walk?

This happened after an anti-fascist demonstration on the anniversary of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas, which originally started at the US Embassy as an intervention in honor of Heather Heyer, who was murdered in Charlottesville, USA, at an anti-fascist demonstration, and then the demonstration went to the headquarters of Golden Dawn in Mesogeion. There clashes started with the police forces guarding the offices of Golden Dawn.

The conflict with the repressive forces extended to Alexandras Avenue and Exarcheia during the retreat of the protesters. There were attacks on MAT[riot police] in Exarcheia. At the end of these events, K.B fell into the hands of the police in Exarcheia, where he was beaten. This ended for the sixteen-year-old with being transferred to the intensive care hospital where he is still hospitalized. This is one of the most important incidents of police violence. It’s an attempted murder. But as with such events and since there was no immediate social and political response, the government covered up this murderous attack. It is not the first time that such a murderous police assault in Exarcheia is covered up. The media reproduced, of course, the government and police version of the events, which was dominated by the lie that the extremely serious injury of K.B was caused by an accident. The absence of an immediate reaction to this state crime has emboldened the repressive mechanisms that have pushed a prosecution for felonies and want to take DNA while he is in intensive care. The absence of immediate reaction legitimizes the crime and paves the way for more.

The cops once again paint their hands with the blood of a young man who was very close to death. Not from a cop’s bullet, but from a beating. And once again, he is a sixteen-year-old.

15-16 years is a critical age for the youth in Exarcheia when they are either murdered in cold blood by cops, such as Kaltezas and Grigoropoulos, or receive murderous beatings by law enforcement officers. In every case these are the “ordinary rioters and thugs of Exarcheia” (as the state calls them).
This murderous attack has taken place in a political and social context that is dominated by the social and political lull in the struggles and by the long-term implementation of the social euthanasia policies for large sections of the population in the name of the system’s exit from the economic crisis. On the other hand, we have the unfulfilled necessity of resistance from the youth, but it does not find political space to form a constitutive force of anti-regime reaction, with the resulting resort to insurrectional bursts which are represented as a response to the erosion of the political ground in the space from those tendencies which function as a rear guard of the government, keeping the political and social conflict at a low level, eroding consciousness with illogical conciliation, retreat and defeat all across the spectrum of struggle. Within this historical context for society and the space the fact is that this murderous assault took place, with silence and lack of political reaction to this important event. Still there was a central anti-fascist commemoration for the anniversary of the murder of Pavlos Fyssas and against the governmental fascism represented by the government of Trump.

In Greece, the left-wing government of Syriza covers its own fascism behind “politically correct” terminologies. The social fascism of Syriza with the extermination of the economically weak, with the third memorandum and the fourth, which it does not name as such but is existing and practised, and with the social and class conflict from the social base being hit at its nadir, finds a place to launch murderous attacks without cost to itself. This murderous attack on K.B. remains not only unanswered but neither was there an attempt at a large spread of counter-information against the fact that it was criminally covered up by the government, this not only legitimizes the crime but also guarantees its repetition.

No murderous attack by the state should remain without a corresponding answer.

Original Greek language text on Athens Indymedia


Posted in Alexis Grigoropoulos, Anarchist Prisoners, Antifascism, Exarcheia, Fuck SYRIZA, Fuck The Police, Greece, Heather Heyer, Kostas B., Nikos Maziotis, Pavlos Fyssas, Pola Roupa, police brutality, Revolutionary Struggle

Athens, Greece: Urgent Counter-Info Report Concerning 16 year old Comrade K.B. (Updated)


Update received on 25.09.17:

Today, Saturday 23 of September, comrade K.B. has escaped the danger he has been in since Thursday night (and not earlier as deliberately and falsely leaked out by the mass media), slowly recovering his consciousness, but remaining in shock. Nevertheless, the administration of the hospital, obviously maintaining their view that “the police are in charge” will allow the investigator to conduct an investigative examination on Monday, 25th of September, to press the arrested comrade in order to testify, intensifying the regime of torture and terrorism which he has been under since he was arrested. 

By highlighting their repressive strategy, they are warning that they will proceed to get DNA in order to examine the possibility of K.B been involved in other cases. Knowing the ways in which the police carry out the genetic filing of thousands of fighters (torture, violent incidents, etc.), we declare to the administration of the hospital, that there is NO room for non maintenance of medical confidentiality, but we also emphasize that they are responsible for ensuring the physical integrity and health protection of the patient.


NO DNA taking and filing of those who struggle 

DISCHARGE-PAUSE prosecutions for those who were arrested in the antifasist demos of 16TH SEPTEMBER 2017

noone alone under the state 

SOLIDARITY with K.B. and to those who face the repressive barbarity 

Solidarity Assembly of K.B.


September 22nd, 2017

On September 16th, the day of anti-fascist protests in Keratsini and Athens, for the 4 years since the murder of Pavlos Fyssas by neonazis of the Golden Dawn, 16 year old K.B. is arrested in Exarchia. During his arrest and transportation to GADA (central police hq of Athens), K.B. is beaten and tortured by riot cops resulting in his severe injury.

Although this incident is publicized on social networks and counter-information websites, on the same day false information is leaked concerning the health of K.B. as well as the conditions of his care in the intensive care unit of KAT hospital.

In an attempt to cover-up a very serious incident during an especially explosive juncture, another attempt is coordinated to downplay this incident.

Stray information on the same day say that the kid’s situation has stabilized, that he has escaped danger, as well as that the detention protocol in the hospital was upheld.

The reality however is far from that, and goes as such: K.B. right now is being hospitalized in an induced coma, in intensive care of KAT hospital. His relatives have had no hopeful news (till now) about his health and the information they have been receiving is extremely incomplete. It simultaneously became known after a
syndicalist doctor of that hospital denounced it, that the police had a cop INSIDE the intensive care unit which is obviously forbidden. Doctors cannot bring him out of the coma he is in right now because of his situation and do not know when he will come out of it. His injuries are severe, he had an epileptic episode as well as loss of consciousness.

Also, today he had an operation and had metal rods placed in both of his legs.

Not trusting the state apparatus who only care about their self-preservation in every way, we call on anyone who knows anything concerning the arrest and transfer of 16 year-old, to email: in order for us to investigate what has happened exactly.

It is a matter of survival of the authoritarians to maintain the illusion of social normality in any way.
On our side, we ought to not give even a bit of space to those who attempt to silence and punish whoever resists.
Our solidarity is a given but also factual and we call for a gathering at KAT hospital on Wednesday September 20th*.


Solidarity assembly to K.B.

*next assembly is on September 22nd at 7pm at the Polytechnic in Athens.

(via Act For Freedom Now! / 325)



Posted in Antifascism, Athens, Fuck The Police, Greece, Kostas B., police brutality