Category Archives: Fuck The Police

Grenoble, France: Frontex Conference Disrupted at the University of Grenoble

On Thursday, March 22nd, about 150 people gathered in front of the IMAG building at the University of Grenoble. Inside the building a conference was being held by the various players involved in the militarization of the borders: Frontex (European … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Militarism, Banners, Direct Action, France, Fuck Frontex, Fuck The Police, Graffiti, Grenoble, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugee Struggle, Repression, Stop Deportations

Athens, Greece: Demonstration to Defend the Squats Community of Koukaki & in Solidarity with Squats & Places of Struggle

Almost a year ago, a new project bloomed in the neighborhood of Koukaki. We created a community of housing and struggling squats. We occupied three empty buildings which were getting rotten at Matrozou 45, Panaitoliou 21 and Arvali 3. We … Continue reading

Posted in Antifascism, Arvali 3 Squat, Athens, autonomous spaces, Fuck The Police, Gare Squat, Greece, Koukaki, Matrozou 45 Squat, Panaitoliou 21 Squat, Repression, Zaimi 11, Zaimi Squat

Bogota, Colombia: Riots around Universidad Pedagogica Blockade the Financial District for Four Hours

  Received on 14.03.18: On Tuesday, March 6th, in Bogota, Colombia, two explosions burst during the quiet of the lessons. In between the fully painted walls of this eternally leftist university, located in the middle of a financial district, the … Continue reading

Posted in ACAB, Anarchistas al Kombate, Bogota, Colombia, Direct Action, FARC Dissidents, Feminist Struggle, Fuck The Police, International Solidarity, Riots, Street Clashes, Student Struggle, Transgender Struggle

Athens, Greece: Riot Police Invades and Attacks Three Squats (Video)

At the dawn of Monday, March 12, at about 6 am, scores of riot policemen invaded and attacked simultaneously three Squats in Athens, Greece (Matrozou 45 at Koukaki, Gare and Zaimi Squats at Exarcheia) in an attempt to distract attention … Continue reading

Posted in Athens, autonomous spaces, Exarcheia, Fuck The Police, GARE, Gare Squat, Greece, Koukaki, Matrozou 45 Squat, Repression, Squatting, Videos, Zaimi Squat

Berlin, Germany: Police Patrol Ambushed on Rigaer Straße Against Repression & in Solidarity with the Call to #Fight4Afrin

11.03.18: During the night of Saturday to Sunday, we ambushed a group of police on patrol in their car with stones. The patrol was helmeted and on assignment to occupy and terrorize our neighborhood. Nothing new from the Nordkiez..but it is … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, ACAB, Apoist Youth Initiative, Berlin, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Fuck The Police, Germany, Nordkiez, Rigaer Street, Vandalism

Sydney, Australia: Anarcho-Queer Banner Action to Commemorate #40YearsOfStruggle

Received on 07.02.18: On Sunday 4 March, 2018, a group of queer anarchists undertook a small follow up action as a continuation of our attempt to revolt against the vile homonationalist, corporate spectacle of the annual Sydney New Mardi Gras … Continue reading

Posted in #40YearsOfStruggle, ACAB, Australia, Banners, Combative Memory, Darlinghurst, Direct Action, Fuck The Police, Mardi Gras 2018, Pink Bloc, Queer feminism, Queer Struggle, Sex Workers Struggle, so-called 'Australia', Sydney, Transgender Struggle, Warrang

Grecia: Acciones en solidaridad con el compañero Konstantinos Giagtzoglou

Recibido en 26.02.18: [Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras desde Insurrection News, Indymedia Atenas y Mpalothia] Ataques Molotov coordinados contra la policía antidisturbios en Exarchia Durante las últimas dos noches (viernes y sábado) llevamos a cabo ataques coordinados con cócteles … Continue reading

Posted in Anarchist Prisoners, Athens, Banners, Dinos, Direct Action, Exarcheia, Fuck The Police, Greece, Hunger Strike, Konstantinos Giagztoglou, Konstantinos Yiagtzoglou, Korydallos Prison, Molotov Attack, Prison Struggle, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, Thirst Strike, Volos