November 15, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on The Local Kids – Issue 2 – Autumn 2018

The Local Kids – Issue 2 – Autumn 2018

A compilation of texts, a contribution to a correspondence between those
who desire anarchy and subversion.
It occurs, sometimes, this feeling of being in the right spot. Then
someone says or does something that upsets the perceived balance of
things, and the moment evaporates.
For only a moment it was. And it begs
the question; can belonging in a place be part of an anarchist life?
Resisting to go with the flow of this society, contradicting
hierarchical relationships, refusing to take part in cliches. Not
exactly characteristics that go well with the seemingly effortless
fitting in that this age of selfies advertises. Feeling estranged,
sensing a distance with your surroundings is recurrent. And at times so
chronic that leaving becomes a first, necessary step to being present
again somewhere (else).
But mostly one holds on to a place because
besides all that repulses there is still more that attracts. Then the
art is to not smother its contradictions in indifference or to smooth
them out in illusions of unity, but to turn them in open confrontation
based on the proposal for a different, liberated life. And maybe it is
in these subversive relationships, that one can find a place.
PDFs on

November 15, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Köln and Berlin, Germany – Attacks in solidarity with the Hambach resistance

Köln and Berlin, Germany – Attacks in solidarity with the Hambach resistance

Köln, 2nd October 2018
Dear IGBCE unionists,
Tonight we visited your Köln headquarters in Aachener Straße because we think: You must change! Now you’ll say paint and stones are not arguments to be used in debates in the workplace and about our future energy sources. This was also what Gerken and Boels construction machinery hirers thought until not long ago, as they decidedly helped the cops’ eviction of the Hambach forest with their forklifts. Now they think differently. Sometimes extraordinary events are needed to succeed in overcoming old fossilized ways of thinking.
And here we come to the core of what we want: You have to get over your president’s dinosaur position! The end of carbon fuel energy has been decided and it will come before your gymnast leader asks for it along with the obsolete RWE directors. Considering the urgency of the problems caused by climate change, it would be absurd to put off the end of carbon fuel to 2045.
Start doing what unions should do. That is, represent their own point of view! It’s not only idiotic but also costly to think that their point of view should be the same as that of RWE directors. Up to eight years ago, RWE defended nuclear power (as they now defend carbon fuel) with the same alternative arguments: ‘If you take out the plug, basic supplies will be compromised …’. You repeated the same arguments like parrots to no avail and you gave a very poor performance. Since then you have failed to take an independent political stance with the intent of gaining better conditions for yourselves with determination (against the group management). Do you want to make the same mistake again?
Our forecast: RWE will get massive compensation for an early end of coal. If you don’t struggle for this now, you won’t get anything. Demand the necessary end of coal and for solid changes in workplaces, including requalification financed by RWE. Make these claims stronger with strikes and muted sabotage. A 40-hour week and free weekends are not to be obtained by unions that seek for groups’ sympathy. Take a stand! Cancel your agreement on remaining the employer’s social partner. For RWE didn’t support you in any way already with ‘the ending of nuclear power’.

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November 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece : AVEROF OCCUPATION building inside in Politechnio univercity + video

Athens, Greece : AVEROF OCCUPATION building inside in Politechnio univercity + video

Averof occupation-

The state mechanism, after the accession of Syriza/Anel to power in 2015, had to manage two basic political pivots. From the one side to defend the greek interests in the wider competition between the different states and from the other side manage the social contrasts in order to secure the cohesion inside the country. As far as the social cohesion is concerned, for the leftist management the method of dominating violence wasn’t enough, so they developed further the mechanisms of disciplining, control and assimilation. With them, it secured a humanitarian facade. At the same time, the state mechanism continued the harsh confrontation against the social and political whole that didn’t stop the conflictual and unbowed struggle.
Squats that practically defended self-organized resistance, the insurrection and the communities of struggle and existed despite strong financial and state interests were evicted or/and demolished. New “law-cases” occurred for individuals that were near conflicts or participated in them. They peaked with the custody of the 8 of Exarchia. In other cases, we saw jailing for 6 of December with the most extreme example being the conviction to 13 years of prison to a migrant from Algeria. Media together with the state construct narrations for a “criminal organization of rioters (bahalakides)” for the radical repression of the insurgents.
They attempt to terrify them, to achieve their social marginalization, the imprisonment, the penal restriction and the financial exhaustion. From the other hand, the arrest of guerrillas, like in the case of the Revolutionary Struggle, the arrest of comrades that where in illegality or even comrades with accusations from the anti-terror law 187A like K. Yiagtzoglu shows the continuing of the frontal conflict of the state with the armed struggle and those who are accused of this. The Left government expands the legal armory against those who are involved or support the armed action and penally establishes the term “individual terrorist”. The repression, though, wasn’t enough to bend the violent resistance, since the attacks to state, capitalist and fascist targets with all means keep going on constantly.

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November 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: Updates on Anarchist comrade Paska’s hunger strike and appeal for solidarity

Italy: Updates on Anarchist comrade Paska’s hunger strike and appeal for solidarity

Updates on Paska 10 \ 11 \ 18:
Paska let us know that he has been moved to isolation and that he will remain there for 15 days in a closed regime. He has only half an hour of air and spends the rest of the time alone in the cell, for movements he always has an escort of 2-3 guards and visits are done separately, the door open and with guards at the door. He has obvious signs on his face of the beating right before the 8/11 hearing, which he tried to denounce in court but was prevented from doing by the judge who peremptorily ordered that he be brought out by the guards. He tried to get medical reports of the blows (he took hard blows on the head and back) but the doctor did not report anything, for this reason he intends to ask for a ban on meeting with doctors and nurses.
Despite this, Paska holds on and continues his struggle head held high.
We are launching this invitation to the gathering at the prison of La Spezia 18\11\18 at 15:00.
A small gesture in solidarity with Paska, repeatedly object of harassment by the prison administration of La Spezia prison and on hunger strike since 5 November. Currently he is in isolation.
May our enemies know that our comrades are not alone.
Below is a downloadable file that anyone can fax to the prison of La Spezia and the Florence Public Prosecutor’s Office.
Black is the colour we like …
Solidarity with all the accused and those arrested for operation” Panico”.
fax prison La Spezia 0187512340
fax proxy of Florence 055/4226900
Translated by Act for freedom now!

November 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: A communique from Deported Anarchist Prisoner Davide Delogu from Sardinia

Italy: A communique from Deported Anarchist Prisoner Davide Delogu from Sardinia

(The following communique was written and read out by anarchist comrade Davide Delogu on 10th October 2018 at his trial for attempted escape in 2013 from“Buoncammino” prison in the city of Cagliari, Sardinia.)
As we know, this trial was blocked for a year by the Director of Prison Administration, who was trying (and failed) to impose it via video-conference, thus abusing this ‘emergency measure’ in order to chain me within the role of helpless hostage of insidious and prevaricating technology, so as to weaken a prisoner’s will,  depersonalize him, for those who don’t resist, tire him out, isolate him from solidarity and his loved ones, silence refractory tension in resignation, in particular the struggle against prison, a struggle that has never ceased to exist/resist in spite of everything.  These are the same ‘emergency measures’ with which I’ve been caged in the prison cesspits of Sicily for years (deported as a repressive consequence for the struggle carried out in the prison of ‘Buoncammino’) with the application of special regimes, including the extreme confinement through article 14-BIS, regimes exercised with ferocious arbitrariness and perverse Zionist methods, so as to crush a prisoner morally and physically, and with him his original struggle, which nevertheless they couldn’t stop, as he is an alive, an incorrigible/untameable individuality, not subjected to prison alienation/annihilation, and on the contrary they fed more anger, contempt and determination in facing and fighting the white torture of continuous and total isolation in this case but also that of prison in general as an instrument of the State’s revenge, with which the latter plans and experiments on the skin of us the damned, the repressive development of the ideology of identity manipulation and flattening of minds and instincts, within an inhuman way of living, automaton-like, for the maintenance of not only prison power (which one can strike whenever one wants…) but also the whole capitalist-imperialist dominion of civilization, the system of what exists in society and everything all around.
Obviously, therefore, prison is not an issue unrelated to the social context that generates it. We prisoners are part of the exploited, brutalized and left in captivity, to whom the only thing that is granted is submission to a miserable existence!
The scene inside and outside doesn’t change because the market inflicted on the oppressed and the exploited is indispensable to the colonialist State’s security system, so that everything remains in a context of compatibility with the bosses’ interests; and when ruptures and oppositions occur, the repressive machine’s targeted attack intensifies, inside as well as outside.
This fact, however, didn’t prevent us, prisoners of the ex-prison of ‘Buoncammino’ from putting this mechanism into question.
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November 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Lecco, Italy : ANARCHIST PUBLISHING FAIR, NOVEMBER 24-25-26


Three days to talk, discuss, argue and why not, put oneself at stake. To place experience side by side with books: why? Why now, in the technological era, is this particularly important?
A book is something that makes one think by oneself, starting from the uniqueness of a moment so as to imagine, become aware, re-elaborate, experiment, create a personal baggage that each one puts in contact with their relations.
And it is to facilitate this contact that the idea comes of an anarchist publishing fair in Lecco; because the right book is a fundamental weapon to fight against the current and very oppressive reality.
Many different themes can be tackled with books, and the will to do so publicly in anarchist fashion, without leaders or sub-leaders, authority or prevarication, professors or pupils, can be an excellent way to give impulse to our lives.
A few months ago a comrade in Lecco was charged with clandestine press after books dangerous for the State were found in his rucksack.
Certainly it’s not by chance that democracy, like any other form of domination, uses laws of other times when it’s necessary – laws in seventeenth century style which it jealously keeps in its armoury.

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November 14, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on How to start evacuation

How to start evacuation

When the police evacuate some space because it is looking for an
explosive, it stops or blocks the function of this place.
We can use it as a tactic in resistance. Like sabotage. Like support for
the strike. Like blocking the circulation of capital. Like an escalation
of an attack against oppressors.
The police are going to the place of the reported explosion a few
minutes after they read the e-mail message. Evacuation takes tens of
minutes or even several hours.
This manual works. It is used in practice for several years. No one was
arrested or convicted. It is safe and effective.
Manual: Step by step
1) You have to be sure you’re not being watched by the police. If you
are not sure, do not go into action.
2) Put your mobile phone to another place.
3) Buy an old computer (laptop) at a bazaar in another country.
4) Remove / clean everything on your harddisk.
5) Install Linux on your computer.

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November 12, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Berlin, Germany : Hammers vs Google 1st November 2018

Berlin, Germany : Hammers vs Google 1st November 2018

Thursday 1st November 2018, with our rage and hammers we struck a large entrance door of the Google offices of Tucholskystraße, currently under construction.
Although there is not a Google-Campus in Kreuzberg yet, Google is still an engine of our alienated lives and an instrument of the authoritarians. Attacking Google, control and domination, be it with words, solidarity, hacking or hammer attacks, is necessary for self-determined inspiration.
The essence lies in the liberating decision to take action oneself.
[Translated from German indymedia, 08.11.2018]
Translated from French by Act for freedom now!

November 12, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Montréal, Québec : Wild evening at the UQAM – November 1st 2018

Montréal, Québec : Wild evening at the UQAM – November 1st 2018

Translated by Act for freedom now!
An evening attended by dozens of people was held at the UQAM [University residence and hostel] in Montreal on Thursday, November 1, 2018. The atmosphere quickly became festive, with the blossoming of tags and the destruction of surveillance cameras.
“The police were called yesterday around 9:50 pm for a conflict or some kind of riot. When the police arrived, everyone had left the scene. The event is being investigated and there are still no suspects identified”, Montreal police spokesperson Andrée-Anne Picard told the .
In all, six cameras were destroyed during the rampage. UQAM estimates that “70 people participated in acts of vandalism”.

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November 12, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France , Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor) : Sabotage of bank cash machines

France , Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor) : Sabotage of bank cash machines

Ouest-France/ Monday, October 22, 2018
A cash machine (DAB) was vandalized last week in the Cesson district of Saint-Brieuc. Someone irritated obviously let loose on the device by attacking the screen. The keyboard has also been painted over. But the distributor held up because it is still in working order. In the city centre of Saint-Brieuc, the ATM of La Poste, Place de la Resistance, has been out of use for a few days.
maville / Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Following the acts of vandalism on a cash dispenser of the Caisse d’Epargne in the district of Cesson in Saint-Brieuc, another distributor broke down in the city centre this weekend.
La Poste’s ATM, Place de la Resistance in Saint-Brieuc, is one of the most used in the city because of its location in the heart of the market on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. And because of the closure of other ATMs (CIC, Crédit Mutuel) in the hypercentre in recent years.
Since this weekend, it has displayed a black screen. It was damaged deliberately, explains the management of La Poste. If the nature of the outage has not yet been determined with certainty, it could be a scam attempt. “The procedure to restart it takes a little longer,” explains La Poste. […]
Translated by Act for freedom now!

November 11, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Titz (North Rhine-Westphalia), Germany: The perfect target

Titz (North Rhine-Westphalia), Germany: The perfect target

Translated by Act for freedom now!
On the night of Saturday 27 to Sunday 28 October, four buses of the “Tirtey” bus company were set on fire at Titz near the open-air mine. The danage is estimated to be over 400,000 euros. The incendiary attack was not claimed, but it clearly speaks for itself, in a local context of direct struggle against a coal mining project and repression.
This “Tirtey” company is now well known for its collaboration in the lignite mine project in the Hambach forest. This fire has brought to light (and this is the case to say it!) the role it plays both in promoting this death project but also in terms of repression of the people fighting in the area.
On the one hand, it chartered buses for the pro-RWE demonstration of miners from North Rhine-Westphalia to Elsdorf. Wednesday, October 24 the company took about 30,000 miners to this pro-mine demonstration. It is what makes the miners say that the attack is definitely coming from opponents of the Hambach Forest project. On the other hand, the police used buses from the bus operator to pick up the arrested persons during the “Ende Gel„nde” event on Saturday, during which hundreds people blocked the building site and the machines. Several buses of Tirtey have thus shuttled between Hambach Forest and the comico of Aachen, as good collaborator of the cops and the repression.
According to the local newspapers, “Tirtey is a family-owned business based in R”dingen near Cologne. It employs 75 people. Apart from the fact that it makes itself available to support the RWE exploiter in its ultra-polluting and capitalist project, it organizes trips for groups, associations, tourist stays and school trips … Moreover, the bus company was put under police protection all day Wednesday, the day of the pro-mine demonstration.
But it’s not sure that the boss of “Tirtey”, Sven Mllejans, really understood the flaming message, as the latter said to the rag the Bild “he is not being intimidated”: “I will continue to take the miners to demonstrate. Act then. But it’s certainly only a question of time.

November 10, 2018
by actforfreedom


Artificial intelligence, databases, augmented reality, high security cameras, digital ecosystems, drones, smartphones with smart advertisements and smart houses that steal our thoughts and turn them into merchandise, spectacle, suppression.
Surveillance. Order and security.
The laboratory escapes the four walls- the laboratory is the whole planet.
All this is what the yuppie entrepreneurs, academics, CEOs and scientists are shouting timidly but yet outrageously from Silicon Valley to Athens. On the 19th of November at the SingularityU Summit the enthusiasts of the technological dystopia will gather at Megaro Mousikis. Therefore, dystopia is here, dystopia is now. Singularity Summit is a gathering that will teach to the aspiring leaders and future entrepreneurs how they will thrive in an environment of competition and high technology. The foundation for all of this are the biggest multinational database companies in the world that govern the whole planet and reign in Silicon Valley, such as Google, Yahoo and Apple. Their dream is being presented worldwide by various arrogant scientists, such as Peter Diamantis, and is being spread to the elites of the international scene. Last year in Milan, now in Athens. The sponsors of this year’s summit here are Kathimerini and SKAI- we’ve always disliked them and they never miss out on reminding us- and the research center Demokritos, that test on non human animals.
The future is already here, but us, our thoughts, our fears, our resistances are also here. Nothing is over – the future is still unwritten.
EVENT-PRESENTATION about the SingularityU Summit and the nanoworld
by the group Resistenze al nanomondo (Italy)
SUNDAY 18/11 (location soon) at 19:00
DEMONSTARTION against the SingularityU Summit
MONDAY 19/11 Parko Eleutherias (Vassilisis Sofias, by Megaro Mousikis) at 11:30
cooperation against the future
initiative from damala fera
traces of fire

Notes from Act for free:
Italy : NOT JUST A MEETING. 2-3 October 2018. Singularity University Summit
[September 27, 2017  Rho-Milan] Not just any meeting – Italy

November 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Narrm / Melbourne so-called Australia: Graffiti mural in memory of 17 year old Russian Anarchist-Communist Mikhail Zhlobitsky

Narrm / Melbourne so-called Australia: Graffiti mural in memory of 17 year old Russian Anarchist-Communist Mikhail Zhlobitsky

 Graffiti mural in memory of 17 year old Russian Anarchist-Communist Mikhail Zhlobitsky who died while carrying out an explosive attack against the FSB (Federal Security Service) Regional Headquarters in Arkhangelsk, Russia on October 31st.   “Never Forget Our Fallen Comrades!”

November 10, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Indonesia: Trial Update on Yogyakarta Prisoners

Indonesia: Trial Update on Yogyakarta Prisoners

Information update from the Anarchist Prisoners in Yogyakarta as of now,
they are as well as can be expected. Even though comrade BV is
experiencing shortness of breath, and now it’s beginning to get better.
The trial process is very long, especially for comrade BV, AM, and W.
Those whose the trials already happened on 8.11.18 have already
proceeded to the trials of pleading (defedent’s defence), and before
that they already receive the demands from the Public Prosecutor with a
maximum penalty of 10 months at their trial on 1.11.18 at the Sleman
District Court. At the moment they are being retained at Cebongan
Prison, Sleman awaiting the following trial process with the agenda for
the verdict to be handed down on 22.11.18.
We will keep updating information for you with further developments
More Information,
Instagram: palang__hitam

November 9, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece : Attack against french institute in solidarity with our prosecuted comrades struggling against borders

Athens, Greece : Attack against french institute in solidarity with our prosecuted comrades struggling against borders

Seven comrades fighting against the terrorism of borders and the security state were arrested in France for helping migrants continue their lives where they see fit. They are facing extremely severe charges and prison sentences, as do all those who are caught making themselves the enemies of the lie of nations.
As part of an international call for solidarity, We, an anarchist initiative in Athens, responded by targeting the French institute, a diplomatic institution under the French Embassy and State. The French Institute’s purpose is to legitimize the legacy of French colonialism and perpetuate its nationalist identity. France is erecting murderous borders and prosecuting those who struggle to destroy them. Under the repression of the French state, all institutions that normalize its existence become legitimate targets for our struggle.
As a cultural institution, the French Institute is propagating the nationalist agenda of the French nation state. We don’t tolerate any nation states or the institutions that represent them. We don’t tolerate Fortress Europe and the borders that deny people of freedom of movement. In the struggle against the criminalization of solidarity, we encourage all militants to organize themselves and to participate in the struggle with whatever means you have.
On Sunday night, we attacked the Institute with paint, rocks, and slogans. Afterwards 30 police came to the scene and a few random by passers were arrested. Both the French and Greek states indiscriminately target those who might stand in the way of their false security: the security of police terrorism.

No nations, no borders! Fight law and order!


November 9, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Bologna, Italy : Report on the 15th October demo 2018

Bologna, Italy : Report on the 15th October demo 2018

On Monday 15th October a demo was held in Bologna in solidarity with those on trial following the events of 7th May 2016 in Brenner and 15th October 2011 in Rome.
For the day in Brenner in May, 63 people will be on trial on various charges, and more will follow due to a new tranche of the investigation, whereas an appeal trial will be held for 15 people following the events of 15th October in Rome; earlier 4 people were sentenced for devastation and looting. Solidarity with the revolts in Brenner and Rome, and also that of 24th January 2015 in Cremona, the day the city burned with antifascist anger, was expressed with speeches, chants and banners.
In solidarity with these days of rebellion, those present talked in solidarity with who had decided to stand up and act against those responsible for daily injustice and exploitation. Over these days cops, barracks, borders, places of power and premises of public and private institutions were ravaged. Above all solidarity with the comrades on trial must recall that there are days and nights when it is revolt that wins, not fear.

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November 9, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece : video from the antifascist demo on 3.11.18

Athens, Greece : video from the antifascist demo on 3.11.18

 Video from the antifascist demo against the para-state that took place in Athens, Greece on Saturday 3 November 2018, following a call by the antifascist – anti-authoritarian social center Distomo, the anarchist collective of New Philadelphia and the free social center Favela.

November 8, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Lecco, Italy : If even publishing is clandestine activity

Lecco, Italy : If even publishing is clandestine activity

Translated by act for freedom now!
via: leccoriot.  
On 7th July a comrade was stopped in Lecco station by the Railway Police. After searching him and examining the books and pamphlets he was carrying, the police decided to raid his home and that of his parents on the pretext that they had found ‘La salute è in voi’ [Health is within you] among the books, a manual for lovers of direct action edited in 1906 and recently reprinted by some comrades.
Following the searches more anarchist printed material was seized as it had been printed illegally, and the comrade was charged with ‘clandestine printing’. To this charge another was added, that of ‘insulting the armed forces’, because of a poster where the Alpini [Alpine Troops] were specifically attacked in a proposal for a debate.
Unfortunately this episode is not an isolated one and raises several points for us to think about.
First of all it reintroduces the charge of clandestine press from out of the armoury of repression. Although claiming the publishing and distribution of material outside the rules imposed by the market (and the State) would be superfluous, it might be useful to dwell on the potential of this repressive instrument for a moment.
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November 8, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Sentencing does not mean forgetting

Italy : Sentencing does not mean forgetting

via: Selva
Translated by act for freedom now!
It is as though mankind had divided itself between those who believe in human omnipotence (who think that everything is possible if one knows how to organize masses for it) and those for whom powerlessness has become the major experience of their lives.
Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
War machine
On 25th September the State machine and its putrid mechanisms, in this case the Court of Cassation, tried to put a tombstone on the first judicial session concerning the revolt of 24th January 2015 in Cremona. In the joyous angry afternoon of 24th January, according to the putrefaction in togas, the sense and safety of the good people of Cremona was put at risk; translated into article 419 of the penal code, devastation and looting, 3 years and 8 months’ imprisonment and 200,000-euro damages to the Cremona Municipality for three accused, plus the confirmation of 2 years for another accused charged with aggravated resistance.
Were indifference and generalized insignificance put at risk?
Power defends itself from those who attack it without mediation and this cannot enter the formula of victimization to be sold in exchange for consensus, but must be an absolutely conscious question for those who rebel.
A ruling society and laughing servants
In a society and at a time when fascist and racist aggressions are spreading undisturbed and used as a shock force by power in order to ease the latent oppression on individuals, the State and Cremona’s sheriff aka mayor Gianluca Galimberti are rejoicing at the sentence. They are taking their revenge against some who didn’t remain impotent as they saw Emilio’s battered head. They are repressing some as a warning to the possible revolt to come. Fascists the State and the democrats are all happy. Today as in the past those who aspire to power travel to the sound of the belching of repression.
Solidarity thoughts

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November 8, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Donate to imprisoned anarchists, solidarity campaigns, 325 and related projects with cryptocurrencies

Donate to imprisoned anarchists, solidarity campaigns, 325 and related projects with cryptocurrencies

So we can better collect and transfer financial solidarity to imprisoned comrades in various cases with a minimized interference and seizure by the banks and the state, there are several cryptocurrency wallets available that we have opened to receive money from those interested and in solidarity. We will continue to maintain these wallets for the gathering and channeling of money for imprisoned anarchists internationally.
This is also an appeal for financial solidarity to our informal network and group, publications, logistics, outreach etc. Our project requires money as we help persecuted and imprisoned comrades, pay for organisational costs and propaganda. Help us survive and take 325 to the next level, please consider donating, no amount is too small. If you are not able to send financial solidarity, then contributions of translations, articles, reports, photos and thematic art/designs are always welcome.
Wallet addresses available on request, no time wasters need apply. Contact here.
Wallets: XMR – Monero, DASH, BTC – Bitcoin, ETH – Ethereum