Approval checklist

Before each website is approved for publication it will be assessed against a checklist. The following check points give an indication of what your site will be assessed against. Compliance with these points does not guarantee approval to publish in all cases, but is a very good indicator of your likely success.

1. Menus

Read Menu area for more information.

  1. All sites must have at least one menu block
  2. The first item on the first menu must be Home
  3. Menu items should be in sentence case
  4. & should be used instead of 'and' on menu items
  5. Menu item labels should match corresponding webpage titles
  6. Off-site links should not appear in the first menu
  7. PDF and other non-webpages should not appear in the menu
  8. The menu should represent the site architecture as logically as possible
  9. Menus should expand and collapse in the expected manner
  10. Search, if included, should function (or be set up so that it will function on the production site)

2. Content

The following points give a basic overview of content issues, but please see the web content authors checklist for more detail.

  1. Headings and page titles should be in sentence case
  2. Heading levels should be applied for structure (rather than appearance)
  3. Responsible officer must be a position title and should have a functional (not personal) contact point
  4. Page contact should be the name of an area and should have a functional (not personal) contact point
  5. About this site should link to a page about the website, not about the area that owns the website
  6. Pages must comply with the ANU writing style guide. Examples include:
    • no use of ANU's
    • use of full College name in all occurrences (eg. ANU College of ...)
    • correct time date formats
    • expanded acronyms on first use
    • Australian English (use of s not z etc.)
    • proper use of quotation marks - "" for speech, ' for emphasis

3. Appearance

  1. Elements must line up with the grid and use appropriate styles
  2. Images should use the correct ratios
  3. Colours and backgrounds must be in University colours using relevant styles
  4. Bullet lists should be in an acceptable form

4. Code

  1. Sites must be using Site IDs to deliver items such as the banner, metadata and footer
  2. Metadata should be completed
  3. Code should be valid HTML or XHTML and should refer to valid CSS (check your website validation with W3C)


  1. Websites should adhere to Accessibility guidelines - WCAG 2.0 Level AA or greater

Updated:  17 July 2014/ Responsible Officer:  Director Marketing/ Page Contact:  Webstyle