Contacts & support

If you have web-related enquiries or need support, there are a number of ways to get it. Many enquiries are best handled by your local area, perhaps by your local web team or local IT support. You can also receive support by joining the Web Publishers Group (WPG), a group of hundreds of web publishers across campus.

Contact us

The Marketing Office web team can assist you with certain steps of the website building process. The list below will give you a rough idea of the types of enquiries we can help with.

Our web team can help with:

Contact us at

The Marketing Office web team are:

  • Ruchika Bhasin – Senior Web Architect
  • Jess Burns – Web Officer
  • Roy Chan – Drupal Developer
  • Scott O'Brien – Digital Designer
  • Jason Zhang – Senior Drupal Developer

Other contacts

WPG members

  • advice on how they have implemented something on their sites
  • advice on what tools they use to help them build or review websites
  • general sharing of web-related tips and interesting readings

Local web manager or team

  • advice on whether to build a new site or add pages to an existing site
  • advice on which system to use to build the site and technical support in using it
  • setting up a site installation, in some cases

Local IT support staff

Updated:  23 January 2018/ Responsible Officer:  Director Marketing/ Page Contact:  Webstyle