Posts Tagged ‘Yogyakarta’

Four anarchist comrades begin trial in Yogyakarta for Mayday case (Indonesia)

Saturday, July 28th, 2018

26.07.18: The trial has begun for the 4 anarchist prisoners of war who were transferred to Cebongan Prison for the Yogyakarta M1 (May Day) case.

The four imprisoned comrades are:

– Azhar M. Hasan (Azhar)
– Zikra Wahyudi (Zikra)
– Muhammad Ibrahim (Boim)
– Muhammad Edo Asrianur (Edo)

The state repression against the anarchist M1 actions is entering a new phase as the preliminary trial hearing begins. The 4 anarchist prisoners of war who took part in the demonstrations at the intersection outside UIN Yogyakarta (Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University) faced a preliminary trial hearing at the Sleman District Court on July 26th.

The first preliminary trial hearing consisted of the prosecutor reading the indictment against the comrades. The prosecutor stated that this trial should take place separately from the criminal case and called for a split hearing. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Solidarity Update on the Anarchist Prisoners in Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

The May 1st protests that took place at the UIN Yogyakarta area, against the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) and the monarchy-feudalism related to Sultan Ground/Pakualaman Ground. Resulted in 11 comrades being detained at the Yogyakarta Regional Police Station (Polda Yogyakarta) suspected of destruction and arson of State facilities (a Police Station).

The comrades were supposed to be transferred to Cebongan Prison at the end of June, but due to further investigation, on June 29 only 4 comrades were transferred to Cebongan Prison and another 2 comrades were transferred one week later. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Flyposter: Solidarity to the imprisoned anarchist comrades in Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

Friday, July 6th, 2018

poster-indo-bw-copy - Copy

poster-indo-v-copy - Copy

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Indonesia: Update on the Anarchist Prisoners in Yogyakarta

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

“Prison is a milestone in the revolutionaries’ path towards freedom. It’s an intermediary stop, but not the end” Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

As of May 1st, 2018 to today (July 4th, 2018), the anarchist prisoners in Yogyakarta have still not faced court proceedings. Information received is that the anarchist prisoners should have been transferred to Cebongan Prison in Sleman on June 29th, 2018, as the prosecutor’s office has been holding them in Yogyakarta police station (Polda Yogyakarta) since May 1st for the investigation process. However, the planned transfer was cancelled and the period of detention at Polda Yogyakarta has been extended until July 30th, 2018 on the grounds of further investigation. Our prediction *is* the extended investigation process is due to this case being politicized, it’s evident by the many opinions that appear on the surface that the May 1st action was an act of opposition against the government.

As for the condition of the anarchist prisoners of Yogyakarta, one of them, Brian Valentino (UCIL) was taken to hospital due to suffering shortness of breath and stomach problems. Ucil is still recovering now, but he remains in good spirits and is always spreading laughter to other prisoners. As for the other anarchist prisoners, they are all in good health both physically and psychologically, however we know the pressure they are under from various parties, especially the police and the state.

We will continue to provide information on the situation of the anarchist prisoners and the progress of the case. Thank you to all the friends who have shown solidarity for the anarchist prisoners of Yogyakarta.

“Unfortunately the dream we carry in our hearts is too great to avoid the risk of finding ourselves up against the monstrous wall of authority raised in defense of the state and capital”Nicola Gai

Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia

More information:
Instagram account: @palang__hitam
Website: palanghitam.noblogs.org
Email: civilrebellion@riseup.net

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report of actions against New Yogyakarta International Airport (Indonesia)

Tuesday, August 29th, 2017

From Indonesian Counter-Information (Click for photos):


From 08.00 this morning, Communities who joined in refusal (PWPP or Community Against Eviction – Kulon Progo) of the new airport development began gathering near heavy equipment located on the border of Glagah-Palian in order to block the equipment that will destroy the coastal areas. Fish farmers also participated to confront the heavy equipment that will destroy their ponds. At around 10.00am, approximately 500 police moved the people who were occupying the heavy equipment. The community was forced to retreat. The eviction and destruction of community land with heavy machinery continued from 11.00am. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Report Against ‘New Yogyakarta International Airport’ in Kulon Progo (Indonesia)

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

Since 8 August last week, particularly in Macanan Glagah area and 10 August heavy machinery were already operating within the compromised area (the area in which some community of peasants already sold their land and compromised with the project, although their relocation is still unsure) for the development of New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA). Despite community and peasant resistance against NYIA, the government and PT Angkasapura, cooperating with this large company from India as the airport major investor: GVK corporation. We urge comrades in India to communicate with us and build international solidarity..

Mainstream coverage of past struggle against NYIA in English:



Grassroot and independent media coverage (Indonesia)


Facebook: Jogja Darurat Agraria

Note: The struggle against NYIA is connected to the previous struggle of peasants in Kulon Progo against iron mining in which they won the struggle, not through legal means but through community grassroot struggle (riots, arrests, and massive international solidarity makes it difficult for the project to continue) that goes beyond the language of the state. But the development of NYIA can change the past victory and reinstate the power of capital through continuous development of megaprojects which means that the peasants surrounding area will be threatened by these continual development.

Profiles of national and multinational corporations responsible for NYIA:

Indian company:


Angkasapura Profile:


Article about the corporation and their collaboration (mainstream coverage)


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Posted in Eco Struggle

Urgent: Companera Anzi Matta seriously injured in motorbike accident (Indonesia)

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Update: The campaign for Anzi ended early because insurance came through for a lot of the cost. The money collected so far will go towards paying for the hospital room, food, X-rays, rehabilitation and travel expenses for her family and (hopefully not) future surgeries. Anzi spent approximately ten hours in surgery last week and received a total of 2 plates in her arm as well as pins to piece her elbow back together. The doctor said it was a fairly complicated surgery partially because of the time gap while waiting for funding.

Unfortunately, tragedy has struck again in our community in Indonesia. Our friend Anzi Matta was in a motorcycle accident on Wednesday 26 July. Her left arm is severely broken in several places and she desperately needs surgery to repair it. The estimated cost is about 20 million rupiah, approximately $1,500 USD. That is a year’s salary or more here. She needs this surgery urgently and as quickly as possible to save her arm. She will also require physical therapy to regain mobility. We are fundraising here as well, but we need all the help we can get. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Sixth trial session of Eat & Billy, proud members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / FAI-IRF (Indonesia)

Friday, April 20th, 2012

From Negasi:

We received word that the sixth trial of the comrades of Billy Augustan and Reyhard Rumbayan (EAT) was held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 in the same place, the District Court of Lahore. The trial began after being delayed for two hours with the reading of the demands of the Public Prosecutor. Through its chairman Wiwik Triatmini, read the charges in the form of demand for imprisonment for 3 years with a reduced prison term.

Both combatants are considered guilty of arson in the BRI’s ATMs Gejayan Road, Lahore – Jogjakarta on October 7, 2011. Both are considered guilty of violating Article 187 Criminal Code because it is considered a deliberate act that resulted in a public or private property being set on fire and explosion. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Urgent: International Call for Solidarity to Billy's Health (Indonesia)

Friday, April 13th, 2012

“Most of all, this is an attempt to send me your hug. Coz I send many greetings for you guys.”Billy Augustan

We are asking for donations and solidarity for our brother, Billy Augustan (proud member of Long Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesia). As many of you know that he was detained since last year (with our brother and camerad Reyhard Rumbayan a.k.a Eat) by the pigs for a political action by setting fire to ATM belonging to BRI Bank in Jogjakayarta. He is still being held and is currently on trial. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Trial report of the process against Eat & Billy, members of Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell / FAI-IRF (Indonesia)

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Important update: We got news about our brother Billy’s health. He’s sick and getting worse since the prison conditions are so bad. More details coming as soon as possible. Strength and health to Billy, united in struggle and affinity for insurrection. War against the existent…

325 receives and transmits:

We received late news that the State continued the trial against our brothers (Eat & Billy). The fourth trial held in Friday 6, April 2012 in Sleman Courthouse (Yogyakarta). This trial itself showed that the State and Capital want to force the Anti-Terrorism Act as a tool of repression against the rise of new generation of anarchist urban guerrilla in Indonesia under the name of Revolutionary Organization – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesian Section. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report from the 2nd day of the Trial of Eat & Billy (Indonesia)

Monday, February 13th, 2012

Rough translation from Negasi:

The second phase of the trial against the two social combatants, Reyhard Rumbayan (EAT) and Billy Augustan was held on Tuesday, February 7, 2012. Agenda of the session that took place in the State Court of Lahore, Jogjakarta was listening to the testimony from the witnesses. A witness was presented who is burdensome and also devices were exhibited used by the comrades of a second attack.

The trial will carry on tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, February 14, 2012. The third agenda is still the same as the second trial, which is present as well as listen to the testimony of eyewitnesses.

We again call for solidarity as well as an invitation to everyone to attend tomorrow’s hearing on the day. Indicate the solidarity of two brave men who had attacked the oppressor. Show that we will not leave our brothers alone.

Long live the live action!
Long live the resistance!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report from Day 1 of the Trial of Eat & Billy (Indonesia)

Friday, February 3rd, 2012

The political attack by Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI Indonesian Section against Auto Teller Machine (ATM) of BRI Bank located in Affandi Street, Mrican Caturtunggal, Depok in Sleman Regency, faced it’s first trial in Monday 31 of January 2011. Two social combatants, Billy Augustan (Billy) and Reyhard Rumbayan (Eat) who took the political responsibility for this attack, are charged with multiple clauses by the prosecutors at the first trial in Sleman Court.

The lawyers for the social combatants: Andi Suryo Awalludin and Hillarius NG Merro chose not to submit an exception to the judges. In front of the Judge Leader, Mulyanto, three of the prosecutors: Wiwik Triatmini, Wahyu Handoko and Tri Widi read the indictment alternately. In this case, the two combatants (Eat & Billy) are charged with the same clauses but accused of having different roles. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

International Solidarity with Eat & Billy, members of the Long-Live Luciano Tortuga Cell – FAI / IRF (Indonesia)

Monday, January 30th, 2012

Correction – Court Update – Trial continues Tuesday February 7 2012

From Indonesia to Chile…

October 7th, 2011
– two anarchists are arrested and imprisoned in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, after an explosive incendiary attack against an empty branch of BRI ATM bank. The action is declared through a written document which the police catch the anarchists in possession of. The written declaration states that the action is in solidarity with Luciano ‘Tortuga’ (a young anarchist combatant in Chile, who was accidentally maimed in a bomb attack against Santander bank), as well as many anarchist prisoners, including those of ‘Caso Bombas’ in Chile and the Revolutionary Organisations – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Revolutionary Struggle in Greece. Situating themselves firmly within the global revolutionary war for liberation and freedom, Eat & Billy also state that their action is a direct attack against the terrorism of the Indonesian State and their police and military. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Freedom for Tukijo and the Yogyakarta 3 rebels (Indonesia)

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

This important call-out for revolutionary solidarity with the struggle in Indonesia has been translated into several languages which can be found on the website Contra-Info, in Greek, Spanish, Italian, French, German and Portuguese.

October 7, 2011. At 2 am, Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) ATM Bank in Sleman, Yogyakarta, is set on fire. The fire causes an explosion in the unit which destroys the premises. The sabotage is just one more instance of resistance in a country which is destroying it’s trees, mountains and coastlines for profit whilst oppressing its people.

Now 3 people are arrested [2 remain -Eat & Billy-, the third was released]. They are all accused of being involved in damaging the bank. We are not interested in finding out if the prisoners are “guilty” or not, nor of the extent of their “crime”. We will leave such speculation to the inquisitors and their servants in the press. We don’t need to know the details of the entire situation to know that as long as the state and the banks get rich from exploitation, there will always be those who will go against their power and refuse to collaborate. It is enough that these people are imprisoned, to wish that not just their prison, but every prison ceases to exist. “Crime” is no food on the table and the bosses taking the lion’s share. “Crime” is clear-cut forests and mining companies who beat and kill who they like with the help of the police. Freedom is fighting back and reclaiming your life from oppression.

What we know is that Indonesia is a regime which is propped up by western capitalists and militarists. It is a nation which tortures and massacres its opposition, like every state that can get away with it where it can.

Kulon Progo is a farming area near Yogyakarta, and in 2005 Jogja Magasa Mining and Indomines metal industries wanted to take the land for their industry. The farmers there didn’t give their land to the industrial company because they didn’t want nature to be destroyed by them. Many times the farmers tried to solve this without any riots, but it’s not working. Now they are ready to defend their lives.

It started when the company paid 300 people to destroy the houses of farmers and all the plants there.

It made all the farmers get angry and also lots of other people besides. Human dignity and nature just colonized by money, and there will never be any help to let the farmers survive. The police just covered up the people who were attacking the farmers because the company paid off the police. A typical story.

Tukijo was a farmer who was arrested and imprisoned just because he was vocal in the demonstrations against this situation. The people in Indonesia have made many activities around this matter : demonstrations, articles, movies, graffiti and property damage against the profiteering companies.

The farmers and the people of Kulon Progo, Pandang Raya, West Papua, Bima and elsewhere, are appealing for international solidarity and complicity in their struggle alongside the anarchists and anti-capitalists, who are all against the violent terror of the Indonesian bosses, their paid murderers and corporate backers. Don’t let them fight alone!

In accordance with the wishes of the farmers, we demand the land is given back to the farmers and freedom for our friends who are in prison because of this.

The State-Corporations-Military-Police are the Terrorists!

Freedom for Tukijo and those accused of attacking the BRI ATM Bank!

A few anarchists in solidarity.

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Posted in Social Control

Kulon Progo Self-organised Struggle Against Neoliberal Megaproject (Indonesia)

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

We call for the strongest possible international solidarity with the fighting peasants of Kulon Progo, Indonesia. They are organising to defend their lives and the environment from the ruthless mining operations of the exploiting capitalists and their state backers, with an absolute rejection of leftism and political wrangling. Let’s internationalise the anti-capitalist resistance!

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Posted in Eco Struggle