Posts Tagged ‘Surveillance’

Never turn off the phone: A new approach to security culture

Friday, November 9th, 2018

Никогда не выключай телефон: новый подход к культуре безопасности

In the 80s, an anarchist who wanted, for example, to burn some building, developed his/her plan and at the same time looked to see if there were no listening devices in his/her house. In the late 90s, the same anarchist turned off the phone and used encrypted traffic on the Internet. In the 2020s, we need to reconsider our strategy, intelligence gathering has improved and we must also take this into account.

To begin with, let’s see how big data analysis is used. To do this, we need to talk about 3 things: metadata, templates and networks. It seems boring and difficult, but I am not a technician, and I will not bore you with technical language, I will make it as simple as possible.

Metadata: In the context of online activity, “content” means “the message you sent”, and “metadata” means “everything except the content”. So, for example, if you send a text about lunch to your friend, the content may be “Let’s go on lunch”, and the metadata may be “Message sent 01/04/2018 11.32 from 0478239055 to 079726823 using Signal”.

This information is recorded by your phone, even if the application encrypts your actual message. Your metadata is very poorly protected by technology and very poorly protected by law. No matter what country you are in, the majority of your metadata is freely available to special services, regardless of whether you are suspected of something.

Templates: Whether you realize this or not, your metadata has a template. If you have daily work, you can have a very consistent pattern, if there is no such work, your template may be more flexible, but you have a template. If someone wants to know the rhythm of your day, they can do it very easily, because your template is in metadata. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Chaos Communication Camp: 3 activists talk about being targeted by undercover cop Mark Kennedy and more (Germany)

Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

Video featuring 3 activists, talk filmed at Chaos Communication Camp, Germany. Also read article on undercoverinfo.

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Posted in Social Control

B&W Flyposter against surveillance (UK)

Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

We receive and transmit this poster.

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Posted in Social Control

Enfrentamientos, cortes de calle y ataques incendiarios en recuerdo del compañero Sebastian Oversluij, Angry ($hile)

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

Durante Diciembre del 2014, distintas expresiones de combate callejero
se volvieron a encontrar en la calle buscando mantener viva la memoria
insurrecta del compañero anarquista Sebastian Oversluij abatido durante
una expropiación bancaria el pasado 13 de Diciembre del 2013.
Ya desde Noviembre el sabotaje a la maquinaria del olvido se expreso con
fuego y combate, asi fue el ataque incendiario contra una micro en el
sector de Macul con Grecia (1) o el bloqueo dela línea férrea del tren de carga por parte del “Grupo Anarquista Coordinado – GAC. Banda Organizada Mauricio Morales /
Célula Incendiaria Sebastián Oversluij.” (2)
Por solo nombrar algunos hechos, a continuacion un breve recuento
–siempre incompleto- de lo ocurrido hasta ahora.


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Posted in Direct Action

Inside the surveillance capital of Europe (UK)

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

From 325 #2 / April 2005
The evolution and spread of the industrial-technological surveillance state in the 7 years since this text was written has been fast-paced and this text is archived here for reference and interest. If an active critique of the totalitarian mechanisms of social control was necessary in 2005, the same critique is even more needed now; against these advancing forms of technical domination and the hierarchical society which demands them. For war against the existent…

Britain is full of companies involved in the worst kinds of financial activity, the population is terrorised by government-media campaigns, held captive by aggressive borders, and attacked by violent police who kill with impunity. Behind the ‘democratic’ facade is Empire, enforced by ever more complex means. Every day people are scrutinised under intense surveillance and subjected to the highest levels of consumer propaganda. The authorities are enthusiastic advocates of control technology in all of its guises and have long set the benchmarks for others across the globe. There are an estimated 4.5 million CCTV cameras installed across the country: one per 14 people. This tidal wave of CCTV certainly shows no signs of abating, if anything it is gaining momentum, Britain is on the verge of a Closed-Circuit Television transformation – Companies and researchers are pushing the latest development – Digital, or ‘Smart’ CCTV. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control