Posts Tagged ‘SingularityU Summit’

Athens, Greece: ‘The Future is Already Here’ – 2 Days of Resistance to the Technological Singularity (18-19/11)

Sunday, November 11th, 2018


Artificial intelligence, databases, augmented reality, high security cameras, digital ecosystems, drones, smartphones with smart advertisements and smart houses that steal our thoughts and turn them into merchandise, spectacle, suppression.

Surveillance. Order and security.

The laboratory escapes the four walls- the laboratory is the whole planet.

All this is what the yuppie entrepreneurs, academics, CEOs and scientists are shouting timidly but yet outrageously from Silicon Valley to Athens. On the 19th of November at the SingularityU Summit the enthusiasts of the technological dystopia will gather at Megaro Mousikis. Therefore, dystopia is here, dystopia is now. Singularity Summit is a gathering that will teach to the aspiring leaders and future entrepreneurs how they will thrive in an environment of competition and high technology. The foundation for all of this are the biggest multinational database companies in the world that govern the whole planet and reign in Silicon Valley, such as Google, Yahoo and Apple. Their dream is being presented worldwide by various arrogant scientists, such as Peter Diamantis, and is being spread to the elites of the international scene. Last year in Milan, now in Athens. The sponsors of this year’s summit here are Kathimerini and SKAI- we’ve always disliked them and they never miss out on reminding us- and the research center Demokritos, that test on non-human animals.

The future is already here, but us, our thoughts, our fears, our resistances are also here. Nothing is over – the future is still unwritten.

EVENT-PRESENTATION about the SingularityU Summit and the nanoworld
by the group Resistenze al nanomondo (Italy)

SUNDAY 18/11 (location soon) at 19:00
DEMONSTRATION against the SingularityU Summit

MONDAY 19/11 Parko Eleutherias (Vassilisis Sofias, by Megaro Mousikis) at 11:30

cooperation against the future
initiative from damala fera
traces of fire


Notes from Act for free:

Italy : NOT JUST A MEETING. 2-3 October 2018. Singularity University Summit

[September 27, 2017 Rho-Milan] Not just any meeting – Italy

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Posted in Eco Struggle