Posts Tagged ‘Mayday’

Indonesia: Some of the Yogyakarta Prisoners have been Released!

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Some Yogyakarta prisoners are free!

Here are some Yogyakarta prisoners who have been released after undergoing trial and reading the verdict:

– MD detention decision of 5 months, the term of detention served, free October 9, 2018.
– OO for 5 months detention decision, deducted the period of detention served, free October 9, 2018.
– MI and MEA prisoner decision 5 months 15 days, detained prison term, free 14 October 2018.
– ZW and AMH detention decision 5 months 15 days, the detention period will be deducted, free October 14, 2018.

There are still other prisoners undergoing the trial process including Ucil (BV).

We will provide updates on any developments in the trial as soon as the information is available.

Nobody is free until everybody is free!

(Info via Palang Hitam Indonesia / Anarchist Black Cross Indonesia)

Sebagian tahanan Yogyakarta sudah bebas!
Berikut adalah beberapa tahanan Yogyakarta yang sudah dibebaskan setelah menjalani sidang dan pembacaan putusan:
MD putusan tahanan 5 bulan, bebas 9 Oktober 2018
OO putusan tahanan 5 bulan, bebas 9 Oktober 2018
MI dan MEA putusan tahanan 5 bulan 15 hari, bebas 14 Oktober 2018
ZW dan AMH putusan tahanan 5 bulan 15 hari, bebas 14 Oktober 2018
Hari ini, Senin 15 Oktober 2018 sidang dilakukan untuk MC dengan kesaksian dari BV dan AM.
Perkembangan persidangan akan segera kami kabari kembali.
Tidak ada yang bebas sampai semuanya bebas!

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Not Ideological Solidarity but Critical Revolutionary Solidarity: A Personal Reflection of Yogyakarta/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

Not Ideological Solidarity but Critical Revolutionary Solidarity: A Personal Reflection of Yogyakarta/Indonesia Anarchist Black Cross (Palang Hitam)

Knowledge chooses its project,
each project is new and chooses its moments,
each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from
the memory of all the moments that existed before

The Interior of the Absolute

It is fair to say that the Black Cross were initiated after the May Day event in Yogyakarta 2018, a demonstration/blockades that ended up in a riot between the so-called “local people” and the demonstrators (many, even the so-called Student Organization involved in the organizing blamed the Black Clad anarchists for igniting the riot and provoked property destruction, and to their surprised the graffiti that call to “Kill the Sultan”, until now there have been no one claimed this). Therefore, even Palang Hitam now are progressing their activities to other places and helping other revolutionaries who are facing the same legal consequences or just being in the grassroots conflict to provide medical aid, its “over-lapping” solidarity still meant that Palang Hitam were originated, initiated, and activated by the comrades who are “on the list” (of the powers that be) and those who are completely not on the list but decided to actively participated. So, in order to specified the location of these comrades, mainly central java, it is fair to say that Palang Hitam is Palang Hitam Yogyakarta or Central Java.

What being said in this short critical reflection are based on specific geographical and historical understanding of the anarchist movement or the revolutionary movement of individuals against state and capitalism in Indonesia. There’s no need to say about the contrast between our geographical location and our comrades in the west and those who are also in the global south, especially considering prison solidarity in its historic sense. Indonesia, have plenty of oral history about prison rebellion and rebellious individuals, but these were almost never written, these were almost like mythopoesis among criminals for generation and some even become so legendary that it always inspired rebellion each time there’s a prisoner get beaten very severely or until they die. It is obvious there’s almost no official history of them because, who want to write about these violent, lawless, and cool individuals? Even the so-called radical academics tend to avoid this subject. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Milan: Black Bloc Mayday riots against 'Expo 2015' (Italy)

Monday, May 4th, 2015


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Posted in Direct Action

Text by Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle for the event organized by the International Red Help for the 1st of May (Greece, Switzerland)

Friday, May 1st, 2015

The events of May 1886 that took place in Chicago are a turning point in the history of the revolutionary labor movement.

It was not only the fight of the workers to reduce working hours to eight hours daily that featured in this fight and led to the global fight of the proletariat for an 8 hour work day, but it was also a response of the workers to a crackdown by the bosses, and the murder of workers at the McCormick factory. This response was “Workers in arms” which called for a reaction of the working class to the killings of the bosses. It was the armed reaction of the workers when police ordered the dissolution of the Hay Market Square protest that was called against the killings of the strikers at the McCormick factory. The armed tradition of the working class and revolutionary movement was at that time closely related to unionism and the struggle for an 8 hour work day, better working conditions, wage increases, social security. And all this was seen to some extent, as a stage on the way to the abolition of the capitalist system.

Such struggles, which were inspired by the events of May 1886 in Chicago erupted in many countries over the next few years in France, in Italy, Spain, Russia, Mexico, Argentina and they were characterized by the use of armed violence on the part of workers.

Unfortunately a large part of the labor movement adopted an approach that considered armed practices as “provocation” and practices of “individual terrorism” that harm the labor movement and were therefore condemnable. There is the view, for example, that the events of the Hay Market Square with the throwing of a bomb and the armed scuffle against the police that followed were an intentional provocation to justify the murder of several of the assembled workers, but also the conviction and execution by hanging of the organizers of the Hay Market Square protest. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

May 1, 2015: 'From Milan, capital of the crisis, to Europe' (Italy)

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015


After seven years of crisis the precarious pride has become rage and indignation against the burgeoning unemployment and the growth of poverty imposed by BCE & IMF to most of the population with austerity policies, particularly in Italy, Greece and the rest of the Latin Europe. Social slaughter, plunder of wealth and common goods, the end of the public city are the bases upon which governments build their response to the economic crisis.

The whole urban environment is the heart of many overwhelming social tensions. It is dominated by profit-based logics, soil consumption, the speculative spiral and the showcase city formula, in which the territorial branding is everything and inhabitants needs count as nothing, which leads to environmental exploitation, militarization of life, as we see in Val Susa, attack against our city back streets.

Italy deeply suffers precariousness, exploitation, repression. Corresponds to our need of places for political activism and criticism their evacuation and closure. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Mayday: Class War – Street Party (UK)

Saturday, March 28th, 2015

Fuck the Police – Fuck the Tories – Fuck the lot of them – All Fucking Wankers


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Posted in Uncategorized

May Day 2014 – Call for Anarchist Action and news on Mayday actions in Cardiff and London (UK)

Monday, April 28th, 2014

From anarchistaction.net:

On Mayday 2014 Anarchist Action Network is calling for anarchists to unite in One Common Struggle. We are calling on you to join fellow anarchists and remember the victims of the system’s oppression, take action against the symbols of the state and capitalism and hold events highlighting the need to struggle for a better world.

May Day was first celebrated as a day of international workers’ solidarity in 1890. It was called to commemorate the murder of four anarchist workers in Chicago by the US government.

On this May day in 2014 let us unite our struggles in looking back to the Anarchist origins of May Day and take action in memory of all who are dying every day at the hands of the capitalist system. Let us also remember those who have died or been imprisoned fighting it. From the Mayday Anarchists in Chicago to Carlo, the young man executed by police at the 2001 Genoa summit against the G8. Right now in the UK there is an all out assault on activists involved in the animal rights movement, one of whom was sentenced today to a 6 year prison sentence for ‘conspiring to blackmail’ Huntingdon Life Sciences. Dozens more AR activists are facing political trials in the UK as the law continues to be used to protect corporate power against public anger. For more details see here. Mayday is a time to show our solidarity against a system that kills and imprisons in order to keep us in chains. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Dark Nights #11 & #12 – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter May 2011

Thursday, May 12th, 2011

Dark Nights is an anarchist & anti-prison PDF freesheet of resistance reports and repression news to download and print out.

Two part special issue for May 2011. Four pages of UK news with an eight page European Social Struggle supplement / A3 size.

#11 : Anti-System Conflict in the United Kingdom
This issue carries news about the increase in subversive action across the UK and the recent repression wave against squats and autonomous social centres in the wake of the March 26th TUC Demo / Black rzocoruse.com Bloc. Also covers Telepathic Heights eviction, Stokes Croft riots etc.

#12 : European Social Struggle – May Supplement
The longer supplement has a combative Mayday report from Barcelona, a small contribution on the topic of Solidarity by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Greece, and the call for an escalated struggle against Genetic Manipulation by Swiss eco-anarchist prisoners, who are on hunger strike May 1 to 28, in Switzerland (Billy, Marco, Silvia and Costas).

Organise and Resist.

Anti-Copyright Network 2011

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Posted in Library