Posts Tagged ‘Demo’

Freedom for Radek! (Netherlands)

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

Our friend Radek, has been held in custody, in the Netherlands, for 5 months now. He was charged with attempted arson at the Polish embassy, which carries a sentence of up to 12 years in jail. Radek – just as many other workers on emigration – had dealt with exploitation by the employers, on a daily basis. Exploitation, unfair pay, unpaid overtime, atrocious living conditions – the realities of work in the West. Radek had tried to solve those problems in a less radical matter. He had given a shot by going public with it, informing the media, executing his rights. None of it helped. Eventually, he took a brave step forward. He went to the Polish embassy in The Hague, with a can full of gas and a lighter. He then informed, that he would burn the place and asked for people inside the building to be evacuated. In reality: springs from the lighter were taken out, so as to make sure, that starting a fire wouldn’t be possible. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Berlin: Internationalistische Demonstration & Kundgebung zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen (Deutschland)

Thursday, March 14th, 2019

Berlin: Internationalistische Demonstration & Kundgebung zum Tag der politischen Gefangenen

Samstag 16.03.2019, 15 Uhr Hermannplatz Demo

Montag 18.03.2019 16 Uhr (Kundgebung), Justizministerium, Mohrenstr. 37 in Mitte

Solidarität mit allen politischen und revolutionären Gefangenen!

DEVRİMCİ TUTSAKLARA ÖZGÜRLÜK!, الحرية للثوار في السجون

Anlässlich des 18.März als „Tag der Pariser Commune“ und „Tag der politischen Gefangenen“ rufen wir zu Solidarität mit den politischen und revolutionären Gefangenen weltweit auf. Viele von ihnen sind seit Jahrzehnten in Haft. Sie befinden sich in Knästen, weil sie gegen Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Besatzung und imperialistische Kriege einen organisierten Kampf führen.

Aktivist*innen sind politischen Verfahren ausgesetzt und werden teilweise zu langjährigen Haftstrafen verurteilt, ins Exil oder zur Flucht getrieben, wo sie wiederum verfolgt, angeklagt und eingesperrt werden. Menschen, die in Europa und der BRD ankommen, werden mittels Anti-Terror-Gesetzen, in Deutschland beispielsweise nach §129b StGB, jahrelang eingesperrt. So befinden sich in der BRD dutzende Revolutionär*innen aus der Türkei und Kurdistan in Haft. Die Gefangenen unserer Bewegungen dürfen nicht vergessen werden. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

‘We are all Co-offenders!’ – News from the trial in Basel, Switzerland

Friday, February 22nd, 2019

Today, Friday 25th January 2019, 15 of the 18 defendants in the “Basel”-process have been found guilty of willful damage of property, actual bodily harm, breach of the peace, multiple acts of violence, threats against public authorities and officials and breach of the traffic laws. The preposterous sentence ranges from 20 months conditionally to two years, up to 27 months unconditionally. Thereby the three judges of the criminal court of Basel city followed the claims of the prosecution in most parts. Some persons even had to pay an additional fine of 200,000 Swiss franks for the violation of the ban on wearing face coverings, as well as individual fines – between five and ten daily fines in lieu of jail time – for insults, violation of the gun control law, trespassing or hindrance to an offical act.

The amounts of the fines seems even more preposterous in the light of the court rating various charges of the prosecution as unfulfilled (e.g. multiple attempted severe assaults, raids or disturbances against the public transport). The main cause therefor was, that the court held on to the controversial construct of co-offendership – for all to bear the blame equally – and in their verdict supported this intensified interpretation. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Yellow Vest counter demo: Dublin, Ireland

Monday, January 28th, 2019

The Yellow Vests call for unity, but how can there be unity?

On Saturday, January 12th the Yellow Vests had another of their weekly marches in Dublin. Anti fascist and anti racist showed up to the march for the second week in a row.

As soon as the banner and anti fascist flag was took out yellow vesters came out of the crowd looking angry. We received a torrent of abuse and shouts of, “house our own”, “we need more racists”, “Fuck refugees”, “refugees not welcome”, “you’se are paid by George Soros”, and “Ireland for white people”. They gave a very poor attempt to take our banner and flag but couldn’t manage to succeed. We were shouted at to leave, “fuck off”. Not one out of the crowd of about 60 to 70 yellow vests supported the banner for refugees or said anything about the racists shite being spouted. We stayed and followed them in their march and we left before they attempted their joke of a direct action where they attempted to block a road for an hour, the cops moved them on before the yellow vest protest reached their hour long goal to block traffic.

The Yellow vests in Ireland are not a “leaderless movement” (more…)

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Posted in No Borders

Berlin: Auf zur “Freiheit für Musa Asoglu”-Demo nach Hamburg (Deutschland)

Tuesday, December 11th, 2018

Deutsch | Arabisch | Türkisch | Farsi | Englisch

Hallo liebe Freund*innen,

wir möchten am Samstag, den 15. Dezember 2018, gemeinsam von Berlin aus
zur “Freiheit für Musa Aşoğlu”-Demo nach Hamburg fahren. Hierzu treffen
wir uns am 15. Dezember um 7.30 Uhr am Ostbahnhof, Gleis 7. Wir besorgen
uns zusammen Wochenendtickets. Der Zug fährt dann um 7.52 Uhr ab. Wir
wären dann pünktlich in Hamburg, wo die Demo um 12 Uhr vor der Roten
Flora beginnen soll. Im Anschluss an die Demo würden wir gemeinsam
wieder zurück nach Berlin reisen.

Musa Aşoğlu wurde am 2. Dezember 2016 verhaftet und befindet sich
seitdem in Hamburg in Isolationshaft. Ihm wird nach §129b
(Mitgliedschaft in einer verbotenen terroristischen Vereinigung)
vorgeworfen, Mitglied der in der Türkei kämpfenden DHKP-C (Revolutionäre
Volksbefreiungspartei-Front) zu sein. Dass Oppositionelle in der Türkei
verfolgt, gefoltert und ermordet werden, stört die BRD in keinster Weise
– ist er doch enger Verbündeter und politischer Stabilidsator des immer
offener faschistisch agierenden Regimes in der Türkei.

Der §129b-Prozess gegen Musa Aşoğlu dauert seit dem 25. Januar 2018 an
und wir gehen davon aus, dass dieser im Frühjahr 2019 enden könnte.

Wir möchten Musa Aşoğlu und alle §129b-Gefangenen durch unsere
Teiilnahme an der Demo supporten. Schließt euch uns an. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

International Call For New Year’s Eve Noise Demonstrations

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

Spanish and Bahasa Indonesian translations follow English text below.

This is a call for a raucous night of strong solidarity with those imprisoned by the state on one of the noisiest nights of the year. On New Year’s Eve gather your crew, collective, community, organization, or just yourself and come together to raise a racket and remind those on the inside that they are not alone.

Internationally, noise demonstrations outside of prisons are a way to remember those who are held captive by the state and a way to show solidarity with imprisoned comrades and loved ones. We come together to break the loneliness and isolation.

We know that prison is beyond reform and must be completely abolished. It is a mechanism of repression used by the state to maintain a social order rooted in white supremacy, patriarchy, and heteronormativity. To come together outside of the sites of repression is to also stand in defiance of what they represent.

The logic of the state and capital—of punishment and imprisonment, must be replaced by a rejection of oppression and exploitation. This call is one step in that direction.

Wherever you are, meet on New Year’s Eve at the prisons, jails, and detention centers, be loud in solidarity with those imprisoned and to push forward the idea of a world free from domination.

We send this call in solidarity with those defying state repression of large scale dissent: from the Yogyakarta prisoners in Indonesia to those in Russia facing repression as anarchist anti-state organizers, to all of those in the spaces between.

We want a world without walls and borders.

We will fight together until everyone is free! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens, Greece: ‘The Future is Already Here’ – 2 Days of Resistance to the Technological Singularity (18-19/11)

Sunday, November 11th, 2018


Artificial intelligence, databases, augmented reality, high security cameras, digital ecosystems, drones, smartphones with smart advertisements and smart houses that steal our thoughts and turn them into merchandise, spectacle, suppression.

Surveillance. Order and security.

The laboratory escapes the four walls- the laboratory is the whole planet.

All this is what the yuppie entrepreneurs, academics, CEOs and scientists are shouting timidly but yet outrageously from Silicon Valley to Athens. On the 19th of November at the SingularityU Summit the enthusiasts of the technological dystopia will gather at Megaro Mousikis. Therefore, dystopia is here, dystopia is now. Singularity Summit is a gathering that will teach to the aspiring leaders and future entrepreneurs how they will thrive in an environment of competition and high technology. The foundation for all of this are the biggest multinational database companies in the world that govern the whole planet and reign in Silicon Valley, such as Google, Yahoo and Apple. Their dream is being presented worldwide by various arrogant scientists, such as Peter Diamantis, and is being spread to the elites of the international scene. Last year in Milan, now in Athens. The sponsors of this year’s summit here are Kathimerini and SKAI- we’ve always disliked them and they never miss out on reminding us- and the research center Demokritos, that test on non-human animals.

The future is already here, but us, our thoughts, our fears, our resistances are also here. Nothing is over – the future is still unwritten.

EVENT-PRESENTATION about the SingularityU Summit and the nanoworld
by the group Resistenze al nanomondo (Italy)

SUNDAY 18/11 (location soon) at 19:00
DEMONSTRATION against the SingularityU Summit

MONDAY 19/11 Parko Eleutherias (Vassilisis Sofias, by Megaro Mousikis) at 11:30

cooperation against the future
initiative from damala fera
traces of fire


Notes from Act for free:

Italy : NOT JUST A MEETING. 2-3 October 2018. Singularity University Summit

[September 27, 2017 Rho-Milan] Not just any meeting – Italy

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Makassar, Indonesia: Action Against the IMF-WBG Meeting in Bali (Photos, Video & Communique)

Sunday, October 14th, 2018



The State and Capitalism are an inseparable unit of criminals and destroyers. Many bigoted leaders are gathering to consolidate their crimes. Eventually there will be a situation where the workers, the fishermen, the urban poor and all sectors of society who are subjected to oppression will reach a boiling point of anger and disgust.

Capitalism, which is a social relation, has turned the masses of humanity into passive human beings, limiting themselves only to the creation of profit. The purpose of work is to keep the world revolving around society being divided into two classes: the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat, or more simply put- the oppressor and the oppressed. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Barcelona: Our anarchist comrade Lisa is about to be transferred

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

The first Saturday after the comrade’s transfer, concentration in front of Wad Ras. Stay tuned for new information that may be coming!!

2018/10/08 Solidaritat Rebel

via actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

2019 Mobilisation against G7 Summit in Biarritz (France)

Monday, October 8th, 2018

After the magnificent period of resistance around the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017, after the G7 summit of June 2018 in Quebec – placed under an unparalleled repressive level, with its “free expression zone” – and the G20 summit at Buenos Aires in November / December 2018 promises to be a great moment, given the current popularity of Macri, the history of local struggles, and the animosity of the region towards Trump …

Now the 2017 G7 summit is announced to take place at the end of summer 2019 in Biarritz. We have no illusions about the repressive level that we are entitled to expect from Gérard Collomb. It is clear that this summit will once again be a law enforcement laboratory, as will judicial measures against demonstrators and those who are organizing themselves. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

London: Demo against the far right – Oct 13 (UK)

Saturday, September 15th, 2018

A coalition of groups including London Antifascists have made a call-out for a unity demonstration against the far right Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA). The far right have proved themselves to be a resurgent threat this year, mobilising a 20,000 strong rally in central London in June and have attacked trade unionists, people of colour and left wing bookshops. Left unchecked they are sure to repeat these outrageous attacks.

Antifascists have started to come together to counter this new threat. In July a militant bloc of around 500 antifascists came together to oppose a #FreeTommy demonstration. Look out for ways you can get involved in building a mass antifascist movement in the coming weeks.

If you are in London please save the date and join the demonstration. If you are outside of London consider organising transport for your friends and comrades. Meet up point TBA.


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Posted in Anti-Fascist

Action in solidarity with prisoners in Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca (Mexico)

Wednesday, September 5th, 2018

On August 30th, 2018, a group of comrades took the street in front of the transition house of the president-elect of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. There, they briefly blocked traffic and showered the police, media and bystanders with flyers denouncing the judicial corruption and state repression being carried out against community members of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. The banner blocking the highway read: Freedom to the Prisoners of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón—Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners.

This action kicks off a series of events planned in the lead up to anarchist prisoner Miguel Peralta’s final court date on September 28th, 2018. We encourage you all to remain attentive to upcoming events and actions.

Free all prisoners! Down with the Prison Walls!

Watch video here.

Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón is a municipality located in the Sierra Mazateca in the state of Oaxaca. The majority of the inhabitants speak Mazateco and the municipality is registered beneath the Internal Normative System, or Uses and Customs of Indigenous communities. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Demo at US consulate in solidarity with prison strike (Germany)

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018

The solidarity groups of Germany’s Incarcerated Workers’ Union (GG/BO), with the support of the anarchist workers’ union (FAU), are calling for a protest to take place in front of the US consulate of Leipzig on August 21st, which is the start date of a nationwide prison strike in the USA.

You can find the call on the blog of the GG/BO solidarity group of Jena and on the website of GG/BO.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Salatiga: Demo in solidarity with West Papuan struggle (Indonesia)

Thursday, November 16th, 2017

Freedom for Papua

15 November 2017

Solidarity between various alliances including Libertarian Student Federation (FML), Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) in the small town of Salatiga, at the Satya Wacana Christian University. This solidarity is a nationwide call from the KNPB (National Committee of West Papua) in order to give pressure to the Indonesian government to give rights to West Papuan independence and autonomy. In this case, anarchists and libertarians limited their solidarity for the full autonomy and freedom of West Papua from Indonesian state and not supporting the creation of West Papua as a nation-state.


Salatiga (Jawa Tengah)

Solidaritas antar berbagai aliansi termasuk diantaranya Federasi Mahasiswa Libertarian (FML), Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) terjadi di kota kecil Salatiga, tepatnya di Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana. Solidaritas ini merupakan seruan dari KNPB (Komite Nasional Papua Barat) dalam skala nasional untuk menekan pemerintah Indonesia agar memberikan hak untuk menentukan pilihan bangsa Papua Barat. Dalam hal ini, kaum anarkis dan libertarian, membatasi solidaritasnya dalam bentuk otonomi bangsa Papua Barat dan bukannya disintergrasi yang akan menciptakan negara baru lagi.

Videos Links (click on the links below):
Some anarchist students make their way out of campus
Demonstration outside of University


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Posted in Direct Action

Erklärung Soligruppe Gülaferit zu den Ereignissen am 8.10. in der JVA Lichtenberg (Deutschland)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Demo zum Frauenknast nach rassistischem Übergriff! 28.10. um 18 Uhr S+U Frankfurter Allee

Hallo Genoss*innen,

wir teilen diesen Aufruf für eine Demo am Samstag. Bitte verbreitet ihn weiter und unterstützt die Demonstration. Von Draußen können wir eine solidarische Antwort an die Gefangene senden und dem Knast zeigen, dass das was drinnen passiert nicht unbeobachtet bleibt!

Erklärung Soligruppe Gülaferit zu den Ereignissen am 8.10. in der JVA Lichtenberg

Knapp drei Monate vor der Haftentlassung* unserer Freundin und Genossin Gülaferit lässt das Knastsystem die Situation eskalieren. Die fortwährenden Provokationen und Schikanen gegen Gülaferit gipfeln in einem brutalen Angriff.

Was ist passiert: Bei einem Besuch schilderte uns Gülaferit wie es am 8.10. zu dem Angriff kam. Sie ging in die Zelle einer Mitgefangenen um das permanente Abspielen extrem lauter Musik zu stoppen. Daraufhin ging die Mitgefangene auf sie los und attackierte sie mit Fäusten. Ebenfalls drückte die Mitgefangene Gülaferit mit einem Besenstiel vor dem Hals an die Wand und beschimpfte sie rassistisch. Gülaferit wurde verletzt und musste auf der Krankenstation behandelt werden, sie trug an mehreren Körperstellen Hämatome (Blaue Flecken) davon. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle