Posts Tagged ‘Barry Horne’

Month of actions as the Animal Liberation Front gets active for Winter (UK)

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017

Animal Liberation Front comrades in UK are getting active again despite years of repression and clampdowns by the state. Here’s a quick list of actions that happened over the last month. Reports from Bite Back:

Anonymous report:

8 November 2017

“Several turkeys liberated from concentration camps (aka farms) in the UK last night.”


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Posted in Eco Struggle

International Week of Action against Speciesism : Oct 30 – Nov 5

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

An international call for a week of action against speciesism, from October 30 and November 5, has been launched through social media. It encourages folks to carry out all kinds of actions, from street propaganda (paintings, posters, distribution of leaflets …) to workshops/forums and debates in your meeting spaces, to self-organizing various actions against specific businesses with the tools that each person may consider appropriate, to mass mobilizations and demonstrations.

May each one be organized as it suits each one involved, and may they shake all the cages. In memory of Barry Horne and all the human and nonhuman victims of speciesism and domination.

Both individual and collective measures of struggle are valid; from diffusion actions to mobilizations.

Solidarity between species is not just a written word!

The call out translated in several languages

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Santiago: Liberation of a rabbit in memory of Barry Horne, 15 years since his death (Chile)

Friday, November 11th, 2016

The rabbit was released from a tiny cage and given a new loving home in memory of Animal Liberation Front warrior Barry Horne, who died on hunger strike until death in defense of all life 15 years ago. For the animals.

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Posted in Eco Struggle