Why Democrats Are So Okay With Losing

Ever since the Democratic Party abandoned its New Deal legacy and adopted the neoliberal centrism associated with the Carter presidency and then cast in stone by the Democratic Leadership Council in 1985, each election loss has generated a chorus of remonstrations in the left-liberal press about the need to run “progressive” candidates if the party More

What Now?

The good news is that Democrats will take over the House of Representatives and hold onto or take back governorships in the upper Midwest and elsewhere.  That less odious duopoly party also did well in statewide elections all over the country, and about as well as could be expected in gerrymandered state legislatures. Had this not happened, Donald Trump would now be feeling empowered to be even more mean spirited and wicked than he usually is, and more careless of democratic norms and the rule of law. More

Roaming Charges: Chuck and Nancy’s House of Cards

After Trump’s election and the announcement that Chuck Schumer would lead the Democratic Resistance©, I predicted that Schumer’s infamous “Plan B” (pandering to upper-middle class suburban voters and disaffected Republicans with college degrees at the expense of blue collar voters) would result in the Democrats losing 5 senate seats. I confess I was wrong.  They only lost four, unless, like me, you consider the retention of Robert Menendez and Joe Manchin a result even worse than a loss. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

The Child Separators

In this Issue: Laura Carlsen on building a movement against ICE. Trump vs. the Intelligence Agencies by Mel Goodman; The Browning of the Left by Dan Glazebrook; Mexico Under AMLO by Kent Paterson; Who’s Afraid of Hannah Arendt by Michael Dolinar; The Violence of Capitalism by Ron Jacobs; The Psychology of the Rich by Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark; Summer of Fire by Jeffrey St. Clair; The Hell We are Now In by Chris Floyd; Is the Universal Basic Income Worth the Fight? by Pete Dolack; What Color is Music? Lee Ballinger.

Boyle Heights: Fighting the Forces of Change

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Michael Fox
  • TOPICS: Fascism and the political situation in Brazil.
