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New Left Review I/9, May-June 1961

Norman Fruchter and Stuart Hall

Notes on the Cuban Dilemma

1. Kennedy And The New Rhetoric

only those who did not follow Mr. Kennedy’s pronouncements on Cuba in the days before his election were surprised by the American intervention. For Mr. Kennedy has never wavered on Cuba. When his Administration undertook yet another agonising reappraisal of foreign policy, Cuba remained the one territory which could not be contained within the “new frontier”. There were weeks in which the Administration refused to take any policy decisions over a very wide field: yet there was no pause between the promises which Mr. Kennedy held out to the Cuban emigres in the last weeks of the election, and the execution of those promises by the military and the CIA, with the full knowledge and support of the President, within his first “hundred days”. Why?

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Norman Fruchter, Stuart Hall, ‘Notes on the Cuban Dilemma’, NLR I/9: £3

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