Recent Articles

  • Cross-language Performance Profile Exploration with speedscope

    speedscope is a fast, interactive, web-based viewer for large performance profiles, inspired by the performance panel of Chrome developer tools and by Brendan Gregg’s FlameGraphs. Jamie Wong built speedscope to explore and interact with large performance profiles from a variety of profilers for a variety of programming languages. speescope runs totally in-browser, and does not send any profiling data to any servers.

  • Testing Privacy-Preserving Telemetry with Prio

    Building a browser is hard; building a good browser inevitably requires gathering a lot of data to make sure that things that work in the lab works in the field. But as soon as you gather data, you have to make sure you protect user privacy. We’re always looking at ways to improve the security of our data collection, and lately we’ve been experimenting with a really cool technique called Prio.

  • Aaron Parecki

    Dweb: Identity for the Decentralized Web with IndieAuth

    IndieAuth is a decentralized login protocol that enables users of your software to log in to other apps. It's an extension to OAuth 2.0 that lets any website to become its own identity provider, leveraging all the existing security considerations and best practices in the industry around authorization and authentication.

  • Firefox 63 – Tricks and Treats!

    Firefox 63 comes with some long-awaited treats: an implementation of web components, including custom elements and the shadow DOM. Potch also covers the Fonts Editor, the associated font panel in the Firefox DevTools Inspector, and reduced motion preferences in CSS.

  • WebAssembly’s post-MVP future: A cartoon skill tree

    People have a misconception—they think that the WebAssembly that landed in browsers back in 2017—is the final version. In fact, we still have many use cases to unlock, from heavy-weight desktop applications, to small modules, to JS frameworks, to all the things outside the browser… Node.js, and serverless, and the blockchain, and portable CLI tools, and the internet of things. The WebAssembly that we have today is not the end of this story—it’s just the beginning.

  • Jean-Marc Valin

    Introducing Opus 1.3

    Opus is a totally open, royalty-free, audio codec that can be used for all audio applications, from music streaming and storage to high-quality video-conferencing and VoIP. This 1.3 release brings quality improvements to both speech and music compression, ambisonics support, and more.

  • Ben Parsons

    Dweb: Decentralised, Real-Time, Interoperable Communication with Matrix

    Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication over the Internet. It provides a standard HTTP API for publishing and subscribing to real-time data in specified channels, so it can be used to power Instant Messaging, VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication--the most common use of Matrix today is as an Instant Messaging platform.

  • Show your support for Firefox with new badges

    If you use Firefox and want to show your support, we've made a collection of badges you can add to your website. Whether you're passionate about Mozilla's mission, or just think Firefox is a kick-ass product, we'd love your help in spreading the word.

  • Payments, accessibility, and dead macros: MDN Changelog for September 2018

    Changes and updates to the code, data, and tools that support MDN Web Docs. In September, the team launched MDN payments, improved MDN’s accessibility resources, and removed 15% of KumaScript macros. The team also shipped tweaks and fixes by merging 379 pull requests, including 66 pull requests from 38 new contributors.

  • Home Monitoring with Things Gateway 0.6

    The latest version of the Things Gateway rolling out today comes with new home monitoring features that let you directly monitor your home over the web, without a middleman. That means no monthly fees, your private data stays in your home by default, and you can choose from a variety of sensors made by different manufacturers.

  • Calls between JavaScript and WebAssembly are finally fast 🎉

    At Mozilla, we want WebAssembly to be as fast as it can be. This started with its design, which gives it great throughput. Then we improved load times with a streaming baseline compiler. With this, we compile code faster than it comes over the network. Now, in the latest version of Firefox Beta, calls between JS and WebAssembly are faster than many JS to JS function calls. Here's how we made them fast - illustrated in code cartoons.

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