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Battle Cry
"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?"
Gal. 4:16

Table of Contents September/October 2018

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Halloween may be the "Devil's day" but it is a great opportunity for Christians to teach something important to their children, as well as those who come to the door.

The Vital Work of Tract Passing
The two things that get in the way of witnessing with tracts, and what we need to get around them.

Some Religious Freedom Victories
Courts are finally handing down decisions that protect religious freedom. Let’s make good use of them!

Halloween is Not Satan's Only Holiday
The other one celebrates the revolution when man decided he doesn’t need God.

Creative Christians Share Christ on Halloween
Look at the fun these Christians had on Halloween night. How about you?

ABS Fixes Broken Leg With a Band-aid
How the American Bible Society tried to fix a serious problem with a “band-aid.” It didn’t work.

Missions Report - September
Missionary says these Chick tracts are "spreading like wildfire!"

A special message from David W. Daniels

Chick Mail Bag





Battle Cry

Also available in pdf format.