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Top 13 Samhain Articles at Witchvox

Join us is celebrating the top 13 articles from your 'Samhain' section here at Witchvox. - Also check out: Samhain Events in your town.

You Call It Hallowe'en... We Call It Samhain by Peg Aloi [Wvox Sponsor] [326,592 ]

A Brief History of Hallowe'en by Christina Aubin [Wvox Sponsor] [265,207 ]

Satanic Panic and Black Cats by Wren [Wvox Sponsor] [71,645 ]

The Lore of the Door by Wren [Wvox Sponsor] [46,750 ]

Samhain Night by Wren [Wvox Sponsor] [28,398 ]

The Mighty Dead, the Beloved Dead and Us by M Macha Nightmare [Wvox Sponsor] [25,054 ]

The Silver Bough, and Samhain in a Stone Circle by Peg Aloi [Wvox Sponsor] [23,734 ]

My Samhain - by Mark Sosnowski by Moonspider [Wvox Sponsor] [20,876 ]

Hearken Now, The Darkness Comes! - by Lark by Lark [Wvox Sponsor] [20,554 ]

Why I Love Samhain by M Macha Nightmare [Wvox Sponsor] [17,422 ]

Ancestors by Christina Aubin [Wvox Sponsor] [16,298 ]

Samhain in the Shadow of Halloween by Lady Abigail Welcher [Wvox Sponsor] [13,038 ]

Making the Most of Samhain's Inner Voice by Asradel [Wvox Sponsor] [10,186 ]

Also check out: The Real Origins of Halloween and Halloween Errors and Lies by Isaac Bonewits

This Moon Cycle at Witchvox....

Intro: Pagans, Heathens and Recons by Wren [454,970 reads]

A Brief Introduction:The following introduction is offered here to help to dispel many of the myths surrounding Neo-paganism, Witchcraft and the Heathen and Reconstructionist religions. The ways of many Neo-Pagan traditions, religions and groups, as well as some of the Heathen and Reconstructionist religions, are described in even more detail on various other pages on this Web site and elsewhere on the net.... [more]

Transitioning by Lady GoldenRaven [3,435 reads]

Hello to all you Crone Wytches out there from another Crone Wytch. I am High Priestess of Circle of the Autumn Winds and I never gave a thought to what would happen when I was unable to prepare for ritual and feast. You see, I am fifty-four years old and I have fibromyalgia. I am also a one year, eleven month cancer-free survivor. There are times I feel like I am ninety.During my stay in the hospital, Yule was fast approaching. I always h... [more]

The White Goddess: A Seminal Work in the Neo-Wiccan Movement. by Sorbus [2,733 reads]

One of the most important works in the modern Wiccan movement is this complex book. It is the first book I bought on the path that led my spiritual curiosity to Wicca. I bought my now very tired copy at my college bookstore on a whim back in 1981 or 82. The title intrigued me. Who was this Goddess and what did she have to do with poetry? Some time later I put the book down with a half-baked notion of what the hell Graves was talking about. Much o... [more]

The Sacred Ego in Mediterranean Magical Traditions by Kedeshim [2,443 reads]

Hubris gets bandied around a lot in revivals or reconstructions of Hellenic, Hellenistic, and Roman polytheism. It has been conveyed one of the most reprehensible crimes or impure actions one can make. In the lore, acting from hubris generally resulted in the Fates stepping in, overriding the Gods in some cases, and the guilty party getting their ass served to Kereberos.Needless to say, it has become popular to levy accusations of hubris ... [more]

Herbal Astrology by Ellen Evert Hopman [2,490 reads]

“When I see the new Moon, It becomes me to lift mine eye, It becomes me to bend my knee, It becomes me to bow my head.Giving thee praise, Thou Moon of guidance, That I have seen thee again…”--Traditional, Carmina Gadelica 287, orally collected in the Highlands and islands of Scotland by Alexander Carmichael in 1900.“But if he (the physician) does not know the world, nor the elements or the firmament, how shoul... [more]

Parting the Veils of Beltane's Quickening by Robin Fennelly [Wvox Sponsor] [1,619 reads]

The Great Wheel of the Witch’s year has turned once more and we find ourselves held within the magick of creation itself. The Sabbat of Beltane celebrates the sacred union of the God and Goddess and the potential for new life that is held in that act. The Goddess is the Maiden of Spring who is ready to take a lover. And, the God is the Youth, strong and potent in his fecundity. His gifts are those of the strengthening of the solar energies and, H... [more]

Beltane and Sex Magic by Red Dragon [Wvox Sponsor] [1,533 reads]

Organized religion has dealt a low blow to sexual pleasure over the centuries. Both men and women, although mostly women, have struggled at the very least to keep their sensuality and sex-lives intact. If we’re especially diligent, we’ve managed to achieve Sex Magic! So, this Spring, this Beltane, let’s honor our beautiful, juicy selves, regardless of our age, and consider for a few moments here how glorious our pleasure-seeking eroticism can be ... [more]

Tarot Talk: the Ace of Swords by Ignacio Ceja [Wvox Sponsor] [2,072 reads]

The Aces of the tarot represent the beginnings of things. They are the seeds of power for their representative suits. Swords can be a troublesome. They are associated with knights, pirates, and officers in the military (the sword in one form or another is still part of the modern military officer’s uniform) . They are weapons of war, and symbols of peace. They were once the not-so-concealed firearms of their time. The Ace of Swords represents tho... [more]

Yule-Tide Reflections by Alfred Willowhawk, DMsc, RMT, CTM, Shaman [Wvox Sponsor] [2,361 reads]

As the Sun King has returned I think on all that has happened the past solar year. It has been a year of much change for many others and me. Some apparently positive and some apparently negative. Of course as a Warrior of the New Millennium I attach no judgment to these changes. I have seen much evidence of release of the Piscean Age’s grip on the now Aquarian Age world. I can only truly speak for myself and as I sit here after Solar Retu... [more]

Also Featured...
  • Sin Eaters and Dream Walkers by Shion Flame [2,274 reads]

    My recent dreams of a human with an odd gift have lent inspiration to begin this article. The dream begins on the outskirts of the woods. A woman lives in a small cabin and her face is kept hidden beneath a tattered cloth. She spends time with animals more than people who keep their eyes to the ground in fear of her. They came to her when they were troubled or a relative had recently passed away. As the observer in the dream, I thought I was look... [more]

  • On Cursing: Politics and Ethos by Kedeshim [2,240 reads]

    Most of what passes for Occultism in general and Witchcraft in particular is a shallow, ineffectual caricature of the Art. We could fault the good intentions of folks in the early era of the Revival, who erred on a good image and public relations. We could fault the current culture of instant gratification without hard-ass, sweaty, bone-whitening work. Or we could fault a host of other factors (or combination thereof) . And, truthfully, it is OK:... [more]

  • A Distant Thunder: Should You Care? by Sorbus [2,472 reads]

    I sure hope I am wrong about this. However I’m a student of history, and recent history is looking like an eerie mirror of a process which happened in my parent’s and grand parent’s lifetime. You see, I grew up in the shadow of the holocaust. The family I grew up in saw terrible things done to fellow humanity and the lessons have stuck.Even though I was lucky enough never had to directly experience the raw hatred and upheaval this period ... [more]

  • Tarot Talk: the Knight of Pentacles by Ignacio Ceja [Wvox Sponsor] [1,645 reads]

    Knights are the embodiment of elemental fire within the Royal court. The Knight of Pentacles is the fiery aspect of earth. Knights are trained and educated fighters who go on quests, winning and conquering, although not always with a sword. Knights are characters of action. The Knight of Pentacles seems to be the opposite of his contemporaries. In the Rider-Waite inspired decks, he* sits upright on a horse that is going nowhere. He holds a pentac... [more]

  • The Gray of 'Tween by Merideth Allyn [4,571 reads]

    It is gray. Everything is gray, and it feels a moody, heavy, wooden gray, and it is ice cold like gun metal inside and out. The white paper birches look misty gray, and old, and gray snow blankets the frozen grass, making it look leaden and colder than the twenty-three degrees it actually is during this late ‘tween time of day in the early ‘tween time of year. February. But no yellow crocus emerge from the frigid ground, regardless the fact that ... [more]

  • Becoming a Sacred Dancer by Lady Haight-Ashton (Lady Lilith) [Wvox Sponsor] [4,193 reads]

    What is the allure for a dancer to embrace the sacred within? Is it just simply a moment in time or an experience that influences our destiny? Do the Muses push us toward our path? I believe we are all dancers in our hearts. Our bodies feel rhythms to which most of us will move our heads, others tap their feet while some of us release our inhibitions and let our bodies move in rhythmic expression. Dance movement gives us a creative connection to ... [more]

  • Little Dog, Big Love by The Redneck Pagan [1,814 reads]

    This weekend was a hard one; I had to face a death. This death was so little in the cosmic scale, so seemingly unimportant and so simple and average that it shall not be thought of by more than a tiny handful of people. And yet is so immensely heart wrenching that I am haunted a little by it. The death is that of a tiny ball of fluff, a little mutt of a dog who at 16 years slipped out of this life. The little dog isn't my dog, but was the dog of ... [more]

    • Samhain and the 'Witch Questions' by Lady Abigail Welcher [6,474 reads]

      It’s almost Samhain and here they come again, the WITCH Questions.Have you ever noticed, that as fall begins and our energies surge within the mystic powers of Samhain, people want to ask us questions about our beliefs? But not so much those that would bring understanding, but …“Why?” Why we are the way we are and what made us this way? Like something happened to make us Witches. Most questions I have heard and honestly don’t mind answeri... [more]

    • Witch? by Lavender Sage [1,963 reads]

      What would you call me?I'm just now realizing that for as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in all things deemed, "witchy". As a child, I remember while other girls my age were playing house with their dolls, I would be out collecting rocks and crystals. While they were playing games of tag; catch, and Red Rover; I would be playing under the trees in the densely wooded areas near our house; totally unafraid to ... [more]

    • The WICA Tradition (a.k.a. The New York WICA Tradition) by Lucian [1,740 reads]

      HistoryThe WICA Tradition (or New York WICA Tradition) was established by Edmund Buczynski (Lord Gwydion) in the early 70s. Gwydion was elevated to 3* by a high priestess named Sira into the Gardnerian Tradition-Kentucky Line. He went on with his working partner, Hela, to establish a Gardnerian coven. The coven thrived. However, due to internal politics of the Gardnerian Tradition at the time, Rosemary Buckland and Judy Kneitel inv... [more]

    Coming Next Moon Cycle...

    Recent Book Release...

    The Witches' Runes

    Author: Dana Corby

    Category: Non-Fiction/How-To   Level: Beginner

    Learn how to make and use The Witches’ Runes, and hold the unseen in the palm of your hand! This beautiful little book was privately distributed for 25 years and is now available on Amazon as a paperback or Kindle for the first time. A traditional divination system that uses symbols from a number of folk and alchemical traditions and has been in use in the U.S. for half a century. Simple, profound, powerful and intimate!

    "Ever since I read your article about this system in the Crystal Well back in about 1975, I have made and been using your Runestones and I have great success with ... Impressions: 4,067

    [Full Book Profile]   [Author's Website]  

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