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Where the Blue Wave Hit a Red Wall

Progressives picked up some sweet victories, but Election Day also brought some sobering lessons.

D.D. Guttenplan


A New Generation of Activists Is in the House

And they beat the GOP in the only truly national competition this fall.

John Nichols

Last Night, the Feminist Insurgency Hit the Polls—and Now It’s Headed to Congress

Women candidates won big—and a larger proportion of women voters went more Democratic than in any midterms before.

Joan Walsh

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You That Wasn’t A Blue Wave

If Democrats enjoyed the same structural advantages as Republicans, Tuesday’s vote would have been a tsunami.

Joshua Holland
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From the Magazine


Social Media Reveal the Story Arc Republicans Used to Defend Kavanaugh

A consistent message framed by a core American value crowded out credible allegations.

Alan Rosenblatt, PhD and Celinda Lake

Originalism Is a White-Supremacist Scam

Republicans made a con man president, but he just exposed their longest-running con.

Madiba Dennie

Winning the House, Democrats Vow to Check and Balance Trump

Nancy Pelosi, Elijah Cummings, and Jerry Nadler now have the power to hold the president to account.

John Nichols


Why Is WWE Creating Propaganda for Saudi Arabia?

Friday’s Crown Jewel in Riyadh will likely be another infomercial for the monarchy disguised as pro wrestling.

David Bixenspan

Why the Refugee Caravan Is So Big—and What We Need to Do About It

“Central America just couldn’t take it anymore.”

Laura Carlsen

In France, Is the #MeToo Movement Passé?

The idea that seduction is part of French national identity is blocking critical reflection on power, sex, and liberation.

Karina Piser


Can You Copyright a Quilt?

Long after their iconic American quilts caught the art world's attention, the Gee's Bend artisans are taking control of their legacy.

Alexandra Marvar

Studs Terkel Made Oral History

Ten years after his death, Terkel’s voice is still a vivid part of our shared experience.

Peter Dreier

Conspiracy Theories Are Not Entertainment

New York’s art world explores the paranoia haunting American politics.

Zachary Small

Watch and Listen

Listen: Can Women Voters Turn America Blue?

Katrina vanden Heuvel, Joan Walsh, and Cecile Richards on women voters, Ari Berman on vote suppression, and Gary Younge on the Midwest.

November 1, 2018

Watch: These Tenants Are Leading the Largest Rent Strike in LA History

Residents of three buildings in Central Los Angeles are refusing to pay rent until their landlord agrees to fair rent increases.

August 20, 2018

Watch: More Dangerous Than a Thousand Rioters: The Revolutionary Life of Lucy Parsons

What we can learn from one of the great organizers in American history.

November 15, 2016


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